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MCS51 - part 1
Architecture MCS51 Addressing spaces & modes Instruction list
Lecture /47 Architecture MCS51 Addressing spaces & modes Instruction list
families: MCS151 MCS251 MCS48 family 8048/49/50 8020/21/22 6MHz
History /47 families: MCS151 MCS251 MCS48 family 8048/49/ /21/22 6MHz MCS51 family 8051/52 12MHz MCS96 family 1976 8085 1980 1983 1990
Architecture MCS /47 Features: 8-bit CPU; built-in bit-processor; 255 instructions, including fast multiplying & dividing 1B×1B, 1B/1B; built-in clock generator; 32 I/O lines; built-in data memory SRAM of 128B; built-in 4kB of program memory ROM (8051) or EPROM (8751); 64kB of external data memory space (RAM); 64kB of external program memory space (ROM,EPROM); 2 16b timers/counters; built-in bidirectional serial port; priority & vector interrupt system.
instr. reg. & decoder control unit
Architecture MCS /47 Structure of 8051 128B SRAM reg. P2 RAM addr.reg. PC incrementer PC reg. DPTR reg. clock gen. instr. reg. & decoder control unit XTAL1 XTAL2 PSEN ALE EA RST Acc PSW TMP1 TMP2 ALU reg. B reg. P1 PCON SCON SBUF TCON TH0 TL0 TH1 TL1 TMOD IP IE SP interrupts, serial port timer/counters reg. P0 reg. P3 4kB ROM programme addr. reg. P P1.0 P P3.0 P P0.0 P P2.0 Vcc GND SFR
instr. reg. & decoder control unit
Architecture MCS /47 Structure of 8052 256B SRAM reg. P2 RAM addr.reg. PC incrementer PC reg. DPTR reg. clock gen. instr. reg. & decoder control unit XTAL1 XTAL2 PSEN ALE EA RST Acc PSW TMP1 TMP2 ALU reg. B reg. P1 PCON SCON SBUF TCON TH0 TL0 TH1 TL1 TMOD IP IE SP interrupts, serial port timer/counters reg. P0 reg. P3 8kB ROM programme addr. reg. P P1.0 P P3.0 P P0.0 P P2.0 Vcc GND SFR TH2 TL2 T2CON RCAP2H RCAP2L
Architecture MCS /47 Standard packages of 8051/52
7Fh 78h bits direct addressable 07h 00h
Architecture MCS /47 Memory spaces of MCS51 0FFh 80h bank #0 00h bank #1 08h bank #2 10h bank #3 18h 7Fh h bits direct addressable 07h h 2Fh 20h RAM 7Fh 30h additional RAM SFR ROM ext. ROM int. 0000h 0FFFFh external ROM ROMMAX EA=0 EA=1 0FFFFh external RAM 0000h internal RAM program start address = 0000h addresses = k*8+3 - interrupt vectors
Architecture MCS51 - working registers 9/47
Register banks RAM bytes of address range: 00h..1Fh are available as 4 register banks: R0 00h: R1 01h: R2 02h: R3 03h: R4 04h: R5 05h: R6 06h: R7 07h: bank00 08h: 09h: 0Ah: 0Bh: 0Ch: 0Dh: 0Eh: 0Fh: bank01 10h: 11h: 12h: 13h: 14h: 15h: 16h: 17h: bank10 18h: 19h: 1Ah: 1Bh: 1Ch: 1Dh: 1Eh: 1Fh: bank11 Active bank number is store in bits RS1,RS0 in PSW. Typical application of register banks is interrupt service..
Architecture MCS51 - direct addressable bits 10/47
They are stored in fragment of internal RAM and some SFR registers. They are accessible for bit instructions. They act as 1-bit logic variables. Bits of RAM byte from 20h to 2Fh have direct addresses from 0 to 127, according to formula: bit_addr = (byte_addr - 20h)*8 + position_in_byte In SFR, direct addressable bits are placed in registers, which addresses equals multiple 8 (example 80h, C8h).
