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Planning and Design in Rockford: West State Street Corridor Overview 315 North Main Street · Rockford IL 61101

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Presentation on theme: "Planning and Design in Rockford: West State Street Corridor Overview 315 North Main Street · Rockford IL 61101"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning and Design in Rockford: West State Street Corridor Overview 315 North Main Street · Rockford IL 61101

2 PAST · PRESENT · FUTURE. Planning and Design in Rockford ······························································································································ WEST STATE STREET CORRIDOR OVERVIEW

3 PAST · PRESENT · FUTURE. Planning and Design in Rockford ······························································································································ WEST STATE STREET CORRIDOR OVERVIEW West State Street Corridor Overview The primary purpose of the West State Street Corridor Project is to provide an improved transportation facility along US BR 20 (West State Street) from Kent Creek to Pierpont Avenue. The project involves reconstruction of West State Street from Kent Creek to Pierpont Avenue into a five-lane cross-section that includes a landscaped barrier median. The improvement will generally follow the existing alignment. The project includes construction of curbs and gutters, new driving surface, sidewalks, multi-use path and landscaping. Also included are improvements at intersections, with upgraded traffic signals and roadway lighting.

4 PAST · PRESENT · FUTURE. Planning and Design in Rockford ······························································································································ WEST STATE STREET CORRIDOR OVERVIEW The city designed the preliminary linear park master plan after the first community design workshops,. Park design elements include a multi-use path, playground, neighborhood paths, community spaces and park plantings. The conceptual park grading plan manages storm water on site by working with the existing topography and developing a series of rain gardens or bioswales. The multi-use path meanders between rain gardens, old growth trees and new park spaces.

5 PAST · PRESENT · FUTURE. Planning and Design in Rockford ······························································································································ WEST STATE STREET CORRIDOR OVERVIEW Working sketch of how the proposed design might look. This is intersection of West State Street and Central Avenue.

6 PAST · PRESENT · FUTURE. Planning and Design in Rockford ······························································································································ WEST STATE STREET CORRIDOR OVERVIEW Working sketch of how the proposed design might look. This is Bur Oak Tot Lot as seen from Crusader Clinic.

7 Working sketch of how the proposed design might look. Performance circle east of Ellis Arts Academy. PAST · PRESENT · FUTURE. Planning and Design in Rockford ······························································································································ WEST STATE STREET CORRIDOR OVERVIEW

8 Artist’s rendering of proposed South Main gateway. PAST · PRESENT · FUTURE. Planning and Design in Rockford ······························································································································ WEST STATE STREET CORRIDOR OVERVIEW

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