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Compensation for Training Time TPS Approach* *Thanks to CPKN, Edmonton, Calgary, RCMP, HRDC, Police Sector Council, Glen Livett, Canadian Brewers, etc…

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Presentation on theme: "Compensation for Training Time TPS Approach* *Thanks to CPKN, Edmonton, Calgary, RCMP, HRDC, Police Sector Council, Glen Livett, Canadian Brewers, etc…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compensation for Training Time TPS Approach* *Thanks to CPKN, Edmonton, Calgary, RCMP, HRDC, Police Sector Council, Glen Livett, Canadian Brewers, etc…

2 DEFINITIONS - HRDC page 89  Education emphasizes a rigorous but broad and open-minded approach to subject matter. It encourages an active and questioning role for the learner, the exercise of individual judgement and the development of broadly applicable skills.  Training is conducted to teach employees to do specific, definable tasks. Training requires that a specific thing is learned and that employees understand the directions to carry it out precisely.  Development is a series of opportunities for an employee to learn new skills and knowledge in preparation for individual career goals and/or organizational objectives.

3 Training  Required by law, safety, performance of the TPS Mission,  Not the same as Development or Education (See HRDC report),  Training is on duty, TPS pays, TPS controls access,  Training is issued by the employer,  Member can be required to complete as a BFOQ,  Education and Development are off-duty partnerships

4 Training Driven by…  Risk Management…  Workforce Development… employee performance required by organization to meet the Agency mission…  Needs to meet accepted standards (Ont., TPS, practice and profession)  Training costs Police Services for Delivery and Attendance,

5 Steps  Define training duties  Specify the time required – Calgary  Authorize and Release the member from other duties to attend to training duties as we always have up to the time required  Advantages…  Agency controls  Agency schedules  Agency tracks  Save cost in delivery and attendance.

6 Next Steps  Intermodal modular training  “Essential training model”  Eliminate Barriers:  Labour, IT, Legal, old fashioned Managers, lack of business thinking.

7 Suggestions  Think of training like equipment, issued to meet mission by service and controlled and authorized by service,  Use the solutions you have always used to solve traditional training problems,  All of the problems in e-learning have already been solved to allow traditional training…

8 Training is a DUTY  Assess the need for it…  Plan it…  Procure it…  Authorize it…  Assign it…  Schedule it…  Track it…  Hold members accountable for completing it…  Evaluate it… (Reaction, Learning, Performance, and Impact) same as before!

9 Be careful about  Equity as a driving principle – workforce development is safer,  Tracking training by hours – completion and achievement are safer,  Ignoring the actual costs of your existing training strategies…

10 The future…  Text…  Sounds…  Pictures…  Video…  Animated demonstrations…  Testing…  Performance support…  In your pocket… everywhere!

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