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Introduction to Criminal Law Chapter 8. Intro to Criminal Law Almost all crimes require an act, accompanied by a guilty state of mind –Done intentionally,

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Criminal Law Chapter 8. Intro to Criminal Law Almost all crimes require an act, accompanied by a guilty state of mind –Done intentionally,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Criminal Law Chapter 8

2 Intro to Criminal Law Almost all crimes require an act, accompanied by a guilty state of mind –Done intentionally, knowingly, or willfully Motive: reason for performing the act Strict Liability: crimes that do not require a guilty state of mind Ex. Selling alcohol to minors

3 General Considerations –Each crime is defined by elements Example: –Robbery: the taking of goods or money by force or intimidation from a person vs. –Burglary: the taking of goods or money from a building (office, home, etc.) An act may be criminal and civil at the same time –State and Federal Crimes –Felony vs. Misdemeanor

4 Preliminary Crimes Parties to Crimes –Principal –Accomplice –Accessory before the fact –Accessory after the fact  Will not be charged with the same crime as the principal. Crimes of Omission –NOT doing something that you are legally obligated to do Solicitation –Asking someone else to commit a crime Attempt Conspiracy

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