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The Ch’i-lin Purse Day 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ch’i-lin Purse Day 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ch’i-lin Purse Day 1

2 What are the rewards in helping others?
Concept Talk What are the rewards in helping others?

3 Partner Share What kinds of good deeds for others might people do?
What possible rewards can people attain from helping others?

4 Let’s Talk About Turn to page 230-231
How is this teacher helping the boy? What other jobs let you help people? How do you think the child felt before the man helped the cat? How does the child show thanks? How does the social worker help the child?

5 Listen: In “The Call of the Sea” a man does a favor for a mermaid and she helps him in return. Listen for these words: Stranded Favor Panic distress

6 Amazing Words Stranded- stuck or in trouble Favor –an act of kindness
Panic –is to have such great fear that you lose control of yourself Distress –great pain or suffering

7 Compare and Contrast When we compare and contrast something we talk about how they are alike and how they are different. How can we compare the sun and the moon? How can we contrast the sun and the moon?

8 Vocabulary Astonished- syn- surprised shocked, surprised
Behavior- syn-way of acting the way a person acts or behaves

9 Vocabulary Benefactor- someone who helps someone out financially with no expectation of payback Distribution- syn- giving out To give or pass out something

10 Vocabulary gratitude- syn- thankfulness To be grateful or thankful
Procession-syn-group moving together A group of people or animals moving together

11 Vocabulary Recommend- syn-heartily suggest To suggest or offer
Sacred – syn- holy Something that is considered holy Traditions- things that you do for certain events

12 Spelling This week we are practicing spelling words with r controlled vowels. These are vowels that make special sounds because they are followed by an r Let’s take our pretest now.

13 Action and Linking verbs
Let’s watch this power point to see the difference between action and linking verbs.

14 Writing Poems include: Verse Rhyme Rhythm They use techniques like:
Onomatopoeia-words imitate sounds Assonance-repetition of vowel sounds Allieration- repetition of beginning letter sounds

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