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Workforce Development Program

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1 Workforce Development Program

2 MSSGC WFD components Community College Faculty Fellowships at NASA Centers Student Internships at Aerospace/aerospace-related companies Companies located at SCC Other in-state companies

3 Community College Fellowships
Announcement Details of the Fellowship NASA Centers participating Evaluation Results

4 NASA Centers Stennis: 2003, 04, 05, 06 (Dewey Herring)
Kennedy: 2004, 05 (Mike Freeman) Marshall: 2005, 06

5 Comments/Evaluations
Community College Faculty mentor of NASA Kennedy Space Center summed up the program: “The participant learned a lot to take home to his institution, technically, as well as about KSC and NASA as a whole and he made a contribution to the group where he worked. I sincerely hope that we will do this again; it benefits both MSSGC and KSC.” “My summer at NASA was the highlight of my career in the electrical field…. I would like for my students to be prepared to work in the rocket propulsion industry.” 4 Community Colleges have been represented: PRCC (5), MGCCC (2), MCC(2), HCC(1)

6 Student Internships Stennis-based companies Other in-state companies
Announcements Details Evaluation Results/Longitudinal tracking

7 Participating Companies
NVision Lockheed Martin ATK InTime Radiance Technologies PixSell PSI: Planning Systems Miltec Corporation Digital Globe

8 Comments/Evaluations
“I believe that this program is an essential tool for students that would like to experience work place atmosphere and project analysis of real-world aerospace employment. My time at the JSU e-Center introduced me to common responsibilities of tasks in this field of work. “My overall experience with Lockheed Martin was very beneficial. I gained experience in a professional environment and witnessed the daily tasks that soon become a high priority. In academic preparation, I see that the courses I take are used and help develop the engineering mind. This ranges from understanding engineering graphs to developing strong problem solving skills to find a solution to a unique problem. This intern program is a good start for future engineers like me who are interested in gaining useful engineering skills and the knowledge of a how they are applied.” 38 interns/ total for summers 2003, 04, 05, 06: 30 continuing their educational goals; 7 employed in aerospace/aerospace-related companies; 1 engineering company.

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