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Mobilizing for War World War II. Finding Soldiers Draft was reinstated in 1940; prior to Pearl Harbor attack “I wanted to be in it. I was fifteen…I lied.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobilizing for War World War II. Finding Soldiers Draft was reinstated in 1940; prior to Pearl Harbor attack “I wanted to be in it. I was fifteen…I lied."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobilizing for War World War II

2 Finding Soldiers Draft was reinstated in 1940; prior to Pearl Harbor attack “I wanted to be in it. I was fifteen…I lied about my age and tried to get in 43’. I was sixteen now. My mother wouldn’t sign. …Then I figured…you’re gonna be two years training, the war we’ll be over. Go into the Marine Corps.” Sixteen million Americans would enter armed forces Additional Information:

3 Women and the War

4 Women and the Armed Forces WAVES: Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service  Clerical work for the Navy  10,000 Women WASPs: Women Air Force Service Pilots  Tested and delivered aircrafts  1000 women participated  40 women died serving country

5 Women and the Armed Forces WAC: Women’s Army Corps  150,000 women, largest women’s unit  Not part of the army but work with the army  Repaired equipment, worked as electricians, and performed many other jobs How does WWII effect American Industry?

6 Rosie the Riveter Cultural icon

7 The Original Rosie


9 New Military Bases Military buildup transformed many parts of the country. California = military bases Florida = military training Texas = military training and internment camps  50,000 Germans, Italians, Japanese prisoners

10 Camp Kilmer

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