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Testicular Cancer Part 1

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1 Testicular Cancer Part 1
Fahad A. Al-Mashat R5-Part II !!!

2 Intro Most common malignancy in males (20-40 yrs)
2nd MC Ca after leukemia in males (15-19 yrs) 2 % bilat. Majority of tumors in males > 50 yrs Lymphoma

3 10-30 % of men will present with distant mets.
Localized Seminoma: Most common GCT presentation 50% of all men with GCT

4 Risk Factors Cryptorchidism 4-6 fold increase in risk
RR goes down 2.0 to 3.0 if orchiopexy before puberty Family Hx of testicular cancer RR is 8-12  brother. RR is 2-4  Father. Personal Hx of testicular cancer

5 ITGCN: Present in adjacent testicular parenchyma in % of invasive GCT cases. Risk of invasive GCT: 5 yrs 7 yrs Present in 5-9% of contralateral testes. Contralateral incidence increases to 36% with atrophy/cryptorchidism!

6 Clinical Presentation
Painless Testicular Mass Pain is less common (rapid expansion, due to intreatumor hemorrhage, & infarction). Trauma (brings testis to attention)! Vague Scrotal Discomfort Regional/Distant mets: 15% pure seminomas 85% NSGCT

7 Gynecomastia 2% (↑HCG, ↓ Test
Gynecomastia 2% (↑HCG, ↓ Test., or ↑ estrogen), mostly seen in Leydig cells. Infertility (2/3 of patients). Symptoms related to mets % of pts



10 CS 1 80% of seminoma pts Options: long term cancer control with each approaches 100% Surveillance 1ry RadioRx 1ry ChemoRx

11 Surveillance: Limited utility of tumor markers to detect relapse. Need for long term CT surveillance (10-20% relapses occurring 4 yrs or more post Dx). 5yr relapse-free survival 80-86%. Cancer specific survival approaches 100%. 80-100% of relapses occur in retroperitoneum. 18-24% of recurring pt will have bulky retro/distant mets

12 Follow up: Clinical CXR Tumor Markers Abdominopelvic CT First 3 yrs every 2-4 months Yrs 4-7 every 6 months Annually thereafter

13 Prognostic Factors for occult mets:
Tumor size > 4cm Invasion of rete testes LVI is not identified as a significant predictor of relapse in CS1 seminoma.

14 1ry RadioRx: retroperitoneal + ipsilateral (Dog-Leg Configuration) 25-30 Gy in daily fractions In-field recurrence < 1% Most common recurrence sites: Thorax & Lt supraclavicular fossa 1st line Chemo cures almost all recurrences

15 Post Dog-Leg RadioRx Surveillance:
Clinical CXR Tumor Markers

16 Side Effects: GI (acute and self limiting) Oligospermia in contralateral gonad Late cardiac toxicity 18% chance of developing 2ndry malignancy @25 yrs post RadioRx MRC & EORTC trial(2005): 20Gy = 30 Gy in 5-yr relapse free survival Less side effects with 20 Gy

17 1ry ChemoRx: 1-2 cycles of single-agent carboplatin Needs accurate GFR calculation 2 cycles better in terms of risk of relapse.

18 Surveillance is the preferred approach in CSI seminoma due to:
low overall risk of relapse lack of validated makers identifying high risk pts late toxicity with RadioRx & ChemoRx Non-compliant pts/unwilling to be surveyed: 1ry RadioRx

19 CS IIA & IIB 15-20% of seminoma pts have CS II
70% of those have CS IIA-B RadioRx 25-35Gy(+5-10 Gy boost to involved areas) Long-term disease-free survival: IIA(92-100%) up to 100 % IIB (87-90%) up to 90 %

20 Relapses are cured in almost all cases with 1st line ChemoRx
Routine Surveillance CT not needed after complete resolution of disease.

21 Induction ChemoRx with 1st line
BEP X3/ EP X4 Acceptable alternative to Dog-Leg Radio Rx. Pts with bulky retroperitoneal masses >3cm & or multiple retroperitoneal masses Risk of relapse lower than with Dog-Leg RadioRx

22 CS IIC & III Pts Rx with induction ChemoRx
Regimen and no of cycles as per IGCCCG risk: Good Risk (90% of advanced seminoma) BEP X3 or EP X4 70-90% complete radiographic response 91% 5-year overall survival

23 Intermediate risk (10%) BEP X4 5-yr overall survival 79% 5-yr progression free survival 75%


25 Post Chemo Residual Masses
58-80% of pts will have radiologically detectable masses post 1st line chemo 90% necrosis, 10% viable tumor Spontaneous resolution in 50-60% of them, median time months Discrete masses >3cm , do PET if +ve then PCS < 3cm or -ve PET, observe PET: >3cm Sensitive 80% , Specific 100%

26 Relapsing Seminoma Chemo-Naive:
CS 1 on surveillance, give Dog-Leg RadioRx CS 1-I1B post 1ry RadioRx, give 1ry ChemoRx especially bulky >3cm retroperitoneal masses/systemic relapses 1st line Chemo will cure almost all pts with disease outside retroperitoneum post 1ry Radio

27 Early post Chemo relapse:
15-20% pf advanced seminomas will relapse post induction chemo including 10% who had initial complete response Such pts have poor prognosis Long-term survival 20-50% Make sure you’re not dealing with a teratoma, if markers -ve get a Bx before committing to 2nd line Chemo

28 Late post Chemo Relapse:
<8% Favorable prognosis especially in those who didn't receive prior cisplatin

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