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INTRODUCTION to SAIF and Sound: Fast Track to Standard Development Leveraging rigorous process to accelerate standard development and approval through.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION to SAIF and Sound: Fast Track to Standard Development Leveraging rigorous process to accelerate standard development and approval through."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRODUCTION to SAIF and Sound: Fast Track to Standard Development Leveraging rigorous process to accelerate standard development and approval through predictable and repeatable processes (Draft Proposal) 1

2 Impact of SAIF on Project Services Issues Opportunities Pathway to SAIF Adoption 2

3 Issues SAIF adoption raises challenges ◦Change management ◦Cultural changes ◦Migration of existing artifacts Voluntary HDF adoption has not worked HL7 V3 change request process is fragmented Veteran HL7 developers have expressed concern that introducing new processes and introduction of project management will slow down development of standard 3

4 Opportunity Leverage HL7 expertise to migrate to SAIF ◦Evolution rather than revolution ◦Project management ◦Domain analysis ◦V3 Design ◦Well-defined ballot process (GOM) Stage the SAIF models into iterative milestones Leveraging project management Leverage informative and “for comment” ballots to validate scope and requirements ◦Ballot Conceptual/Domain Analysis Models ◦Stage ballots for optimal engagement with HL7 members and stakeholders 4

5 The ECCF Specification Stack Topic Specification Enterprise / Business Viewpoint Information Viewpoint Computational Viewpoint Engineering Viewpoint Conceptual Model (HDF DAM) Domain Analysis (Business) Model Domain Analysis (Information) Model Domain Analysis (System Interactions) Existing Platform capabilities Platform- Independent Model (HL7 Std Design) Business Governance Design Information Model, Constrained Information Model, Localized Information Model, Hierarchical Message Definition Collaboration Types, Interface Specification and Functional Groups, Interaction Types and Collaboration Participations, Contracts Parts Existing Platform models, libraries, etc. Platform- Specific Model (ITS) Rules, ProceduresLocalized Information Model, Transforms, Schema Collaboration scripts, Orchestrations, Realized Interfaces Execution Context, Platform Bindings, Deployment Model Critical to interoperability stds. Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) RM-ODP

6 6 Domain Analysis Design Implem entation Conceptual Model Platform Independent Model Platform Specific Model HDFPLCPDSAIF Analysis Design ITS DIM Ballot DAM Choice Draft Normative Project Life Cycle for Product Development (PLCPD) HL7 Development Framework (HDF) Services Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF) Domain Analysis Model Design Info Model Implementation Technology Spec.

7 7 Domain Analysis Design Conceptual Model Platform Independent Model Platform Specific Model HDFPLCPDSAIF Analysis Design ITS DIM Ballot DAM Choice Project Management MethodologyArchitecture Implem entation ProcessMilestones Artifact Specification

8 8 Domain Analysis Design Conceptual Model Platform Independent Model Platform Specific Model HDFPLCPDSAIF Analysis Design PSM PIM Ballot CIM/ Conceptual Choice SAIF Adoption Implem entation DAM  CIM DIM  PIM ITS  PSM

9 SAIF Adoption We need definitions of SAIF artifacts: ◦Required artifacts and models  Relevant view-points only ◦Optional artifacts and models  PSM?  Are they reusable? We need publication/ballotable examples of SAIF artifacts We need to revise the process definitions in the HDF and reference the new artifacts specified by SAIF 9

10 10 Analysis Milestone Domain AnalysisDesign Reconcile Analysis Design Milestone PIM Ballot Conceptual I2 I1 Ballot Conceptual I1 PSM PIM Ballot Conceptual I2 DSTU1 Reconcile Design Implementation Specification Draft Milestone Trial JanuaryMaySeptember RIM or Vocabulary Harmonization

11 11 Normative Milestone Reconcile Publication Milestone PSM PIM Normative Edition Conceptual I2 Training DSTU issues collected PSM Ballot N1

12 12 SeptemberMayJanuary AprilJulyAugust November RIM Enhancements for next year RIM and Vocabulary Harmonization Cycles HL7 Normative Ballot September New content Harmonization + RIM Balloting

13 Harmonization Needs 13 Harmonization Need RIM Change Proposal Vocabulary Change Proposal Leads to RIM revision (Normative ballot) Used to update the Vocabulary reference

14 HL7 Normative Ballot 14 September MayJanuary RIM Change Proposal Collection HL7 Normative Ballot September APPROVAL @ September WGM Technical Reviews replace Harmonization meetings Frequency: three times per year Draft RIM Change Control Process Draft RIM Change Control Process Work group technical review Publish RIM Changes for next year Harmonization

15 15 SeptemberMayJanuary Vocabulary Change Proposal Collection September Technical Reviews precede Harmonization meetings Frequency: three times per year Work group technical review Draft Vocabulary Change Control Process Draft Vocabulary Change Control Process Harmonization Publish approved changes Projects apply changes

16 Sponsor: Project Services Work Group (PSWG) Please direct comments to: If you are not subscribed to the PSWG list, contact Co-chairs Rick Haddorff ( or Freida Hall ( Please join us Thursday Quarter 3 Xxxxx

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