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* Scullery- a room for cleaning and storing cooking utensils and for doing messy kitchen work * Ensconced- sheltered or concealed * Enmity- positive,

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2 * Scullery- a room for cleaning and storing cooking utensils and for doing messy kitchen work * Ensconced- sheltered or concealed * Enmity- positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will

3 * Tyrannize- to exercise oppressive power * Spinney- a small wood with undergrowth * Dissentients- those who express dissent(publicly disagree w/ an official opinion)

4 * Vivacious- lively in temper, conduct, or spirit * Apathy-not having much emotion or interest(lack of interest or concern) * Maltreat- to treat cruelly or roughly * Lithograph- a print made by lithography (a picture) * Capered- jump around in a lively way * Ecstasy- a state of very great happiness

5 * Parasitical- something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return * Paddock- an enclosed area used for pasturing or exercising animals

6 * Indefatigable- incapable of being fatigued, untiring * Whelped- to give birth to * Propaganda- the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person

7 * Publican- someone who owns or runs a pub * Dynamo- generator * Sordid-dirty, filthy * Watchword- a word or motto that embodies a principle or guide to action of an individual or a group * Cunning-skill in achieving one’s end through underhanded means (deviousness)

8 * Malignity-instance of malicious behavior(desire to cause harm to someone) * Ignominious- marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame * Indignation-anger caused by something that is unfair or wrong

9 * Emboldened-instilled with boldness or courage * Cannibalism- eating of human flesh by a human being or eating of animal flesh by an animal * Infanticide- act of killing a baby * Mangel- a large coarse yellow to reddish-orange beet grown chiefly as food for cattle * Stupefied- astonished

10 *Thwart- to stop something from happening *Capitulate- surrender *Coccidiosis- disease caused by coccidia(protozoans parasitic in the digestive system) *Countenance- a person’s expression *tumult- noisy confusion or disorder * Retribution- the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment

11 * Fortnight- a period of 14 days * Retinue- a group of attendants * Machination- a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish something evil

12 * Beatifically- showing complete happiness * Hullabaloo- uproar * Conciliate- to gain by pleasing acts * Lamentation- mourning aloud

13 * Poultice- a soft usually heated and sometimes medicated mass spread on a cloth and applied to sores or other lesions * Superannuated- incapacitated for active duty by advanced age

14 * Piebald- of different colors, spotted or blotched with black or white * Knacker- a buyer of worn out domestic animals for use as animal farm or fertilizer * Oration- an elaborate discourse delivered in a formal and dignified manner

15 * Inebriate-one who is drunk * Taciturn- temperamentally disinclined to talk * Filial- of, relating to, or befitting a son or daughter

16 * Bon mot- a clever remark * Malignant- evil in nature, influence, or effect

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