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Outlook for current and prospective commodities Max Foster.

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Presentation on theme: "Outlook for current and prospective commodities Max Foster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outlook for current and prospective commodities Max Foster

2 Overview Kimberley region agriculture Beef industry –WA live cattle exports –Kimberley cattle property performance Ord River Irrigation Area –Existing crops –Prospective crops

3 Value of agricultural production, Kimberley, 2006-07 $m

4 Beef cattle

5 Live cattle exports, Australia $/hd 2008-09 ‘000

6 Kimberley beef cattle properties Average per farm $’000 2008-09

7 Rates of return, Kimberley beef cattle properties %

8 Ord River Irrigation Area

9 Ord River Irrigation Area Land use, 2007-08

10 Sandalwood

11 Sandalwood oil: US imports and import prices from India t US$/kg 2009

12 Chinese Taipei: Sandalwood Imports and import prices tUS$/t 2009 US$/kg

13 Horticulture

14 Horticulture outlook Domestic markets Strong growth in demand, particularly for fresh produce ORIA producers benefiting from seasonal price premiums World markets Rapid growth in the value of world fruit, nut and vegetable trade

15 Value of Australian horticulture production $m 2008-09

16 Value of world fruit and vegetable trade US$m 2009

17 Premiums for selected ORIA horticultural products Perth market %

18 Emerging and prospective crops Chia Cotton Exotic tropical fruit Native foods Food crops –Rice?

19 Cotton: daily indicator price Daily to 12 May 2009 c/lb

20 Australia cotton returns $/bale 2008-09 USc/lb 2008-09

21 Summary of outlook Solid returns to the Kimberley beef industry Continuing strong demand for ORIA horticultural products –However, expansion in production of some horticultural products could pressure seasonal price premiums Interesting possibilities for ‘new’ irrigated crops

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