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Fresh Expressions1 Progress and Priorities General Synod York 2011.

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1 Fresh Expressions1 Progress and Priorities General Synod York 2011

2 Fresh Expressions2 Testimonies The presentation included a montage of testimonies taken from expressions: making a difference. You can order the DVD at

3 Fresh Expressions3 making a difference This DVD will help Christians realise the wonderful potential they have to make a difference wherever they are. John Sentamu This resource shows the potential of Fresh Expressions to help us plant Church that makes a difference. I recommend it highly. Pete Greig

4 Fresh Expressions4 making a difference

5 Fresh Expressions5 making a difference booklets: can fresh expressions emerge? should we start? 3.what should we start? can we get support? can we find our way? can we be sustainable? can we be a great team?

6 Fresh Expressions6 Mission-shaped Church church planting and fresh expressions of church in a changing context. General Synod Feb. 2004

7 Fresh Expressions7 what is a fresh expression? a fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church –it will come into being through principles of listening, service, incarnational mission and making disciples –it will have the potential to become a mature expression of church shaped by the gospel and the enduring marks of the church and for its cultural context

8 Fresh Expressions8 called to proclaim afresh The Church of England... professes the faith uniquely revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the catholic creeds, Which faith the Church is called upon to proclaim afresh in each generation. Bringing the grace and truth of Christ to this generation.

9 Fresh Expressions9 A fresh expression of church is missional – it seeks to benefit non- churchgoers contextual – it seeks to fit the context formational – it aims to form disciples ecclesial – it intends to become church

10 Fresh Expressions10 fresh expressions not the opposite of stale not a rebranding of existing work not a bridge project designed to being people to existing church not the opposite of traditional – the complement to it.

11 Fresh Expressions11 fresh expressions not church-lite but deep church taking the right shape in the right place at a price… the comfort and convenience of those who plant it

12 Fresh Expressions12 February 2009 that this Synod (a) affirm the mixed economy of traditional churches and fresh expressions of church, working in partnership, as the most promising mission strategy in a fast changing culture;

13 Fresh Expressions13 The mixed economy Celebrating and building on what is mission-shaped in traditional forms of church… …and finding new, flexible, appropriate ways to proclaim the Gospel afresh to those who do not relate to traditional ways

14 Fresh Expressions14 February 2009 (b) encourage those responsible for vocations and training in dioceses and parishes to promote the imaginative recruitment, training and deployment of ordained and lay pioneer ministers in and beyond title posts;

15 Fresh Expressions15 February 2009 (c) commend the making of Bishops' Mission Order to integrate suitable fresh expressions of church in the life of the dioceses; and

16 Fresh Expressions16 February 2009 (d) request the Mission and Public Affairs Division and the Research and Statistics Unit to gather evidence on the spiritual and numerical growth of the mixed economy church in general and fresh expressions of church in particular, and to bring a further report or reports to Synod in the next quinquennium.'

17 Fresh Expressions17 Numbers?

18 Fresh Expressions18 The New Ecumenism Unity grows as we partner one another in mission!

19 Fresh Expressions19 Ecumenical

20 Fresh Expressions20 Act ecumenically Mission is the whole Church bringing the whole Christ to the whole world. Paul Avis

21 Fresh Expressions21 Partners

22 Fresh Expressions22 Archbishop Rowan We want to see growth, spiritually and numerically… Growth is growth in the power to show Gods fidelity – a power unthinkable without the prior act and prompting of the Spirit. To grow in this sense is to become daily more conscious of the words with which the Great Commission of Mt. 28 ends – I am with you always

23 Fresh Expressions23 Presidential address I am with you always Without this, carrying out the Great Commission becomes a programme of human expansion and recruitment only. Our appeal in mission has to be, Walk with us as we walk with Jesus.

24 Fresh Expressions24 Critical factors new imagination about the church new climate of permission new resources

25 Fresh Expressions25 Information stories e-xpressions newsletter audio and video

26 Fresh Expressions26 Introduction

27 Fresh Expressions27 training

28 Fresh Expressions28 Research Rev. Dr. Mike Moynagh

29 Fresh Expressions29 regional approach FEASTs prayer and strategy training resources mapping find/support pioneers

30 Fresh Expressions30

31 Fresh Expressions31

32 Fresh Expressions32

33 Fresh Expressions33

34 Fresh Expressions34

35 Fresh Expressions35

36 Fresh Expressions36 One size does not fit all! Michael Herbst Institut zur Erforschung von Evangelisation und Gemeindeentwicklung

37 Fresh Expressions37 Church attendance and experience, 2006, England Fringe churchgoers (less often but at least 6x yr. ) 3% 1.4m Open de-churched 5% 1.9m Closed de-churched 26% 10.8m Open non-churched 1% 0.5m Closed non-churched 33% 13.7m Unassigned 2% 1.0m Other religions 7% 3.0m Regular churchgoers (at least monthly) 14% 5.9m Occasional churchgoers (less often but at least annually) 7% 2.9m Base: Adults 16+ in England (unw. 5907 w. 5774) Popn (000s) = 41,043

38 Fresh Expressions38 Time bomb! The Church is almost fourteen years older than the general population of England. CofE average – over 61 National average – under 47

39 Fresh Expressions39 Young Adults 7.5% of population in church on average Sunday BUT only 3% of 20-30 year olds Of these 27% worship in London. The black hole in most churches!

40 Fresh Expressions40 Ignorance of the little man

41 Fresh Expressions41 FE team national priorities MORE: every parish, circuit, area, cluster… the new default setting BETTER: sustainability, contextual disciple, contextual worship, sacramental worship, indigenous leadership OWNED: locally, by dioceses, and ecumenically – a culture of provisional recognition.

42 Fresh Expressions42 Mutual trust between the pioneers who plant fresh expressions and those to whom they are accountable.

43 Fresh Expressions43 FE team national priorities The missing generation

44 Fresh Expressions44 FE team national priorities A new missionary movement

45 Fresh Expressions45 A new missionary movement a new missionary movement – self supporting missionaries planting fresh expressions in different life circumstances or wherever the Spirit directs accountable to the churches through missionary Orders

46 Fresh Expressions46 Being and becoming The church is missionary by its very nature and it becomes missionary by attending to each and every context in which it finds itself. Bevans & Schroeder

47 Fresh Expressions47 Archbishop Rowan We keep faith with our society by searching all the time for the words and acts that keep faith today with the essence of Jesus challenge to the culture, religion and the righteousness of his day. And this means a difficult and constantly renewed discernment.

48 Fresh Expressions48 learning to be the church in our current context missionary by nature learning to be missionary in practice in response to the love of God

49 Fresh Expressions49 The Cure of Souls I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish hence my eagerness to proclaim the gospel to you also who are in Rome. For I am not ashamed of the gospel; it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith. Romans 1:14-16

50 Fresh Expressions50 The Churchs Challenge who will our current forms of church never reach? do we have a spiritual responsibility to those with no knowledge of the faith? hence – fresh expressions of church!

51 Fresh Expressions51 no quick fix long-term incarnational ministry among the majority group who have never been part of church.

52 Fresh Expressions52 Progress and Priorities General Synod York 2011

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