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Course Introduction Object-oriented Programming. 2 Course information Credit points: 3 Lectures: 15x2 hours; Lab: 15 sections Lecturer:  Trần Thị Minh.

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1 Course Introduction Object-oriented Programming

2 2 Course information Credit points: 3 Lectures: 15x2 hours; Lab: 15 sections Lecturer:  Trần Thị Minh Châu Lab instructor:  Nguyễn Duy Khương

3 3 Pre-requisites Fundamental knowledge of programming  Basic data types, arrays, strings, pointers..  Procedural programming skills  Basic algorithms: sorting, searching,.. Good programming style (comments, indentation, naming..)

4 4 Contents Introduction to object-oriented programming Introduction to Java programming language Inheritance Polymorphism Exception handling Input/output streams Object-oriented design

5 5 Readings Main references  Lecture notes (*)  Deitel & Deitel, Java how to program, 5 th ed., 2003.  Horstmann et al, Core Java 2 (*) Further readings  Erich Gamma, Design Patterns, Addison Wesley (*)  … (*) downloadable from course website.

6 6 Course website URL   (forum) Contents:  Lecture notes, assignments, lab exercises, announcements, …students are responsible to get up-to-date information from the website.  Students use their own account to access discussion board

7 7 Programming environment JDK on MS Windows and Linux  Students are required to compile and run using command-line environment.  Editors: any text editors Notepad++ Other tools and development envinronment (optional)  Eclipse (available in labs)  jCreator  NetBean Note: Assignments will be compiled and run using command-line environment ONLY.

8 8 Assesment Final exam: 60%, closed-book, written test Midterm exam: 10%, closed-book, written test Assignments: 30%  02 assignments (10%+ 20%)  Late submission (without valid excuse): zero mark. Weekly lab exercises / homework: (-10%  0%)  Bad performance will result in up to 10% OFF. Plagiarism will result in an immediate FAIL! ZERO for conclusion mark, no exam retake. Subjected to change.

9 Lab exercices & Homework Lab exercices:  Complete work should be shown to the lab instructor  ALL work must be electronically submitted to the course website Homework:  given after each topic (at the end of a.PPT)  submitted in hand-written form at the beginning of the following lectures.

10 10 Code of Honor Discussion is encouraged, but work must be done independently. Source code taken from other people's work (not other students) must be explicitly acknowledged Violation of the code will lead to immediate failure of the course In a nutshell: No plagiarism!

11 11 Final notes The course will not go into GUI, event-driven programming Not a course on Java programming: syntax, applet, servlet, network programming, … Self-study is a MUST Beware: Lecturers/Instructors might be wrong and do not know all. Code of conduct  Respect other people.  Be self-responsible.  No question is stupid.

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