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Anniversary Conference and Workshop Summary. PACS DICOM services supporting PACS Realities of deploying DICOM in a PACS Transport between PACS Internationalization.

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Presentation on theme: "Anniversary Conference and Workshop Summary. PACS DICOM services supporting PACS Realities of deploying DICOM in a PACS Transport between PACS Internationalization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anniversary Conference and Workshop Summary

2 PACS DICOM services supporting PACS Realities of deploying DICOM in a PACS Transport between PACS Internationalization challenges

3 Expanding Modality Coverage Widely accepted –Radiology –Cardiology –Radiotherapy Growing in terms of use of standards –Dentistry –Video for visible light modalities –(and Ophthalmology, and …) New technology –Enhanced MR ( and CT, and XA, and …)

4 Integration of Standards HL7 –V2.x –V3 –CDA ( DICOM SR) IHE –Beyond radiology –Internationally The web and ISO TC215 –Web Access to DICOM Objects (WADO) AAPM TG18 –Image quality and consistency

5 Standards and Reporting Narrative versus structured ? Integration of speech recognition Persistent forms: DICOM, CDA, other ? Standard versus proprietary ? Complexity of workflow Challenges of distribution & externalization

6 Infrastructure Auditing and logging –Security and privacy across standards boundaries Configuration management –Towards holy grail of “Plug and Play” Conformance Requirements –Perhaps one of DICOM’s greatest strengths

7 Future Challenges Information overload … huge data sets –New visualization paradigms - role of DICOM ? –Interaction with datasets, point-of-care delivery New vision for interaction with fused imagery –Minimally/non invasive computer-assisted intervention Increased demand for care & quality –Yet there is a workforce challenge - need for automation –Reporting of errors/stats - federal standards requirements “Re-invention” of modalities –More functional imaging, planning & localization –Into the hands of ordinary physicians, more screening

8 Whither goest DICOM ? Remain focused on appropriate scope Challenge of the demand for an ExR What should be standard and what left up to the application ? Where are the interface boundaries ? Moving to a world of software-only PACS and commodity storage solutions Greater user participation to define direction

9 Thanks Charles Parisot and Program Committee Howard Clark and the NEMA team Speakers and guests All of you …

10 Thanks Charles Parisot and Program Committee Howard Clark and the NEMA team Speakers and guests All of you … Follow-up … Steve Drew of RSNA

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