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Changing the way europe provides heat and electricity for a sustainable future.

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Presentation on theme: "Changing the way europe provides heat and electricity for a sustainable future."— Presentation transcript:

1 changing the way europe provides heat and electricity for a sustainable future

2 CODE 2 The National and European Cogeneration Roadmaps 2030 (WP2 and WP5) – the CODE2 roadmap involves all of: –market –policy –Awareness (social actors) Aim, tasks, schedule and deliverables Work division

3 Roadmaps What is the CHP potential and how do we trigger action in Europe on CHP? 1)Where Member State has motivation. What is driving that motivation today? 2)Where there is no motivation… *Mobilise industry and other sectors building on stated agendas which CHP enables *Create the champion among policy makers and influencers


5 Background material includes………. The Aalborg study on DH The UK heat mapping exercise and the Danish heat mapping exercise All the 2050 Roadmap work in the primes model and impact assessment All the EED background work including the impact assessment All official Member State reports on CHP Member State action plans under RES CODE website

6 Background for the roadmap Choose model cases from across Europe of successful policy from Member States. Identify the enabling factors that make them work Assess awareness of CHP as a possible EE solution in different Member States by (?). Defining the countries with high and low awareness… How has this come about? Compile a reference list of industries and sectors with an “own culture” of CHP include at least industrial, commercial and DH All of the above become the best practise cases of CHP in Europe against which to compare each Member States current position

7 Background for the roadmap An extended contact list of key individuals covering the three thematic groups (awareness raising, policy makers and market growth) will be developed.

8 How to put together the roadmap: Stage 1 Using the basis of the CODE roadmap for Germany, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Poland, Belgium (Flanders) and Slovenia: Collect numbers: all published data on CHP potential including bio-CHP (RES plan) and micro-CHP for that Member State (2030, with milestone at 2020) Review policy: Compare policy approach (listed already in CODE) to applicable best practise cases. What’s missing? How can the EED and the process of its implementation help? Assess market potential: what sectors could be using more CHP?

9 How to put together the road map: Stage 1 Awareness: What is the awareness level of CHP in the country compared to best practise cases? Is there a national champion in any of the key sectors? Moving to action: What is the first step to mobilise awareness, activate policy makers and draw in industry?

10 Analysing the EED: Stage 2 Commission guidelines available in October 2012 COGEN working group assessment in September Heating and Cooling Pans... the detail Cost-benefit analysis at the national level at the project level? Grid connection barrier removal

11 Putting the draft roadmaps together: Stage 3 1. Develop the basic structure of the National Cogeneration Roadmap (COGEN Europe lead with input from partners) and dialogue with national experts *Establish contact with national representatives, national experts supporters. *One-on-one meetings in September 2012 introducing the project *Review Roadmap with national experts *Introduce project to key regional/city players *Contact SME organisations for involvement

12 Putting the draft roadmaps together : 2. Analysis of the level of awareness in best practise examples of CHP growth (October 2012) *Develop case study for region based on two best practise cases. Use as the best practise benchmark for awareness in developing roadmaps for the Member States. Includes Industry (economic case and successes), policy that is working, and interaction between these. *Engage with cities *Analyse cost benefit *Impact of local planning

13 Putting the draft roadmaps together: 3. Complete the potentials for bio-CHP and micro-CHP in the existing 27 national potentials assessments (as developed by the CODE project). Bio-energy CHP opportunity Micro-CHP opportunity 4. Develop the proposals for each of the 7 pilot Member States according to the basic structure. First drafts of final Roadmaps for the remaining 20 Member States

14 Deliverables from WP2 D2.1 Case studies showing awareness of CHP in each region D2.2 Structure for the National Cogeneration Roadmap D2.3 Detailed draft Roadmaps for the seven pilot Member States D2.4 First drafts of final Roadmaps for remaining 20 Member States D2.5 European Report on potential of micro-CHP in EU27 D2.6 European Report on potential of bio-energy CHP in EU27

15 WP5: Development of a European Cogeneration Roadmap 27 National Roadmaps updated and reviewed (workshops and input from national experts) (Task: Regional leaders) Summarise the numbers into one European Roadmap, highlighting the best practises in the regions, and the necessary interactions awareness/policy/industry identified. (Task: COGEN) EU policy report (COGEN) Delivery to key groups of policy makers and influencers Brussels and Member States (task: all).


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