Architecture MCS51 - SFR 11/47
SFR - special function registers: address space: from 80h to 0FFh; registers control: access to built-in devices; processor work; interrupt system; extensive address using in standard (8051) allows to design many different extensions (additional devices); registers defined by Intel as 8051 standard, have the same addresses in other members of MCS51 family. ... - PT2 BD PS BC IP B8h bit not implemented italic - additional object in 8052 address of direct addressable bit register address in SFR register name bit name
Architecture MCS51 - SFR 12/47
P2.7 A7 P2.6 A6 P2.5 A5 P2.4 A4 P2.3 A3 P2.2 A2 P2.1 A1 P2.0 A0 P2 A0h EA AF - AE ET2 AD ES AC ET1 AB EX1 AA ET0 A9 EX0 A8 IE A8h P3.7 B7 P3.6 B6 P3.5 B5 P3.4 B4 P3.3 B3 P3.2 B2 P3.1 B1 P3.0 B0 P3 B0h - BF - BE PT2 BD PS BC PT1 BB PX1 BA PT0 B9 PX0 B8 IP B8h TF2 CF EXF2CE RCLKCD TCLKCC EXEN2CB TR2 CA C/T2 C9 CP/RL2C8 T2CON C8h CAh RCAP2L CBh RCAP2H CCh TL2 CDh TH2 CY D7 AC D6 F0 D5 RS1 D4 RS0 D3 OV D2 - D1 P D0 PSW D0h A.7 E7 A.6 E6 A.5 E5 A.4 E4 A.3 E3 A.2 E2 A.1 E1 A.0 E0 A E0h B.7 F7 B.6 F6 B.5 F5 B.4 F4 B.3 F3 B.2 F2 B.1 F1 B.0 F0 B F0h
Architecture MCS51 - SFR 13/47
SBUF SM0 9F SM1 9E SM2 9D REN 9C TB8 9B RB8 9A TI 99 RI 98 SCON 98h P1.7 97 P1.6 96 P1.5 95 P1.4 94 P1.3 93 P1.2 92 P1.1 91 P1.0 90 P1 90h 8Dh TH1 8Ch TH0 8Bh TL1 8Ah TL0 GATE C/T M1 M0 TMOD 89h TF1 8F TR1 8E TF0 8D TR0 8C IE1 8B IT1 8A IE0 89 IT0 88 TCON 88h SMOD - GF1 GF0 PD IDL PCON 87h 83h DPH 82h DPL 81h SP P0.7 87 P0.6 86 P0.5 85 P0.4 84 P0.3 83 P0.2 82 P0.1 81 P0.0 80 P0 80h
Architecture MCS51 - SFR - PSW 14/47
CY D7 AC D6 F0 D5 RS1 D4 RS0 D3 OV D2 - D1 P D0 PSW D0h CY - carry flag AC - auxiliary carry flag (during adding from bit 3rd to bit 4th) F0 - user flag OV - arithmetic overflow flag P - parity flag (parity of ones in ACC) RS1,RS0 - register bank select bits: RS1,RS0 = active bank There is no zero flag! Conditional jump instructions: JZ, JNZ directly check the accumulator.
Architecture MCS51 - SFR - A, B 15/47
Used by ALU. It contains direct addressable bits. Used during access to external data memory. A.7 E7 A.6 E6 A.5 E5 A.4 E4 A.3 E3 A.2 E2 A.1 E1 A.0 E0 A E0h B.7 F7 B.6 F6 B.5 F5 B.4 F4 B.3 F3 B.2 F2 B.1 F1 B.0 F0 B F0h Additional working registers. Use in multiplication and dividing instructions. It contains direct addressable bits.
Architecture MCS51 - SFR - SP i stos 16/47
Addresses the top of stack - points the last written byte. After reset it has value 07h ! Stack Acts only in internal RAM (! limited area). Writing to stack moves the top of the stack to the higher addresses, reading - vice versa. ! Writing can cause overlapping the stack on lowest RAM addresses. 2Bh B: 11h A: 58h SP: x 59h: 0Dh 58h: 34h 57h: 5Ah: RAM stack PUSH B POP A stack 58h 2Bh stack 59h 2Bh
MCS51 acting - adressing modes 17/47
Addressing modes for byte-operands immediately instr. code argument mov r6,#130 register operand instr. code Rx: mov a,r6 direct instr. code operand address intern. RAM inc 20h
MCS51 acting - adressing modes 18/47
register indirect int./ext. RAM address8b instr. code operand R0/R1: address16b DPTR: ext. RAM mov movx
MCS51 acting - adressing modes 19/47
index-relative PC/DPTR: d instr. code operand ROM base A: movc movc Addressing mode for bit-operands direct instr. code internal RAM mov c,20h address
MCS51 acting - adressing modes 20/47
ROM ext. ROM int. 0000h 0FFFFh external ROM ROMMAX EA=0 EA=1 0FFh 80h bank #0 00h bank #1 08h bank #2 10h bank #3 18h 7Fh h bits direct addressable 07h h 2Fh 20h RAM 7Fh 30h additional RAM SFR register indirect direct register bit-direct register indirect by DPTR register indirect by R0/R1 external RAM internal RAM index-relative addressing modes - ranges of usage
Instruction list MCS /47 1. Arithmetic instructions
Instruction list MCS /47
Instruction list MCS /47
Instruction list MCS /47
Instruction list MCS /47 2. Logic instructions
Instruction list MCS /47
Instruction list MCS /47
Instruction list MCS /47 Example:
Instruction list MCS /47 3. Rotation instructions
Instruction list MCS /47 4. Bit instructions
Instruction list MCS /47 5. Transfer instructions
Instruction list MCS /47
Instruction list MCS /47
Instruction list MCS /47
Instruction list MCS /47
Instruction list MCS /47 6. Jump instructions
Instruction list MCS /47
Instruction list MCS /47 7. Call & return instructions
Instruction list MCS /47 8. Influence of instructions on PSW state
MCS51 - programming examples 40/47
MCS51 - programming examples 41/47
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MCS51 - programming examples 46/47
Case „safe”: state of T0: executed instruction: 8877h MOV R1,TH0 8878h MOV R0,TL0 R1R0=8878h Case „critical”: state of T0: executed instruction: 88FFh MOV R1,TH0 8900h MOV R0,TL0 ! R1R0=8800h - error
MCS51 - programming examples 47/47
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