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An update on the National Smartcard Project Mick Davies – Strategic Consultant for London Connects Leading the Standards work package on the National project.

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Presentation on theme: "An update on the National Smartcard Project Mick Davies – Strategic Consultant for London Connects Leading the Standards work package on the National project."— Presentation transcript:

1 An update on the National Smartcard Project Mick Davies – Strategic Consultant for London Connects Leading the Standards work package on the National project Interim Chair – LASSEO, the Local Authority smartcard standards body Member of the Core Group - National Smartcard Networking Forum

2 The National project Where did it spring from? What is it for? Who are the key players? Who else is involved? What does the project look like? What have we done so far? What will we do next? What we are waiting for?

3 Project Genesis – or Where did it spring from? The ODPM round table –Organised by Janice Morphet –Attended by many –Workstreams outlined and agreed –Responsibility for lead authority for each workstream –Went away to get on with producing a bid for a smartcard project

4 Project objectives – or What is it for? We wanted to bring together the knowledge and expertise of a number of local authorities and Central Government departments, including Pathfinder authorities, to provide a framework and foundation that will drive ongoing development within the Smartcard market. We will create a number of key deliverables to ensure that all local authorities can benefit from the experience of others.

5 The leading players Bracknell Forest – Project sponsor, Accountable body, Admin & project management Southampton – Commercial Applications & Business Case Cornwall – Starter pack North East (NERSC) – Procurement models London Connects – Standards through LASSEO Newham – Legal and data privacy Bolton – Cross region delivery South Bucks – Dissemination through NSCNF DfES – Links to central Gov & national initiatives PLUS the ODPM

6 Involvement of others Smartcard forums, standards groups, consultancy & technical support (NSCNF, LASSEO, ITSO, LDA, ALCO) Central Government (Transport, Health, Home Office, e- Envoy, etc) Other Regions (West Midlands, NWeGG, ACTVAR, etc) Other authorities (Windsor & Maidenhead, Cambridgeshire, Doncaster, Sheffield)

7 The work packages 1.Project Management - Helen Style - Bracknell Forest Borough Council 2.Business Case / Model Rob Gair - Southampton City Council 3.Standards - Mick Davies London Connects 4.Procurement Models - John Littleton NERSC 5.Links to Central Government and other National Initiatives - DfES Wendy Violentano 6.Commercial Applications - Rob Gair Southampton City Council 7.Cross Region Delivery Applications – E-purse, Transport & Authentication - Sue Devlin Bolton MBC 8.Legal/Data Privacy - Steve Pennant London Borough of Newham 9.The Smartcard Starter Pack - Roy Cosway Cornwall County Council 10.Dissemination - Linda Grange South Bucks DC (using the National Smart Card Networking Forum)

8 Deliverables(1) Business cases including social, political and commercial considerations Sustainable business models Sustainable financial models Publish a standards framework to support other recognised standards A best practice compendium and set of guidelines for Local Authorities, Central Government, and other players in the Smartcard arena to support the use of smartcards in local government

9 Deliverables(2) Procurement Best Practice Guidance Manual for public service Smartcard scheme procurement, including initial draft model setting out conditions of contract for joint procurements Identification of purchasing channels suitable for use by local authorities Identification of links and involvement of all relevant central government departments in the delivery of Smartcard services. This will be a mapping exercise. Report on commercial applications including benefits and potential costs A number of trials or pilots that will be used to test new ideas or concepts and validate previously trialed work

10 Deliverables(3) A report which identifies the legal issues and recommendations for ensuring that Smartcard activities are legal and acceptable risk Toolkits, which can be used to promulgate best practice to authorities and partners taking on Smartcard schemes A Smartcard starter package that can be picked up by any other local authority and used to deliver a Smartcard scheme in their area quickly and cost- effectively Consultancy support provided by the National Smartcard Project to support other local authorities in the development of Smartcard initiatives Dissemination and communication mechanism through the National Smartcard Networking Forum

11 What have we done so far? We have quickly formed a strong working group We have organised ourselves, met and developed project proposals against very tight timescales We have produced a costed first draft for the ODPM and reacted quickly to feedback We have responded to specific issues raised by our ODPM project sponsor about finance, project accountability and administration We have produced a fuller second draft for the ODPM

12 What we are going to do next We are poised to start work on each of the workstreams We are establishing links, additional partners, sources of expertise, etc We are working through the governance aspects of the project We are reviewing the content and funding needed for each work stream

13 What we are waiting for? We have been given informal encouragement but we need : Contact from other interested bodies Formal approval of the project… and most importantly… Formal announcement of the funding

14 For further information contact Michael Gates: or any of the workstream leaders

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