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Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK BOT-ERA Shahina A Ghazanfar – Project Leader Joanna Osborne (Botanist), Renata Borosova (Botanist), Emma Williams (MSB),

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Presentation on theme: "Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK BOT-ERA Shahina A Ghazanfar – Project Leader Joanna Osborne (Botanist), Renata Borosova (Botanist), Emma Williams (MSB),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK BOT-ERA Shahina A Ghazanfar – Project Leader Joanna Osborne (Botanist), Renata Borosova (Botanist), Emma Williams (MSB), Tivy Harvey (Pest Management), Steve Bachman (Red List Officer), Venessa Sutcliff (MSB), Robyn Cowan DNA/Jodrell, China Williams, Madeleine Groves (CBD) BOT ERA Reinforcing Cooperation between the Royal Botanic Garden of Jordan and ERA Funded by EC Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). INCO.2011-6.2 INCO.2011-6.2 KBBE. Coordination and Support Action. (294416)

2 BOT-ERA HRH Princess Basma Bint Ali Sabah Saifan, Tariq Abu Taleb and the staff of Royal Botanic Gardens Jordan for making each visit successful and joyful Acknowledgements BOT ERA Reinforcing Cooperation between the Royal Botanic Garden of Jordan and ERA Funded by EC Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). INCO.2011-6.2 INCO.2011-6.2 KBBE. Coordination and Support Action. (294416)

3 Task 2.1: Research Topic A: Plant and Seed Conservation 1.Training in herbarium techniques (including collecting in field) 2.Training in IUCN Criteria and Red Listing of plant species Year 1 3. Field training in plant collecting, seed collection and taking samples for DNA 4. Training in seed collection and seed storage management 5. Provide training in conservation genetics 6. Provide training in Access and Benefit sharing Year 2 Year 3 Task 2.1.2. Prepare up-to-date checklist of the Flora of Jordan in collaboration with taxonomic/flora experts/plant genetic resources from Jordan (Activity 6.2.1) Task 2.1.3: Prepare up-to-date plants lists of selected nature reserves and conservation areas in Jordan

4 Herbarium techniques training course at Tell Ruman, RBG Jordan 13-17 May 2012

5 Training in IUCN Criteria and Red Listing of plant species 25-29 November 2012

6 Field work and training 5-14 April 2013, Dana Nature Reserve and around Ajloun Nature Reserve Field training in plant collection Field training in seed collection Field training in taking samples for DNA Workshop: Towards Effective Collection and Conservation of Wild Plants (11 April 2013) Dana Nature Reserve Photo: S A Ghazanfar April 2013 Workshop at Tel Ruman. April 2013

7 Seed Banking and Seed Conservation Training July & August 2013 Millennium Seed Bank, Wakehurst Place, Kew

8 Conservation Genetics training at Jodrell Laboratory, Kew 2-20 December 2013

9 Training on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS), CDB and CITES 4-6 November 2014

10 BRAHMS database APG III (2009) classification Vascular Plants of Jordan

11 Accepted name/synonym Family Genus Species 1, rank 1, Sp 2, rank 2, sp. 3 rank 3 Authority for each name and rank Original protologue citation Vascular Plants of Jordan Main Databases consulted: PlantList: IPNI: TROPICOS: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families:

12 Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Jordan

13 Towards the preparation of: Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Jordan Allium desertorum Forssk., Fl. Aegypt.-Arab.: 72 (1775) Syn. Allium modestum Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. 13: 33 (1854) Bulb geophyte Habitat: Hammada; steppe Floristic Region: Saharo-Arabian Conservation Status: LC Specimen: Joe Bloggs 123 (Herb.) Jordan to Egypt. 20 EGY 34 PAL SIN Allium dictyoprasum C.A.Mey. ex Kunth, Enum. Pl. 4: 390 (1843). Syn. Allium multiflorum var. violaceopurpureum K.Koch, Linnaea 22: 239 (1849); Allium viride Grossh., Fl. Kavkaza 1: 201 (1928); Allium emarginatum Rech.f., Ark. Bot., n.s., 1: 505 (1952) Bulb geophyte. Habitat: Mediterranean; steppe Floristic Region: Irano-Turanian Conservation Status: LC Specimen: Joe Bloggs 456 (Herb.) Jordan to Egypt. 20 EGY 34 PAL SIN. E. Turkey to N Iran & N Saudi Arabia 32 TKM 33 TCS 34 IRN IRQ LBS PAL TUR 35 SAU Photo: J Marta

14 BOT ERA Reinforcing Cooperation between the Royal Botanic Garden of Jordan and ERA Funded by EC Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). INCO.2011-6.2 INCO.2011-6.2 KBBE. Coordination and Support Action. (294416) Thank you

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