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© T. M. Whitmore Today North Africa and Southwest Asia  Culture  Religion  Language  Ethnicity  Ancient lands, new countries  Political problems.

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Presentation on theme: "© T. M. Whitmore Today North Africa and Southwest Asia  Culture  Religion  Language  Ethnicity  Ancient lands, new countries  Political problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 © T. M. Whitmore Today North Africa and Southwest Asia  Culture  Religion  Language  Ethnicity  Ancient lands, new countries  Political problems

2 © T. M. Whitmore Last Time North Africa and Southwest Asia  Role of the geography (location & situation) of  Resources and settlement  Populations & demography

3 © T. M. Whitmore Religion — A source of commonality and division Islam (Muslim) Islam  Sunni  Shíite  Fundamentalists Judaism Christianity

4 Arab traders and other empires spread Islam to Turkey and central Europe, North and East Africa, and Central, South and Southeast Asia.

5 © T. M. Whitmore

6 Note the the presence of religious minorities such as Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians and other Islamic sects such as Ibadism and Wahhabism. Purple areas include the Druze and Bahai.


8 Religion is an important part of everyday life throughout the region, more so than in most other parts of the world.

9 © Bret Wallach

10 © T. M. Whitmore Language — also a source of commonality and division 4 language groups (several languages)language  Semitic languages  Arabic  Hebrew  Turkic languages  Persian languages  Farsi  Kurdish  Hamitic languages  in the Sahara


12 © T. M. Whitmore Ethnicity Arab — what is an Arab? Turks Kurds Saharan groups Persians in Iran

13 Kurdish language


15 © T. M. Whitmore Culture – is complex Religion Language Ethnicity Lifestyles

16 © T. M. Whitmore Ancient Lands — New countries “Fertile Crescent”Fertile Crescent Roman empire Roman Rise of Islam — 600s-700s AD Rise of Islam Mongol conquest — Genghis Khan et al. in the 1250s Mongol conquest Ottoman empire 1400s - 1920s Ottoman empire European colonial interest Role of WW I Between the World Wars Post WW II


18 Ancient Cities in the Fertile Crescent



21 Islamic Caliphates 622-750


23 1154 world map by Moroccan Cartographer/ Geographer al-Idrisi

24 Earliest printed example of a classical T & O map by Guntherus Ziner, Augsburg, 1472

25 Limits to Mongol control ~ 1300



28 1914 (pre WWI) Colonial Boundaries


30 1939 (pre WWII) Colonial Boundaries



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