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Agenda9/11/13  Do Now  Display your name tag and log into your computer  Pre-Assessment Test  Info and Interests  Syllabus and Course Expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda9/11/13  Do Now  Display your name tag and log into your computer  Pre-Assessment Test  Info and Interests  Syllabus and Course Expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda9/11/13  Do Now  Display your name tag and log into your computer  Pre-Assessment Test  Info and Interests  Syllabus and Course Expectations  Opening School Email

2 Agenda9/13/13 Do Now: Display nametag and log into your new SB students mail account – Agenda: Explore new school email Explore Google Drive Create classroom folder  Closure: What topics on the pre-assessment were you familiar with? What were new words?  Homework: Log into your school email from home and your Google Drive

3 Email Me  Once you are logged on send an email to my gmail account:  In the email include the following.  Subject: Intro to Web Design 2B  Body: Hi, my name is ___________.

4 9/17/13 Do Now: Display your name tags and answer the following in your binders: Why do you feel some websites are good? Why do you feel some websites are bad?

5 9/17/13 Agenda:  Create Shared Folder  Discuss Quality on Two Websites  Rate Websites  Clousure: Journal Analysis

6 Shared Folder9/17/13 In a new Microsoft Word document list the following: Your first and last name Your favorite snack Your favorite pizza topping Your favorite movie Your favorite TV show

7 Rate Websites9/17/13 Using the Cyberguide Ratings for Website Design rate the following website:

8 Do Now9/19/13 Using the Cyberguide Ratings for Website Design rate the following website:

9 Agenda9/19/13  Check Comments and Grades  Rate Websites using the Cyberguide Ratings  Journal: Two positive and negative aspects commonly found in websites  Discuss XHTML Coding

10 Rate Websites9/19/13 Using the Cyberguide Ratings for Website Design rate the following website:

11 Journal Analysis9/19/13 Write a journal post in Microsoft Word on your analysis. Explain two aspects of a website you feel are important to making a quality site. (One paragraph each.) Explain two aspects of a website you feel are not good in making a quality site. (One paragraph each.) Save as 'Journal 1 – Website Analysis' and upload to your shared folder.

12 Markup Languages9/19/13 Markup Language – uses tags, or special sequences of characters, to tell a program how to interpret a text file. HTML – Hypertext Markup Language is the markup language that was used to build many of the first sites on the Web.

13 Markup Languages9/19/13 XHTML – Extensible Hypertext Markup Language is considered to be a reinvention of HTML, with additional rules. Tag – tells a browser how and where to display text and images on a Web page. Text in a tag appears between two angle brackets (<>). This tells the Web browser how to display a pages content.

14 Markup Languages9/19/13 Start Tag – a tag that begins the code for a function in markup languages. It is denoted with the angle brackets (<>). End Tag – a tag that ends the code for a function in markup languages. It is denoted with the angle brackets and a backslash after the open angle bracket ( ).

15 Activity9/19/13 Create another webpage with “(Your First Name)’s Favorites List” as the header. Then make three lists of your top ten musical artists, TV shows, and movies. Then write in a paragraph what you chose for your number 1 picks in each category and why they are your favorites.

16 9/25/13 Do Now: Study for HTML Vocabulary Quiz Agenda: HTML Vocabulary Quiz Finish Favorites Lists Activity: 2013 Emmy Awards Tags for Basic Formatting Giving Your Page a Title Closure: What are the tags you have learned so far in this class?

17 Agenda9/27/13 Do Now: Open a new google document and create a list of tags you have learned so far. Finish 2013 Emmy Awards List Tags for Basic Formatting Giving Your Page a Title Activity: Current Event Closure: What are the tags you have learned so far in this class?

18 Activity9/27/13 Current Event Find a current event online from any site that reports current news. Create an HTML file summarizing the story. Be sure to use all the tags we have learned so far including: Paragraph, header, lists, bold, italicize, underline, and title.

19 Do Now10/1/13 Finish working on Your Current Event Activity Find a current event online from any site that reports current news. Create an HTML file summarizing the story. Be sure to use all the tags we have learned so far including: Paragraph, header, lists, bold, italicize, underline, and title.

20 Agenda10/1/13 Do Now: Finish working on Your Current Event Activity Review Basic Formatting and Title Tags Add to Google Document Tags List Tips on How to Conserve Battery Life Working Backwards Activity Closure: How do you like learning XHTML so far?

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