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Christian Morality Foundational Principles: Moral Choices.

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1 Christian Morality Foundational Principles: Moral Choices

2 Created for Love & Happiness Created out of love ◦ World created for us ◦ We were created for God ◦ Eternal destiny in communion with God Created in God’s Image and Likeness ◦ The summit of God’s creation  Soul  Intellect  Free will

3 Gifts from God Soul ◦ Given at conception, animates us (Genesis 2: 7) ◦ Our spiritual principle, is immortal ◦ Core of our human consciousness and freedom Intellect ◦ Gift that helps us to see and understand the order of the created world ◦ Allows us to distinguish between truth and deception  We can understand how to stay in relationship with God Free will ◦ Gift that gives us the ability to choose from among various actions for which we are held accountable  Genesis 4: 6-7  Sirach 15: 11-20 “With great gifts comes great responsibility”

4 Freedom to Choose Moral choice ◦ Free will allows us to do good or evil ◦ Responsibility for our choices  Factors may lessen the blame  Not excuses but recognition of circumstances that may hinder our freedom to choose Original sin ◦ Transmitted to us from our ancestors ◦ Original holiness was for all human nature ◦ Concupiscence: a tendency toward sin

5 New Life in Christ Old Testament promises ◦ Salvation history  Protoevangelium  Chosen people and the Divine law  Given rituals and the priesthood  Leadership in the judges, kings and prophets  Human response was lacking New Testament fulfillment ◦ Paschal mystery  Battle against sin and death is won

6 Called to Beatitude New vision of life ◦ Radical difference from society’s view  Poor in spirit vs. self-centered  Meek vs. proud  Merciful vs. vengeful  Peacemaker vs. conflict  Persecuted vs. secure ◦ Simple but not easy

7 Holy Trinity Compass, (GPS) and strength ◦ Gives us direction, “points north”  Scripture and Tradition ◦ Die and reborn in Baptism  Receive grace Moral Choices bring us closer to the Trinity ◦ Called by the Father to holiness ◦ Jesus is our model by his example and teachings ◦ Empowered by the Holy Spirit

8 Justification & Sanctification Faith or works? ◦ We are saved by God’s work not our own ◦ Justified through Christ  Through Baptism we share in Christ’s righteousness in uniting ourselves to Christ’s passion, death and resurrection  Restoration of original holiness and justice is made possible ◦ Begins with conversion  Realization that we need to turn back to God and away from evil  Accept God’s gift of forgiveness and righteousness  Justification leads to sanctification

9 Our Collaboration Merit ◦ A reward from God to those who love him and follow Jesus’ Law of Love. We do not earn merit. It is a gift from God. (see Gen.4: 3-7) Why should we be good? ◦ God made us to be good ◦ God has given us a share in his love and life ◦ God has justified us so that we can live in perfect communion with him ◦ If we are good for our own purposes it will backfire on us. God must be our center not us.

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