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Unit 6 Week 2 Day 2. Reinforce the Theme What are some life cycle stages you recall from Living and Growing? Which animals go through those stages? Which.

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1 Unit 6 Week 2 Day 2

2 Reinforce the Theme What are some life cycle stages you recall from Living and Growing? Which animals go through those stages? Which animals look like their parents when they are born or hatch? Which ones don’t? Theme Question: How do living things grow and change? Activate Prior Knowledge What do birds need to know as they grow? What do bears need to know?

3 Reinforce Theme Vocabulary Theme Vocabulary formto grow or develop protectto keep from getting hurt problemsthings that are hard to do Think about puppies and dogs. Use the theme vocabulary words to tell what you know about these animals.

4 Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Summarizing is telling or writing important information or events. Page 17 of Living and Growing. I start to summarize by picking out the important ideas. I think the frog’s changes are the ideas to remember. Eggs are in water. Tadpoles form legs and lungs. Frogs can live on land. Frogs have three stages in their life cycles. They begin as eggs, change into tadpoles, and then into adult frogs.

5 Summarize Practice by choosing a life cycle from page 20 or 21. What are important ideas to remember? How does the animal begin its life? What is its first change? (beetle 4 stages, albatross 3) How will you write a summary?

6 Prepare to Read Young wild animals must eventually live on their own, away from their mothers. What would a young wild animal have to do for itself? What problems might it have? Read pages 22-29 What are the young animals learning to do? How are these animals learning? Can you summarize in one or two sentences what these wild animals learned?

7 Word Study: Suffixes -er, -est Adding the Suffixes –er, -est to Compare Base WordCompare Two Compare More Than Two smallsmallersmallest slowslowerslowest Note Spelling Changes hothotterhottest sleepysleepiersleepiest nicenicernicest Complete the chart and use the words to describe things in the room: highhigherhighest flat bright close

8 High-Frequency Words: High-Frequency Words: answer, people Decodable Reader #21: Decodable Reader #21: The Cruise Street Parade Fluency: Fluency: “Go Garden” (article) Practice Companion p. 88

9 Grammar- Adjectives: Articles Adjectives are words that tell about nouns. Some tell the size, shape color, or number (two) of the noun they describe. The words a, an, and the are also adjectives. The words a and an refer to any pencil. The refers to a specific pencil. Use a before nouns that begin with a consonant (a bat). Use an before nouns that begin with a vowel (an owl). shape, Bring me a pencil. Bring me the pencil.

10 Write Directions: Draft Writing Models Chart page 41, read Grow Your Own Pumpkins. Draft: Hop Your Way to Hopscotch What You Need: chalk pebble 1. Draw a hopscotch board on the blacktop. See diagram. 2. To begin, toss the pebble onto the board. 3. Hop on one foot in all the boxes, without landing in the box with the pebble in it. 4. Then, standing on one foot, pick up your pebble from the box where it landed. 5. You are out if your other foot or a hand touches the ground. You are also out if you land in the square where the pebble is. Keep taking turns until only one person remains. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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