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S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Non SUSY Searches at the TEVATRON Run II OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION II. FERMION SUB-STRUCTURE Search for Leptoquarks Search for Leptons or Quarks Compositeness III. EXTENDED GAUGE SYMMETRIES Search for W’ Search for Z’ IV. EXTENDED NUMBER OF SPACE DIMENSIONS Search for Randall-Sundrum gravitons Search for Large Extra Dimensions V.CONCLUSIONS VI.PROSPECTS FOR THE RUN II B Steve Muanza IPN Lyon, CNRS-IN2P3 on Behalf of the D0 & CDF Collaborations
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 NOTICE This talk is a NON EXHAUSTIVE overview of the numerous searches for Exotic extensions of the SM at the TEVATRON Run II Each analysis status: Prel.: preliminary Acc.: accepted for publication Pub.: already published is mentioned in the last column of the tables. All exclusion limits are at the 95% CL Not covered: Technicolor Littel Higgs Model independent searches CHAMPS Monopoles,…
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Extra D SUSY The Standard Model: Gauge group: SU(3) c x SU(2) L x U(1) Y EWSB: the Higgs mechanism Flavor symmetry: 3 generations of q & l Space-Time symmetry: Poincaré group Number of space D: 3 GUT M-Theory S-Strings Compositeness Technicolor Little Higgs 4 th generation fermions, excited fermions, LQ,… techniparticles SU(5), SO(10), E 6, E 8, … LQ, Z’, W’, … Large, warped, TeV -1, UED,… Higgs bosons sparticles I. INTRODUCTION Extending the SM R Gauginos / fermions TC condensation (3+1)-D [SU(2) L x U(1) Y ] N N SU(2) L x U(1) Y along the 4th space D T, H triplet, W/Z/A,…
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 II. FERMIONS SUB-STRUCTURE DECAY MODES: Main search channels at the TEVATRON: (0<i<4: generation index) PRODUCTION @ HADRON COLLIDERS: q+qbar LQ+LQbar g+g LQ+LQbar q+g LQ+l (smaller ) independent of for SLQ (except for single LQ) => ( S,M SLQ ) depends on 2 parameters G and G for VLQ => S VLQ G G SM GUT Compositeness 1. Search for LeptoQuarks
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 1. Search for LeptoQuarks D0 CDF most results concern scalar LQ (simply denoted LQ) just one result concerns vector LQ (denoted VLQ) II. FERMIONS SUB-STRUCTURE ChannelL int (pb -1 )Status VLQ 3 pairs 2 +2b 32206 Prel. LQ 2 pairs 2 +2j 19804 Pub LQ 2 pairs +2j 19804 Pub LQ 1 pairs e+2j 20004 Pub LQ 1 pairs e+ +2j 20004 Pub LQ 1 pairs 2 +2q 19103 Pub Scalar LQ 1 pairs : comb. 3 analyses above ~20005 Pub. Scalar LQ 2 pairs : comb. 2 analyses above ~20006 Pub. ChannelL int (pb -1 )Status LQ 2 pairs + +2q 105007 Prel. LQ 3 pairs 2 +2b 31006 Prel. LQ 2 pairs 2 +2q LQ 2 + 2 +q 30006 Acc. LQ pairs 2 +2q 37006 Pub. LQ 2 pairs 2 +2q 29006 Pub. LQ 1 pairs 2e+2q LQ 1 pairs e+ +2q 25204 Pub. Detailed Note
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for SLQ 2 D0: Analysis: LQ 2 pairs jets Triggers: single Data sample: 1050 pb -1 Instr. background: QCD from data Event selection: exactly 1 hard & isolated 2 hard jets and large mE T large m T ( , mE T ) and large H T Main BKGD: W( )+jets Uncert.: int. L, ), B norm., … Results: Hyp: =0.5 Signal window: |m LQ +/-100 GeV| N obs = 6 N exp (B)=6.4+/-0.7 +/-0.8 (S)=7.9+/-0.1+/-0.7 (m SLQ2 =200 GeV) m SLQ 2 >214 GeV Reco’d m SLQ 2
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Searches for VLQ 3 pairs CDF: Analysis: VLQ 3 pairs 2 +2b 1 had., 1 e/ Data sample: 322 pb -1 Triggers: lepton+tracks +1 hard e/ +1 -had Event selection: very large H T : p T ( h +p T (l)+p T (b)+p T (b)+mE T Uncert.: ISR, FSR, -ID, isolation,… Results: Hyp: Y-M coulings & =100% e+ had + had ChannelN obs N exp (B) e+ had +2b 00.25 +0.22 -0.08 + had +2b 00.24 +0.23 -0.07 m LQ3 >251 GeV (Min. couplings) m LQ3 >317 GeV (Y-M couplings)
