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By Idil Gulec and Roos Kraaijveld 9F
Content What is the MRI scan? The problem and the history
The procedure and how it works Magnets in the MRI scan The different colours Social effects Economical effects Summary of how it effects society Facts Idil
What is the MRI scan? The MRI scan is a scan which is used to detect hydrogen in your body. With this we can see the damaged tissue very detailed. The MRI scan uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves. This is what they use in hospitals to see the brain and spinal cord in detail. Idil
Did not have MRI in past If hurt, people would not know what’s wrong inside of them Made MRI in 1950, uses strong magnetic fields You can see brain and spine in detail Able to know what is wrong with you, and get cured before it becomes worse Raymond v. Damadian first to invent MRI scan Paul Lauterbur developed the idea of using MRI scan to show whole body. Lauterfur was first to come up with full body scan and first to test. Lauterfur developed MRI by using gradient magnets to see certain body parts clearer Sir Peter Mansfield came up with mathematical way of making images strong and clear. Idil
WHAT HAPPENS INSIDE THE MRI? Atoms are at random and spinning when MRI is not on MRI scan is turned on. Atoms align either North or South. There are a few unmatched atoms. Radio frequency is turned off. Unmatched atoms turn other way. This affects body’s atoms, nuclei moves into a different position Radio frequency is turned off and atoms send out their own radio waves Energy signals are send to computer. Computer translates signals into image using a mathematical formula. Instructions: Lie on motorised bed. Slowly move into ‘bore’. MRI scan scans you head to toe. MRI scan send to computer. Procedure is finished. Roos
RESISTIVE MAGNETS Always have a magnetic field Heavy Cheap Weak in power Made in different formats Together with resistive magnets, make a intense stable magnetic field around the patient. Superconducting (able to conduct at extreme temperatures) Lack liquid helium Need a lot of electricity and a cooling system (which may cost a lot – this is a disadvantage) Many coils around wire, electricity passes though which creates a magnetic field. Lower strength Lets different parts of the body to be scanned Allow the magnetic field to be altered Allow slices of body to be created Roos
THE DIFFERENT COLOURS When you lie in the MRI it sends signals to the computer which shows an image Not everything is black and white, MRI scan has technique of showing contrasts of grayscales Author Gary Zabow said: ‘This is like a coloured tag for MRI’ He says different sets of magnets show different colours Make difference colours to help doctors, then they can see healthy or infected cells. For example if the infected cells are blue and the non infect red you can separate them and keep track of the blue cells and see how they behave inside your body. Idil
Shows damaged tissue – MRI scan detects hydrogen in your body so it is shown by colours No exposure to radiation – so unlike other scans, the MRI scan is safe to use for pregnant people Can provide information about inside of body (blood flow, blockages etc) – MRI shows ‘slices’ of body, doctors will be able to notices blockages in your system. Kidney damage possible after gadolinium – before you have the MRI scan you take injection called ‘gadolinium’. If you have had kidney damage in the past you can get Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) which is a disease of hardening of skin and joints that cannot be cured Expensive ($1,000,000) – due to expensive magnets and scans will also be expensive, depending which country you take the scan in. In the UK it costs around £250, and in the US around $1000 Causes noise whilst in machine – a hammering noise, due to rising electrical current in the wires of gradient magnets being opposed by the main magnetic field. Noise gets louder when main field gets stronger. Image can be affected by movement – something as small as a sneeze or a cough can distort the image. This may be uncomfortable since you have to lie in the MRI scan for minutes People with claustrophobia, or obesity cannot use MRI scan. – the bore is too small, where obese people will not fit and people with claustrophobia will be extremely uncomfortable Roos
EFFECTS ON SOCIETY The MRI scan does affect a lot on how our lives have developed. It has helped people cure from all over the world, because this is the best possible medication. It helps doctors cure you because they can see what is wrong inside your body and know the correct medication for you. This is also a big advantage for hospitals, because they will earn more money and more people will come to that hospital when help is needed with brain or spinal cord. It takes a huge step for the development of medicine. It will also help scientist, because the scientists might keep on adding new inventions to the MRI (for example showing the different shades on pictures) which might lead to another wonderful invention which will help hospitals and people get cured. Idil
The MRI machine has had many effects on society. It is such an advanced piece of technology that it is used all over the world. The MRI scan has also had many economical effects. It has given companies such as Philips an advantage to make those $1,000,000 machines, and profit of it immensely. If insurance approves expensive scans (where the price depends on what country you live in), diseases such as brain tumour, can be diagnosed effectively and cheaper by an accurate MRI scan, than having unnecessary operations and cures that do not work. After people have been cured, they can get back to work, paying taxes which supports the country. But not only do Philips and the country profit, so do the hospitals. After paying the money spend on MRI, they profit allowing the hospital and health care professionals to profit from it too. More patients will come to the hospital allowing the economical cycle of the MRI scan to start again. The MRI scan helped develop health care all over the world. Roos
Helps doctors and people Advances hospitals Less people will suffer from pain and get better. Doctors will see effect on viruses to tissue in body It shows a very accurate picture Developed knowledge of medicine Idil
FACTS CT vs. MRI – CT scan is used at the orthodontists and to detect oil in oil wells and oil flow in rock (also an advantage for oil companies) DANGER: METALS – if anything magnetic in the room, you will get attracted to it immediately. This can be extremely dangerous Magnets in MRI scanner has same strength as Earth’s magnetic field - Strength of a magnet is measured in tesla (1 tesla is 10,000 gausses) Earth’s magnetic strength is 0.5T, MRI’s strength is 0.5 – 2T which can be 4x stronger Roos
BIBLIOGRAPHY Unknown. "MRI Scan - Advantages and Disadvantages - NHS Choices." NHS Choices - Your Health, Your Choices. Directgov, 1 Jan Web. 15 Dec < Unknown. "MRI: Advantages and Disadvantages." Car Accidents - Personal Injury Lawyers Philadelphia PA Anapol Schwartz. Unknown, 1 Jan Web. 15 Dec < "Chemistry World Blog » 2008 » July." 1 Jan Web. 15 Dec < Unknown. "MRI Scan - How It Is Performed - NHS Choices." NHS Choices - Your Health, Your Choices. Directgov, 1 Jan Web. 15 Dec < Unknown. "MRI Scan." - The UK's Leading Independent Health Website. Netdoctor, 1 Jan Web. 15 Dec < Unknown. "HowStuffWorks "How MRI Works"" HowStuffWorks "Science"HowStuffWorks, 1 Jan Web. 15 Dec < Unknown. "Brain & Spine Foundation - MRI Scans." Brain & Spine Foundation - Patient Info on Brain Tumour, Brain Aneurysm, Subarachnoid Haemorrhage and Other Neurological Conditions. Tourchbox, 24 May Web. 15 Dec <
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