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Hosted by Mr. Hughey 100 200 400 300 400 The ChurchEconomyGovernmentTerms To Know 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Mr. Hughey

3 100 200 400 300 400 The ChurchEconomyGovernmentTerms To Know 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 The religion of New France. What is Roman Catholicism?

5 1,2 The head of the government in New France. Who is the Governor?

6 1,3 The main economic activity in New France. What is the fur trade?

7 1,4 A plot of land granted by the King to men who had won the favour of the King. What is a seigneurie?

8 2,1 The leader of the Church in New France. Who is the Bishop?

9 2,2 The official in charge of the day-to-day work of government in New France. What is the Intendant?

10 2,3 The system whereby colonies provided the parent company with cheap goods and had to buy manufactured goods in return. What is mercantilism ?

11 2,4 The name of those French men who went into the forests gathering furs and trading with the First Nations. Who are the coureurs des bois?

12 3,1 The name of the area under the control of the Bishop of Quebec. What is a diocese?

13 3,2 New France’s first Governor. Who is Frontenac?

14 After the fur trade, this was the most important part of New France’s economy. What is the fishery?

15 3,4 These women were sent by the King to help populate New France. Intendant Jean Talon set up this program. Who are the filles du roi?

16 4,1 3,3 The name of the area served by a local church and headed by a priest. What is a parish?

17 4,2 This Intendant started the Filles Du Roi program. Who is Jean Talon?

18 4,3 By law, New France could trade only with this country. What is France?

19 4,4 The name given to those men who supervised the seigneuries. Who are the seigneurs?

20 5,1 The name of the missionaries that came to New France to convert the First Nations to Christianity. Who are the Jesuits?

21 5,2 New France was this kind of government because it was divided into several distinct and separate levels (with the Governor at the top and Habitants at the bottom). What is a hierarchical government?

22 5,3 The system whereby colonies could only trade with their home country or other colonies owned by their home country. What is triangular trade?

23 5,4 The New France colonists had the most contact with these two groups of First Nations peoples. Who are the Iroquois and Huron?

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