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Presented by: Sergey Volkovich Vladimir Dibnis Fall 2011 Supervisor: Mony Orbach.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Sergey Volkovich Vladimir Dibnis Fall 2011 Supervisor: Mony Orbach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Sergey Volkovich Vladimir Dibnis Fall 2011 Supervisor: Mony Orbach

2  To research high speed channels phenomena on the gen. 2 board  To find the correlation between the measurements, theory and simulation

3 Agilent Infiniium Scope PC simulations Phenomena Creation Environment

4 Altera DE2 Board Gen.2 Board DC Power SupplyGUI

5  Studying the project environment  Analyzing and measuring the signals from the crystal to the transmission lines  Building simulation models for each line and performing the simulations  Analyzing, measuring and simulating the lines with the resistive, capacitive and inductive mismatches. Finding the correlation between them and deriving conclusions

6  Analyzing, measuring and simulating crosstalk line. Finding the correlation between them and deriving conclusions  Summarizing the results and writing the project book




10 8Tp-9Tp7Tp-8Tp6Tp-7Tp5Tp-6Tp4Tp-5Tp3Tp-4Tp2Tp-3TpTp-2Tp0-TpTime [ns] 25.691.25 1.555.61 25.69NA Square Input's V in comparison [%] 3.20 15.272.93 13.50NA Square Input's V out comparison [%] 6Tp4Tp3Tp2TpTp0.00Time [ns] NA17.34NA13.25NA0.00Pulse Input's V in comparison [%] NA 13.52NA3.07NAPulse Input's V out comparison [%]

11 8Tp-9Tp7Tp-8Tp6Tp-7Tp5Tp-6Tp4Tp-5Tp3Tp-4Tp2Tp-3TpTp-2Tp0-TpTime [ns] NA 42.800.00NA Square Input's V in comparison [%] NA 0.0011.65NA Square Input's V out comparison [%] 6Tp4Tp3Tp2TpTp0.00Time [ns] NA 166.6721.5113.026.28Pulse Following Amplitudes Relations [%]

12  High correlation between theory, measurements and simulation at the amplitude and time domain  Overshoots and undershoots at low voltages  Ringings  General offset of -3mV at some lines  Rise time is slower than fall time, maybe due to the amplifier characteristics or ground capacitance

13  The signal fading in the simulation is much smaller than in the measurements



16 Measurement and theory comparison for square input- 123456789 Square Input's t,in error comparison [%]NA0,0012,0013,647,416,789,296,770,00 Square Input's Vout error comparison [%]NA36,6843,89 Measurement and simulation comparison for square input- 123456789 Square Input's t,in error comparison [%]NA12,5013,3310,457,416,789,296,770,00 Measurement and theory comparison for pulse input- 1234567 Pulse Input's t,in error comparison [%]NA0,0021,7412,0012,9416,000,00 Pulse Input's t,out error comparison [%]4,767,275,710,00 1234567 Pulse Input's t,in error comparison [%]NA30,0030,4310,6715,2915,000,00 Pulse Input's t,out error comparison [%]4,7612,7314,290,00 Measurement and simulation comparison for pulse input-

17 Time constant τ comparison for measurement, theory and simulation- theory [ns] 5,00 measurement charging [ns] 6,37 measurement discharging [ns] 8,38 measurement pulse [ns] 7,25 simulation charging [ns] 4,89 simulation discharging [ns] 12,73 τ simulation pulse [ns] 8,28

18  The most interesting phenomena that were analyzed were in the time domain  There was a high correlation between the theory, measurements and simulation at all of the three measured lines including the time constant  Similar to what we saw at the resistive termination the signal fading at the simulation is much smaller than at the measurements. other than that there’s excellent correlation between the simulation and the theory

19 1.The beginning of the measurement 2.Continuation of charging due to the return wave 3.The reflected waves arrives to the line entrance 4.The reflected wave changes it’s sign 5.The input voltage changes it’s sign 6.Continuation of discharging due to return wave