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 II. FERMIONS SUB-STRUCTURE 2. Search for Leptons & Quarks Compositeness SM Compositeness Gauge Mediation O(1%) Parameters: : comp. Scale m(f*): mass of excited fermion L : factors of left-handed currents Modifications of the */Z cross section: Contact Interaction O(99%) Parameters: compositeness scale f and f’ that depend on the composite dynamics M e* Ref.: U. Baur et al, Phys. Rev. D42 (1990) 815-824 O. Cakir et al., Eur. Phys. JC32S2 (2004) 1
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 II. FERMIONS SUB-STRUCTURE 2. Search for Leptons & Quarks Compositeness D0 ChannelL int (pb -1 )Status e* e+ 100007 Prel. q* q+Z(ee)37006 Pub. *+*+ 38006 Pub. qqbar C 40005 Prel. qqbar ee (CI)27104 Prel. QCD Incl. Jet 80006 Prel. ChannelL int (pb -1 )Status *+*+ 37106 Pub. QCD Incl. Jet 104006 Prel. CDF Detailed
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for Excited D0: Analysis: qqbar Data sample: 380 pb -1 Triggers: di-muons Event selection: 2 hard (at least 1 isolated) +1 hard & isolated Uncert.: trigger reco & ID,… Results: m( *)>618 GeV for =1 TeV m m (GeV) (TeV) CI
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for Excited e D0: Analysis: qqbar e*e ee Data sample: 1 fb -1 Triggers: single e & di-e Event selection: at least 2 hard & isolated e +1 hard & isolated CC or EC) optimization: m(e ) and R(e 2, ) Uncert.: QCD estimation, fake rate, PDF, … Results: m(e*)>756 GeV for =1 TeV (CI) m(e*)>793 GeV for =m(e*) (CI) meme
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Inclusive Jet Cross Section CDF: Analysis: QCD d /dydp T Data sample: 1.04 fb -1 Triggers: j20, j50, j70, j100 Samples processing: Theory: NLO from EKS Data: particle lvl corr. + unfolding parton lvl corr. Event reconstruction: midpoint 0.7 cone jets Event selection: |y|<2.1 low mE T significance |z PV |<60 cm Uncert.: PDF, scale, UE & fragm.,… Results: no explicit limit on comp. scale or m(q*) yet, no excess at the highest p T ever probed
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 III. EXTENDED GAUGE SYMMETRIES 1. Search for W’ Larger gauge group (E 6, SO(10),…) Hypotheses: No gauge mixing Same CKM as in SM DK into light SM GUT L. Higgs Ext. TC Extra-D 2. Search for Z’ Larger gauge group: E 6 Z’ cos Z sin suppose SM-like couplings
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 III. EXTENDED GAUGE SYMMETRIES 1. Search for W’ 2. Search for Z’ ChannelL int (pb -1 )Status W’ e 20506 Pub. CDF ChannelL int (pb -1 )Status W’ e 90006 Prel. D0 ChannelL int (pb -1 )Status Z’ ee20004 Prel. Z’ 25004 Prel. ChannelL int (pb -1 )Status Z’ ee128807 Prel. Z’ 20004 Prel. Z’ 19504 Prel. Detailed
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for W’ D0: Analysis: W’ e Triggers: single e Data sample: 900 pb -1 Instr. background: QCD from data Event selection: at least 1 central, hard and isolated e w/ track match (but no E/p) large mE T significance Uncert.: norm., corr., PDF, EM scale, QCD scaling,… Results: shape of m T tail above 150 GeV N obs = 630 N exp (B)=622.93+/-17.91 +82.65 -72.25 N exp (S)=16.64+/-0.39 +6.86 -6.06 (m W’ = 900 GeV) m W’ >965 GeV
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for Z’ CDF: Analysis: Z’ ee (G 2 Triggers: di-EM Data sample: 1288 pb -1 MC: Signal (Pythia): E 6 (S=1) and separately RS (S=2) Physics BKGD (Pythia) Main BKGD: */Z ee Event selection: 2 hard & isolated e (CC-CC or CC-EC) track match for CC e Uncert.: lumi, PDF, ISR, (e ID),… Results: M ee tail above 150 GeV
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Comb ee+ m(Z’)>923 GeV SM-like m(G)>807 GeV (0.1) m(G)>889 GeV (0.1)
