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Components of Physical Health  Cardiorespiratory Endurance  Muscular Strength  Muscular Endurance  Flexibility  Body Composition.

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Presentation on theme: "Components of Physical Health  Cardiorespiratory Endurance  Muscular Strength  Muscular Endurance  Flexibility  Body Composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Components of Physical Health  Cardiorespiratory Endurance  Muscular Strength  Muscular Endurance  Flexibility  Body Composition

2 Cardiorespiratory Endurance  The ability of the heart, lungs, and circulatory system to deliver enough fuel and oxygen to the body’s cells.  Considered the most important component of health related fitness because the functioning of the heart and lungs is so essential to overall good health  Low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness are linked with heart disease  Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States

3 Muscular Strength  The amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort  Strong muscles help  keep the skeleton in proper alignment  preventing back and leg pain  providing the support for good posture  Muscle tissue is an important element of overall body composition  Greater muscle mass (lean body mass) means a higher rate of metabolism and faster energy use.

4 Muscular Endurance  The ability to sustain a given level of muscle tension  to hold a muscle contraction for a long period of time  To contract a muscle over and over again  Muscular endurance is important for good posture and for injury prevention

5 Flexibility  The ability to move the joints through their full range of motion.  Inactivity causes the joints to become stiffer wit age  Stiffness often causes older people to assume unnatural body posture, and can lead to back pain

6 Body Composition  The relative amounts of lean body tissue and fat in the body  Lean body tissue  Muscle  Bone  Water  Health Body Composition  High proportion of lean body tissue and an acceptably low level of body fat (adjusted for age and gender)  Excessive Body Fat  More likely to experience a variety of health problems  Heart Disease  High blood pressure  Stroke  Joint Problems  Diabetes  Gallbladder disease  Cancer  Back Pain

7 Best Practices for Healthy Living  Best Way to Loose Fat  Sensible Diet and Exercise  Best Way to Add Lean Body Tissue  Strength Training Exercises

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