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Election Time Romans 13:1-6 January 30 - AM Romans 13:1-6 January 30 - AM.

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2 Election Time Romans 13:1-6 January 30 - AM Romans 13:1-6 January 30 - AM

3 Introduction 1.In November every 4 years – US elects a person to be president for the next 4 years 2.Every election brings some questions and issues that need some study and examination 3.The church must NOT make politics a matter of fellowship 4.There are biblical principles that apply 1.In November every 4 years – US elects a person to be president for the next 4 years 2.Every election brings some questions and issues that need some study and examination 3.The church must NOT make politics a matter of fellowship 4.There are biblical principles that apply

4 Must we vote? 1.Voting is your right and privilege as a citizen of this country 2.If you do not vote – 1.You forfeit your right to complain for the next 4 years 2.You forfeit your voice in matters that affect your life 3.If you do vote – 1.You expressed your view 2.You still need to pray for the winner – 3.Even if you did not vote for them 1.Voting is your right and privilege as a citizen of this country 2.If you do not vote – 1.You forfeit your right to complain for the next 4 years 2.You forfeit your voice in matters that affect your life 3.If you do vote – 1.You expressed your view 2.You still need to pray for the winner – 3.Even if you did not vote for them

5 Separate Moral / Political 1.How can I separate my moral values from political ones? 2.ANSWER 2.ANSWER: You can’t – and should not 3.Are the following MORAL or POLITICAL? 1.Same sex marriages 2.Abortion 3.Gambling / Lottery 4.Divorce 5.Pornography 1.How can I separate my moral values from political ones? 2.ANSWER 2.ANSWER: You can’t – and should not 3.Are the following MORAL or POLITICAL? 1.Same sex marriages 2.Abortion 3.Gambling / Lottery 4.Divorce 5.Pornography

6 Legislate Morality 1.Can the government legislate morality? 2.This is said so often – many believe it EVERY LAW IS MORAL 3.Truth is – EVERY LAW IS MORAL ALLCAN 4.Morality is ALL that CAN be legislated WHOSE 5.Real Issue: WHOSE morality will be legislated? 1.Can the government legislate morality? 2.This is said so often – many believe it EVERY LAW IS MORAL 3.Truth is – EVERY LAW IS MORAL ALLCAN 4.Morality is ALL that CAN be legislated WHOSE 5.Real Issue: WHOSE morality will be legislated?

7 Taxes Used Wrongly? 1.What if my taxes are used for wrong things? 2.Romans 13:7 2.Romans 13:7 - Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. 3.Matthew 22:20-21 3.Matthew 22:20-21 - 20 And He said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?” 21 They said to Him, “Caesar’s.” And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” 1.What if my taxes are used for wrong things? 2.Romans 13:7 2.Romans 13:7 - Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. 3.Matthew 22:20-21 3.Matthew 22:20-21 - 20 And He said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?” 21 They said to Him, “Caesar’s.” And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

8 Taxes Used Wrongly? 1.If the money is abused – pay your taxes anyway! 2.You have ways to let your views and voice be heard: 1.Letter to newspaper 2.Letter to lawmakers 3.Organize or join organizations 1.If the money is abused – pay your taxes anyway! 2.You have ways to let your views and voice be heard: 1.Letter to newspaper 2.Letter to lawmakers 3.Organize or join organizations

9 Separation of Church / State 1.Isn’t separation of church and state in the constitution? 2.NO! 1.Not in the original constitution 2.Not in any amendment 3.1 st amendment prohibits the state from controlling religion 3.1 st amendment is one way restriction 1.It restricts the state from controlling religion 2.It does not restrict religion from expressing its views to the state 1.Isn’t separation of church and state in the constitution? 2.NO! 1.Not in the original constitution 2.Not in any amendment 3.1 st amendment prohibits the state from controlling religion 3.1 st amendment is one way restriction 1.It restricts the state from controlling religion 2.It does not restrict religion from expressing its views to the state

10 Vote for _______? 1.Some wonder if a Christian can vote for _______ and still be considered a faithful Christian? 2.In the last election, half of you voted for the wrong person 3.But you are still here – still Christians – still have a hope of eternal life NOT 4.Political party is NOT a test of fellowship 1.Some wonder if a Christian can vote for _______ and still be considered a faithful Christian? 2.In the last election, half of you voted for the wrong person 3.But you are still here – still Christians – still have a hope of eternal life NOT 4.Political party is NOT a test of fellowship

11 Vote for _______? 1.Every candidate for office (any level) will have some view on some matter with which I disagree 2.We must decide which candidate will best represent my views and uphold my values 1.Every candidate for office (any level) will have some view on some matter with which I disagree 2.We must decide which candidate will best represent my views and uphold my values

12 Church Involvement NO! 1.Can the church (minister, elders) promote one candidate over the other? NO! NO! 2.Should the church print a moral article with political conclusions? NO! 3.Can the church urge people to register and vote? YES! 4.Can we pray for the election? YES! NO! 1.Can the church (minister, elders) promote one candidate over the other? NO! NO! 2.Should the church print a moral article with political conclusions? NO! 3.Can the church urge people to register and vote? YES! 4.Can we pray for the election? YES!

13 Church Involvement 1.CAUTION 1.CAUTION: About praying for the election 1.Watch how you word your prayer 2.“Help us elect NEW leaders” 3.“Help us KEEP our present leaders” 2.Conclusions 2.Conclusions: 1.Exercise your right as a citizen 2.Study the views and decide who will best represent you 3.Pray for your elected officials – even if they were not your choice 1.CAUTION 1.CAUTION: About praying for the election 1.Watch how you word your prayer 2.“Help us elect NEW leaders” 3.“Help us KEEP our present leaders” 2.Conclusions 2.Conclusions: 1.Exercise your right as a citizen 2.Study the views and decide who will best represent you 3.Pray for your elected officials – even if they were not your choice

14 Church Involvement 1.Election – 1.God elected to save those who believe 2.If you are saved – you are part of God’s elect 3.If you are not a Christian – you can be part of God’s elect today 2.Break the tie 2.Break the tie – 1.Satan wants you lost 2.God wants you saved 3.You have the deciding vote 1.Election – 1.God elected to save those who believe 2.If you are saved – you are part of God’s elect 3.If you are not a Christian – you can be part of God’s elect today 2.Break the tie 2.Break the tie – 1.Satan wants you lost 2.God wants you saved 3.You have the deciding vote

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