21 Measurement and theory comparison for square input- 123456789 Square Input's t,in error comparison [%]NA 5.715.064.76NA7.785.910.00 Square Input's Vin error comparison [%]0.003.980.00 44.0711.4413.9312.212.58 Square Input's t,out error comparison [%]3.122.446.455.004.670.43 Square Input's Vout error comparison [%]NA1.79NA 0.14NA 123456789 Square Input's t,in error comparison [%]NA4.065.717.595.710.748.897.530.00 Square Input's t,out error comparison [%]3.120.0011.295.004.670.43 Measurement and simulation comparison for square input- 123456789 Pulse Input's t,in error comparison [%]NA4.260.0013.166.179.83NA 0.00 Pulse Input's t,out error comparison [%]0.902.381.057.14NA0.13 Pulse Input's Vout error comparison [%]NA 0.0035.79NA Measurement and theory comparison for pulse input-

22 Measurement and simulation comparison for pulse input- 123456789 Pulse Input's t,in error comparison [%]NA25.5343.4811.8411.1118.95NA 0.00 Pulse Input's t,out error comparison [%]0.907.1415.7912.504.460.13

23 Time constant τ comparison for measurement, theory and simulation- τ theory [sec]=2.00E-09 τ measurement discharging [sec]=1.25632E-09 τ measurement charging [sec]=1.54116E-09 τ measurement pulse [sec]=1.64953E-09 τ simulation discharching [sec]=2.45998E-09 τ simulation charching [sec]=2.45998E-09 τ simulation pulse [sec]=2.42187E-09

24  The main reason for the deviation between the measurements and the theory/simulation is the non-ideal nature of the coil  There is an 0.5ns delay between the measurements and the theory  The rise time is slower than the fall time, similar to what we have seen at the resistive mismatches  There’s a good compatibility in the order of the magnitudes between the time constants

25  The amp model that was constructed for the simulation did not express the Tfall, Trise and Tflat parameters for the pulse input  Similar to what we saw at the resistive termination the signal fading at the simulation is much smaller than at the measurements

26 Zs Zo Zs Zo I Cm LmLm near far near far I Lm

27 TD 2TD ~Tr far end crosstalk Near end crosstalk Zo V Time = 2TD Zo Near end current terminated at T=2TD V Time = 0 Zo Near end crosstalk pulse at T=0 (I near ) Far end crosstalk pulse at T=0 (I far ) Zo V Time= 1/2 TD Zo V Time= TD Zo Far end of current terminated at T=TD


29 987654321 0.006.774.997.765.664.012.8716.67NASquare Input's t near comparison [%] 0.361.553.085.1510.9113.633.41Square Input's t far comparison [%] NA 12.41 NA 3.82 NASquare Input's V near comparison [%] NA 89.71NA 82.12NASquare Input's V far comparison [%] 987654321 Input's t near comparison [%] Input's t far comparison [%] NA 14.29 NA 1.96 NASquare Input's V near comparison [%] NA 7.64NA 6.67NA Square Input's V far normalized comparison [%] Measurement and theory comparison for square input- Measurement and simulation comparison for square input-

30 Measurement and theory comparison for pulse input- Measurement and simulation comparison for pulse input- 987654321 0.007.355.905.702.6818.1820.0014.29NAPulse Input's t near comparison [%] 0.0816.6313.5312.688.296.270.73Pulse Input's t far comparison [%] NA 9.0016.79NA 11.6218.25NA Pulse Input's V near comparison [%] NA 35.91NA 13.82NAPulse Input's V far comparison [%] 987654321 0.0012.3311.451.693.9236.3660.0014.29NAPulse Input's t near comparison [%] 0.0012.7718.6013.162.940.00 Pulse Input's t far comparison [%] NA 140.00157.14NA 27.0317.50NAPulse Input's V near comparison [%] NA 6.61NA 84.52NA Pulse Input's V far normalized comparison [%]

31  There is a high correlation between the measurements, theory and simulation at the time domain  There is an overshoot in the pulse simulation at the near end which affects the measured values  The theoretical calculation of the voltages at the near and far ends is based on the line’s parameters, such as mutual and self capacitance and inductance. Inaccuracy in them may cause a worse correlation

32  There is a high correlation between the measurements, theory and simulation  Higher correlation was found for square inputs  At lines with conductive and capacitive termination we focused at the time domain and the time constant due to their exponential nature  The following phenomena were noticed at the measurements: bias voltages, noises, different rise and fall speeds

33  The wave’s voltage decay at the simulation was much lower than in the measurements  Mixing analog and digital components isn’t recommended from the point of view of the simulation  There is a high correlation in the analysis from the crystal to the transmission lines between the measurements and the expected values of the voltages according to the theory and the datasheets


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