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MARKETING MANAGEMENT 12 th edition 19 Managing Personal Communications KotlerKeller.

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Presentation on theme: "MARKETING MANAGEMENT 12 th edition 19 Managing Personal Communications KotlerKeller."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARKETING MANAGEMENT 12 th edition 19 Managing Personal Communications KotlerKeller

2 19-2 Chapter Objectives ►How can companies use integrated direct marketing for competitive advantage? ►How can companies do effective e-marketing? ►What decisions do companies face in designing a sales force? ►How do companies manage a sales force efficiently? ►How can salespeople improve selling, negotiating, and relationship marketing skills?

3 19-3 Direct Marketing DIRECT MARKETING: DIRECT MARKETING: Use of consumer direct channels to reach and deliver goods and services to customers without using market middlemen. Seeks measurable response, typically a customer order (non personal direct selling) DIRECT MARKETING CHANNELS INTERACTIVE MARKETING TV Kiosks Web Sites e-marketing Catalogues Telemarketing OTHER Direct Mail Fax and Voice Mail Marketing BENEFITS TO SELLER Lower cost alternative to personal direct sales Broaden sales exposure to low end market segments Facilitates market segment contact and timing Drive more business through enhanced convenience RISKS – LEGAL & BRAND IMAGE Irritation Unfairness Deception and Fraud Invasion of Privacy Establish Objectives Select Target Prospects Develop Offer Elements Test Elements Execute Measure Success DIRECT MAIL MARKETING PLAN Direct response rate min (1-2%) Predictable sales to response ratio Effective use of data wharehousing Prospects most susceptible to direct marketing Recency, frequency, amount spent, demographics Customer attention relative to classifications The product, offer, medium, distribution, strategy The envelope, letter, circular, reply form & envelop Segment pilot, vehicles, timeframe Program expenses relative to revenues

4 19-4 Interactive Direct Marketing Channels TELEMARKETING Telesales Telecoverage Teleprospecting Customer service and technical supportTELEVISION Direct response advertising At-home shopping channels Videotext and Interactive TV WEBSITE DESIGNING Context Content Community Customization Communication Connection Commerce Ease of Use –Downloads quickly –First page is easy to understand –Easy to navigate Attractiveness –Clean looking –Not overly crammed with content –Readable fonts –Good use of color and sound Content to Entice Visits and Returns –Deep information with links –Changing news of interest –Changing offers –Contests and sweepstakes –Humor and jokes –Games ON-LINE ADS Banner ads Microsites Sponsorships Interstitials Search-related ads Content-targeted advertising Alliances Affiliate programs E-MARKETING GUIDELINES Give the customer a reason to respond Personalize the content of your emails Offer something the customer could not get via direct mail Make it easy for customers to unsubscribe INTERACTIVE MARKETING

5 19-5 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

6 19-6 Managing the Sales Force Objectives Critical Elements Necessary to Effectively Design and Manage the Sales Force  Structuring the Sales Organization  Resource Planning  Attracting and Retaining Quality Sales People  Deployment of Sales Resources  Business, Territory and Key Account Planning  Territory and Time Management  Skills Development  Sales Incentive and Compensation Plans Educate Educate Motivate Motivate Evaluate EvaluateCompensate Educate Educate Motivate Motivate Evaluate EvaluateCompensate Designing and Managing a Sales Force


8 19-8 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

9 19-9 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

10 19-10 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

11 19-11 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

12 19-12 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

13 19-13 Personal Direct Direct Selling SellingPersonal Direct Direct Selling Selling Designing and Managing a Sales Force

14 19-14 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

15 19-15 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

16 19-16 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

17 19-17 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

18 19-18 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

19 19-19 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

20 19-20 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

21 19-21 Designing and Managing a Sales Force

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