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“From Seed to Adult Plant—and Back”

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1 “From Seed to Adult Plant—and Back”
Questions, p “From Seed to Adult Plant—and Back”

2 1. The process by which a seed becomes a plant is called ___.
2. Seeds are alive but are in a ___ or inactive stage. 3. Inside a seed is an ___, which contains the beginnings of a root, a stem, and leaves.

3 4. Also in a seed is an important food-storing tissue called ___.
5. In a seed are one or more seed leaves called ___. 6. Plants that have seeds with one cotyledon are known as ___.

4 7. Plants that have seeds with two cotyledons are known as ___.
8. Give some examples of monocot seeds. 9. Give some examples of dicot seeds.

5 10. The cotyledon of which type of plant never emerges from the soil?
11. In dicots, when do the cotyledons wither and die? 12. Plants can manufacture their own food in a process known as ___.

6 13. After flowers are pollinated, what process occurs to create a new seed?
14. As flowers wither, what develops around the seed? 15. What are 3 purposes of the fruit?

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