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خانه کارآفرينان ايران تقديم میکند.

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Presentation on theme: "خانه کارآفرينان ايران تقديم میکند."— Presentation transcript:

1 خانه کارآفرينان ايران تقديم میکند.

2 Entrepreneurship Strategies and Resources
By: Marc J. Dollinger

3 Chapter 1 A Framework for Entrepreneurship

4 What is Entrepreneurship? Different authors have different ideas!
LET’S ASK A QUESTION! ? What is Entrepreneurship? ? ? ? ? Different authors have different ideas! ? ? ? ?

5 What is Entrepreneurship?
Knight(1921) Schumpeter(1934) Hoselitz(1952) Cole(1959) Stevenson, Roberts,& Grousbeck(1989) Hart,Stevenson,& Dial(1995)

6 Definiation of Entrepreneurship
Knight(1921): Profits from bearing uncertainty and risk Schumpeter(1934): Carrying out of new combination of firm organization-new products, new services , new markets , … Cole(1959): Purposeful activity to initiate and develop a profit-oriented business

7 Definiation of Entrepreneurship
Casson(1982) Decisions and judgments about the coordination of scarce resources Stevenson,Roberts & Grousbeck(1989) The pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled Hart,Stevenson & Dial(1995) The pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled, but constrained by the founders, previous choices and industry –related experience

8 A definition of entrepreneurship includes:
Innovation Economic organization Growth during risk and/or uncertainty

9 Entrepreneurs, Now and Then!
Then Now Small-business founder True entrepreneur Boss Leader Lone Ranger Networker Secretive Open Self-reliant Inquisitive Seat of the pants Business plan Snap decisions Consensus Male ownership Mixed ownership

10 Entrepreneurs, Now and Then!
Then Now Idea Execution In 1982, 80% of the CEO’s of the Inc. 500 companies believed their companies’ success was based on novel, unique , or proprietary ideas. In 1992, 80% of the CEO’s of the Inc. 500 companies said that the ideas for their companies were ordinary , and that they owned their success to superior execution.

11 Entrepreneurs, Now and Then!
Then Now Knows the Trade Knows the Business Eastern, one of the first airlines in the United States , was founded by pilot Eddie Rickenbacker. Federal Express, an overnight delivery service utilizing airplanes, was developed from a business plan written by Fred Smith while he was studying for his MBA at Yale.

12 Entrepreneurs, Now and Then!
Then Now Automation Innovation Technology lets business automate the work people had always done. Technology lets people do things never done before.

13 Resource-Based Theory But what does the Resource-Based Theory say?!
One of the most important Theories concerning to entrepreneurship is: Resource-Based Theory But what does the Resource-Based Theory say?!

14 Have no good substitutes to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage
The Resource-Based theory states that an entrepreneur uses resources that are: Rare valuable Hard to copy Have no good substitutes to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage

15 Let’s introduce a successful entrepreneur!
Sam Walton Sam Walton was born in 1918 and died in In between, he built the largest , most successful retail organization in the world (Wal-Mart) and became America’s richest person. His 10 well-known rules are considerable

16 Sam Walton’s 10 Best Rules
Rule 1: commit to your business and believe in it

17 Sam Walton’s 10 Best Rules
Rule 2: Share your profits with your partners (employees)

18 Sam Walton’s 10 Best Rules
Rule 3: Motivate your partners , challenge them, and keep score.

19 Sam Walton’s 10 Best Rules
Rule 4: Communicate everything!

20 Sam Walton’s 10 Best Rules
Rule 5: Appreciate your associates with well-chosen words.

21 Sam Walton’s 10 Best Rules
Rule 6: Celebrate your successes.

22 Sam Walton’s 10 Best Rules
Rule 7: Listen to everyone and get them talking.

23 Sam Walton’s 10 Best Rules
Rule 8: Exceed your customers’ expectation.

24 Sam Walton’s 10 Best Rules
Rule 9 : Control your expenses .

25 Sam Walton’s 10 Best Rules
Rule 10 and the Most important One! BREAK ALL THE RULES. SWIM UPSTREAM.GO THE OTHER WAY.

26 Hope to see you as an enthusiastic , Successful and Motivated Entrepreneur!
Dr. M. Ahmadpour Dariani

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