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 IV. EXTENDED NUMBER OF SPACE DIMENSIONS 2. Search for Randall-Sundrum Gravitons 1. Search for Large Extra-Dimensions SM Extra-D ADD 2 to 7 large (sub mm) EDs gravity propagates freely in the bulk KK excitations cannot be resolved parameter: G =F/M S 4 (GRW: F=1) RS one 5th (infinite) ED with warped geometry gravity is localized on a brane other than the SM brane KK excitations have spacings of order TeV parameters: M 1 : mass of the 1st KK excitation 0.01 < ) 1/2 /M Pl < 0.1 G KK g q q g g g V V f f f f monojets
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 IV. EXTENDED NUMBER OF SPACE DIMENSIONS 1. Search for Large Extra-Dimensions ChannelL int (pb -1 )Date qqbar G+g8504 Prel. G ee/ 20004 Prel. ChannelL int (pb -1 )Date qqbar G+g110006 Prel. 2. Search for Randall-Sundrum Gravitons ChannelL int (pb -1 )Date G ee (see Z’)128807 Prel. G (see Z’) 20004 Prel. G 120006 Prel. CDF D0 ChannelL int (pb -1 )Date G ee/ 100006 Prel. Detailed
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for LED CDF: Analysis: qqbar/g+g G+g, q+g G+q Triggers: j100 Data sample: 1100 pb -1 Event selection: remove events from: beam halo, cosmics 1 very hihg p T jet: CC, track confirmed p T (j2)<60 GeV Main BKGD: Z( )+jets Uncert.: PDF, ISR/FSR, JES,… Results: Nobs= 779 Nexp(B)=819+/-71
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 VII. CONCLUSIONS Many topologies have been covered Many analyses have been (or are being) updated to the full Run II A dataset… Yet no evidence of New Physics… Exclusion Limits
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for LeptoQuarks Summary D0 CDF ChannelL int (pb -1 )Limits (GeV) VLQ 3 pairs 2 +2b 322 317 294 ( =1) Y-M couplings 251 223 ( =1) Min. couplings LQ 1 pairs : comb. ~200 /channel 236 ( =1) 205 ( =0.5) 126 ( =0) LQ 2 pairs : comb. ~200 /channel 226 ( =1) 208 ( =0.5) 125 ( =0) ChannelL int (pb -1 )Limits (GeV) LQ 2 pairs + +2q 1050 214 ( =0.5) LQ 3 pairs 2 +2b 310 219 ( =0) LQ 2 pairs 2 +2q LQ 2 + 2 +q 300 274 ( =1) 226 ( =0.5) ( =1) LQ pairs 2 +2q 370 136 ( =0) LQ 2 pairs 2 +2q 290 251 ( =1) 204 ( =0.5) LQ 1 pairs 2e+2q LQ 1 pairs e+ +2q 252 241, 256 ( =1) 218, 234 ( =0.5) Comb. Comb. w/ Run I Run II Alone Th. Uncert. signal
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for Leptons & Quarks Compositeness Summary D0 ChannelL int (pb -1 )Limits (GeV) q* q+Z(ee)370 510 *+*+ 380 618 =1 TeV qqbar C 400 >4.2 TeV ( ) >9.8 TeV ( ) qqbar ee (CI)271 >3.6 TeV ( ) >9.1 TeV ( ) QCD Incl. Jet 800 No excess ChannelL int (pb -1 )Limits (GeV) *+*+ 371~800 =1 TeV QCD Incl. Jet 1040 No excess CDF Search for W’ Summary ChannelL int (pb -1 )Limit (GeV) W’ e 205788 ChannelL int (pb -1 )Limit (GeV) W’ e 900965
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for Z’ Summary CDFD0 ChannelL int (pb -1 )Limit (GeV) Z’ ee200780 (SM-like) Z’ 250680 (SM-like) ChannelL int (pb -1 )Limit (GeV) Z’ ee1288923 (SM-like) Z’ ee / Comb. 200815 (SM-like) Z’ 195400 (SM-like) ChannelL int (pb -1 )M 1 Limit (GeV) G ee/ 1000865 (0.1) 240 (0.01) k( ) 1/2 /M Pl ChannelL int (pb -1 )M 1 Limit (GeV) G ee/ Comb. ~1288889 (0.1) 267 (0.01) G ee/ Comb. 200700 (0.1) 200 (0.01) E 6 Z’ R-S
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for Z’ Summary CDFD0 ChannelL int (pb -1 )M S Limit (TeV) G ee/ 2001.36 (Run IIA) 1.43 (Run I+IIA) N=2 qqbar G+g 850.68 (N=4) 0.67 (N=5) 0.66 (N=6) 0.68 (N=7) GRW Conventions LED ChannelL int (pb -1 )M S Limit (TeV) R (mm) < qqbar G+g 1000 1.33 (N=2) 1.09 (N=3) 0.99 (N=4) 0.92 (N=5) 0.88 (N=6) 0.27 3.1x10 -6 9.9x10 -9 3.2x10 -10 3.1x10 -11
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 VI. PROSPECTS FOR THE RUN II B Z’ LED CDF D0 As of sept. 05 (P5) Run II B… or LHC?
