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Mucous Membrane Disorders

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1 Mucous Membrane Disorders
KCOM/Texas Dermatology Residency Consortium

2 Cheilitis Exfoliativa
Desquamative, recurrent, fissures if severe. MC upper lip if cause is unknown. MC lower lip if it is a reaction to other disease states, ie SD, AD, PV, Plummer-Vinson syndrome. Irritation: lipsticks, dentrifices, mouthwashes, shaving/aftershave, nail enamel, lip licking, UV Tx: Remove cause, topical steroids, ointments

3 Allergic Contact Cheilitis
Vermillion border MC, dryness, fissuring, edema, crusting, angular cheilitis. Topicals - meds, dental, lipsticks, sunscreen lip balms, cosmetics, nail polish, cigarette holders, rubber, metals, toothpaste. Foods – oranges, lemons, artichokes, mangoes Saxophone or Clarinet cane reeds Tx: avoid antigen, topical steroids


5 Actinic Cheilitis Lower lip MC, UV induced
Ulceration is rare unless SCC is present Hereditary PMLE may resemble Treatment: Biopsy if thickened or ulcerated Cyro, 5-FU, CO2 laser, Vermilionectomy, Photodynamic Therapy with 5-ALA H&E same as AK


7 Cheilitis Glandularis
Swelling and eversion of lower lip with patulous openings of the ducts of the mucous glands - Chronic, inflammatory. Mucous exudes freely to form a glue-like film, lips stick together, palpation feels like pebbles beneath the surface. Apostematosa variant has abcess formation. Etiology: irritation, atopic, factitious, actinic

8 H&E – infiltration of lymphocytes, histiocytes and plasma cells in and around the ectatic glands.

9 Cheilitis Glandularis “STICKY LIPS”

10 Angular Cheilitis (Perleche)
MC Candida albicans Labial commisures, moist fissures Elderly – facial and dental architecture Youth – thumbsucking, lollipops, Thrush in DM II or HIV, Tumoral calcinosis, Deficiency of Iron, Riboflavin, Vitamin A, E, etc.

11 Treatment: Dental consultation - dentures
Topical nystatin with iodochlorhydroxyquin (Vioform) in hydrocortisone ointment. Injection of dermal filler substances, excision, flap.

12 Plasma Cell Cheilitis Sharply outlined, infiltrated, dark red plaque with a laquer-like glazing of the surface of the lower lip Similar to Zoon’s balanitis plasmacellularis Band-like infiltrate of plasma cells Reaction pattern to any number of stimuli Clobetasol propionate bid, Griseofulvin 500mg qd.


14 Plasmoacanthoma Advanced version of Plasma Cell Cheilitis
Verrucous tumor with plasma cell infiltrate Candida albicans may be found in the lesions Usually grows along the angles of the mouth

15 Drug-Induced Ulcer of the Lip
May be confused with ulcers of DLE or SCC Phenylbutazone Chlorpromazine Phenobarbital Methyldopa Thiazide diuretics Fixed-Drug/Photo?

16 Other forms of Cheilitis
Lichen Planus SLE Psoriasis Lip Biting

17 Cheilitis Granulomatosa
Sudden onset of lip swelling that progresses to permanent lip enlargment Upper lip usually swells first Cause unknown Histology shows tuberculoid granulomas and an inflammatory reaction pattern TX- IL steroids.

18 Pathology – tuberculoid granulomas with epithelioid and Langerhan’s giant cells

19 Fordyce’s Disease (Spots)
Ectopically located sebaceous glands Minute orange or yellowish pinhead sized macules in mucosa of lips Tx: Isotretinoin

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