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The Eukaryotes 12b: Fungi. Cell wall Fungal Morphology mold hypha/ae coenocytic.

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Presentation on theme: "The Eukaryotes 12b: Fungi. Cell wall Fungal Morphology mold hypha/ae coenocytic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Eukaryotes 12b: Fungi

2 Cell wall Fungal Morphology mold hypha/ae coenocytic

3 “fairy ring”

4 budding yeast Other: fission yeast pseudohypha Fungal Morphology yeast bud Dimorphic?

5 Asexual Sporangiospore /Conidiospores

6 General Fungal Life Cycle (based on having haploid adults) plasmogamy karyogamy zygote

7 Nutrition all chemoheterotrophic, extracellular digestion saprobes parasites, predators mutualists Mycosis systemic subcutaneous cutaneous superficial


9 Rhizopus nigricans

10 Mucor spp. Absidia spp.

11 Microsporidia = Microspora Example: Nosema spp. (N. connori and N. ocularum) Ocular & GI infections Microspora spp. Polar filament


13 dikaryon inside ascus (Eu)penicillium plasmogamy karyogamy

14 Saccharomyces cerevisiae = baker’s & “top”-brewing yeast S. pastorianus = “bottom”-brewing yeast S. bayanus = champagne yeast Neurospora

15 Morchella spp. = morels Tuber spp. = truffles Gourmet items ascus ascocarp (made of dikaryotic hyphae) (side-cut view)


17 “ (San Joaquin) Valley fever”

18 Aspergillus A. flavus A. niger A. oryzae aspergillosis

19 Candida albicans Pneumocystis carinii/jirovecki “thrush” “yeast infection” = candidiasis, balanitis (male) “PC”

20 Dermatophytes Trichophyton spp. Microsporum spp. Epidermophyton floccosum “ringworm” = “Tinea ____” onychomycosis

21 Sporothrix Stachybotrys

22 Claviceps -> ergot ergometrine ergotamine lysergic acid grain


24 plasmogamy Karyogamy inside basidia zygote Mushroom life cycle

25 Ustilago maydis = corn smut = huitlacoche/cuitlacoche Most used edible mushroom: Agaricus Lentinula edodes = shiitake

26 Amanita spp. some edible, some poisonous Amanita muscaria = fly agaric death cap The Destroying Angel Amanita virosa, A. verna, A. bisporigera, & A. ocreata Amanita calyptrata

27 Gyromitra esculentum = false morel Cortinarius gentilis Can be dangerous Amanita muscaria = fly agaric

28 ear & jelly fungus brackets bolete puffball Some other basidios stinkhorn Bird’s nest

29 Cryptococcus neoformans

30 Malasezzia furfur can cause pityriasis

31 Disappearing “phylum” Deuteromycetes = imperfect fungi AspergillusPenicilliumFusarium

32 endotrophic mycorrhiza Symbiosis: mycorrhizae

33 crustose foliose Symbiosis: lichens fruticose

34 Usnea: usnic acid Roccella: litmus & dye Useful lichens

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