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 BACK-UP
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Run (TeV)(fb -1 ) I 1992-1996 1.80.1 II A 2001-2006 1.961.0 II B 2006-2009 1.963.0-7.0 The TEVATRON This talk Now
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 TEVATRON Luminosity Instantaneous Integrated
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 New @ Run IIa (tracking in B-field) Silicon detector Fiber tracker, preshowers Upgraded @ Run IIa Muon system, CAL Electronics DAQ, (track) trigger system Displaced-vtx trigger p Electronics TrackerSolenoid Magnet 3 Layer Muon System Preshowers p The D0 Detector
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 The CDF Detector Addition or Improvments for the Run IIA Si tracker Central drift chamber TOF Secondary vertex trigger Addition or Improvments for the Run IIA Forward calorimeters: "plugs" (1<| |<3) Extended coverage
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Run II A ~ 80-85% This talk: 200-1300 pb -1 The TEVATRON Performances I. INTRODUCTION
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Searches for SLQ 1/2 pairs D0: Analysis: LQ pairs 2 +2q Triggers: jets+mE T Data sample: 310 pb -1 Instr. background: QCD estimated from data Event selection: at least 2 hard and acoplanar jets no flavor tagging large mE T & H T Uncert.: Syst(B) ~ Stat(B) (JES),… Results: N obs =86 N exp (B)=75.2 +14.6 -15.5 N exp (S)=51.8 +5.9 -4.9 (m LQ =140 GeV) m LQ >136 GeV (95% CL)
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Searches for SLQ 1/2 pairs CDF Combination: Analyses: 3 topologies 2l+jets, l+jets+mE T, jets+mE T for both LQ 1 and LQ 2 pair production Bayesian combined likelihood Data samples: each ~200 pb -1 Results: LQ 1 LQ 2 ChannelN obs N exp (B)Main BKGD 2e+2q46.24+/-2.16ttbar Z+jets e +2q 45.4+/-1.2ttbar 2 +2q 22.87+/-1.0Z+jets +2q 33.74+/-0.62ttbar +2q 124118.5+/-14.5Z+jets m LQ =160 GeV
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Searches for SLQ 3 pairs D0: Analysis: SLQ 3 pairs 2 +2b Data sample: 310 pb -1 Triggers: jets+mE T & +jets Instr. background: QCD from data Event selection: at least 2 hard acoplanar jets large mE T & H T reject isolated EM-clusters & isolated 2 jets b-tagged Uncert.: BKGD , (b-tag), JES,… Results: N obs =1 N exp (B)=3.47+/-0.24 N exp (S)=8.8+/-0.2, =10.6% (m LQ =200 GeV) QCD Presel. mE T Final mE T m LQ3 >213 GeV
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for Excited CDF: Analysis: qqbar * Data sample: 371 pb -1 Triggers: incl. Event selection: 2 hard & isolated +1 hard & isolated Uncert.: and ID, PDF, trigger ,… Results: Hyp: CI BR( * ) same as in GM m( *)>853 GeV for =m( * in CI m( *)>237 GeV for =m( *) in GM Comparison wrt D0: Hyp: BR( includes CI CDF: m * 696 GeV for m * D0: m( *)>688 GeV for =m( *) m
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for W’ CDF: Analysis: W’ e Triggers: incl. e Data sample: 205 pb -1 Instr. background: QCD from data Event selection: 1 hard & isolated e large mE T cut on p T (e)/mE T Uncert.: PDF, e E-scale & resolution, ISR,… Results: shape of m T tail above 200 GeV
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Search for LED Very nice CDF monojet candidate p T (j)=384 GeV & mE T =390 GeV Run 155313, Event 273486
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Large ED Searches at Colliders Eöt-Wash Experiment Test Newton’s Law downto Ref: Adelberger et al, PRL 86 (2001) ED Nbers and Radii
S. MuanzaMoriond QCD 2007 20 March 2007 Large ED Searches at Colliders Courtesy of Eot-Wash group
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