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Learning Objectives Copyright © 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning Managing Marketing Research and Research Ethics CHAPTER nineteen.

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1 Learning Objectives Copyright © 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning Managing Marketing Research and Research Ethics CHAPTER nineteen

2 Learning Objectives 1. To understand what clients want from a research supplier or department. 2. To appreciate the role of communications in managing marketing research. 3. To learn about the research management goals of assurance of data quality, cost control, adherence to time schedules, maintenance of client profitability, and staff development.

3 Learning Objectives 4.To examine unethical practices among marketing research suppliers, clients, and marketing research field services. 5. To become familiar with respondents’ rights. 6.To discover methods by which the level of professionalism in marketing research can be raised.

4 Learning Objectives Top Ten things a client wants in a research company or department 1. Maintains client confidentiality 2. Is honest 3. Is punctual 4. Is flexible 5. Delivers against projects specifications 6. Provides high-quality output To understand what clients want form a research supplier or department. What Do Clients Want From a Research Department or Research Supplier?

5 Learning Objectives 7. Is responsive to the client’s needs 8. Has high quality-control standards 9. Is customer-orientated in interactions with client 10. Keeps the client informed throughout a project. Communication with Clients Every project should have a liaison person Before project begins, go over project objectives, methodology, and timing. Progress reports. To appreciate the importance and role of communications in managing marketing research. What Do Clients Want From a Research Department or Research Supplier?

6 Learning Objectives Five goals beyond excellent communications: Data Quality Minimize sources of error Careful proof reading of al text, charts, and graphs Time Management Keep the project on schedule Two problems: The incident rate problem A longer-than-anticipated interview. To learn about the research management goals of assurance of data quality and cost control. Managing The Research Process

7 Learning Objectives Managing Costs Capture data collection and other costs daily. Daily reporting of costs to project managers. Communicate the budget picture to clients and managers. Quickly identify over-budget situations Offer options to client early in the process. The Incidence Rate Problem Know the incidence rate. Managing The Research Process To learn about the research management goals of assurance of data quality and cost control.

8 Learning Objectives Client Profitability Management “Twenty percent of the clients generate eighty percent of the profits.”. Staff Management and Development 1. Encourage risk-taking, experimentation, and responsibility. 2. Foster recognition and accountability. 3. Provide job autonomy within a structure. 4. Attract and support people with entrepreneurial attitudes. Managing The Research Process To learn about the research management goals of assurance of data quality and cost control.

9 Learning Objectives 5. Connect rewards to a business result. 6. Open your financial books. 7. Offer diversity within your organization. 8. Provide clear promotional paths. Managing The Research Process To learn about the research management goals of assurance of data quality and cost control.

10 Learning Objectives Ethics: Moral principles or values generally governing the conduct of an individual or group. Not a one-way relationship. Research Supplier Ethics Low-ball Pricing Underpaying Field Services Lack of Objectivity To review some unethical practices found among marketing research suppliers. Managing Research Ethics

11 Learning Objectives Abuse of Respondents Most common problem: lengthy interviews Refusal rate now averages 60 percent. Selling Unnecessary Research Violating Client Confidentiality Research Client Ethics Issuing Bid Requests When a Supplier Has Been Predetermined Obtaining Free Advice and Methodology Via Bid Requests To examine unethical practices among research suppliers, clients, and field services. Managing Research Ethics

12 Learning Objectives Making False Promises Unauthorized Requests for Proposals Field Service Ethics Overreporting Hours Worked Falsifying Data Use of Professional Respondents Managing Research Ethics To examine unethical practices among marketing research field services.

13 Learning Objectives Data Collection Code of Ethics Accuracy of statements given to respondents to secure cooperation. Protection of respondent anonymity Respect for the respondent’s right to refuse cooperation. The need for parental consent before interviewing children. Treating respondents with respect and not attempting to influence responses. Managing Research Ethics To examine unethical practices among marketing research field services.

14 Learning Objectives Respondent Rights The Right to Choose to Participate The Right to Safety The Right to be Informed The Right to Privacy To become familiar with respondent’s rights. Managing Research Ethics

15 Learning Objectives A marketing researcher accepts personal responsibility for: 1. Employees’ needs and desires and the long-range best interests of the organization. 2 People directly affected by company activities and their long-range goodwill and best interests. 3. Social values and conditions for society at large that provide values, sanctions, and a social structure that enables the company to exist.. Ethics and Professionalism To discover methods by which the level of professionalism in marketing research can be raised.

16 Learning Objectives Indications of a Lack of Professionalism in the Research Industry Push Polls Sales Pitches Disguised as Research Fostering Professionalism Marketers that most need to think, believe, and behave as professionals are those in marketing research. Ethics and Professionalism To discover methods by which the level of professionalism in marketing research can be raised.

17 Learning Objectives The Efforts of CASRO Sponsored several symposia that deal with ethical issues in survey research. Worked with other groups to provide input to legislatures considering antimarketing research legislation. Is There a Need for Researcher Certification? Certification: Not a license. Ethics and Professionalism To discover methods by which the level of professionalism in marketing research can be raised.

18 Learning Objectives License: A mandatory procedure administered by government. Certification: A voluntary program administered by a nongovernmental body that provides a credential for differentiation in the marketplace. Ethics and Professionalism To discover methods by which the level of professionalism in marketing research can be raised.

19 Learning Objectives What Do Clients Want From a Research Department or Research Supplier? Managing The Research Process Managing Research Ethics Ethics and Professionalism Summary

20 Learning Objectives The End Copyright © 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning

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