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Tiffany Clarke, MPA NASBHC Training of Training April 21-23, 2008 Research and Best Practices: Building a Framework for Effective Professional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Tiffany Clarke, MPA NASBHC Training of Training April 21-23, 2008 Research and Best Practices: Building a Framework for Effective Professional Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tiffany Clarke, MPA NASBHC Training of Training April 21-23, 2008 Research and Best Practices: Building a Framework for Effective Professional Development

2 Objectives Examine selected professional development research findings Identify the implications of professional development research as it applies to adult change, training design, and training strategies

3 Individualized Technical Assistance Tailored assistance to meet site- specific needs with collaborative communication between a specialist and the site. Assistance takes into account site-specific circumstances and culture, and can be provided through phone, email, mail, internet, or in-person meetings.

4 Professional Development Those processes and activities designed to enhance the professional knowledge, skills and attitudes of educators and others who work with youth, so that, they might in turn improve the learning and health outcomes of children and adolescents. (CDC-DASH Definition)

5 Professional Development Professional development is consciously designed to actively engage learners and includes the planning, design, implementation, evaluation and follow-up of professional development events ( training, workshops, conferences, web- based learning, coaching/mentoring). (CDC-DASH Definition)

6 Think of a time when you successfully changed practice or adapted a new strategy of work related training What was the change? What caused you to try something new? What caused you to sustain the change?

7 Adult Change Change in Beliefs and Attitudes Change in Learning Outcomes Change in Practices

8 The Process of Adult Change Staff Development Change in Teachers Practices Change in Student Outcomes Change in Beliefs and Attitudes

9 How People Learn KnowledgeSkillTransfer

10 Most significant outcome of any staff development effort: Change in Knowledge and Practice What does it take?

11 Components of Effective Staff Development Exploration of Theory Demonstration or Modeling of the New Strategy Practice of the Skill Under Simulated Conditions, with Feedback Peer Coaching/Monitoring Follow-up and Support

12 First & Second Order Change First order ChangeSecond Order Change An extension of the pastA break with the past Within existing paradigmsOutside of existing paradigms Consistent with prevailing values and norms Conflicted with prevailing values and norms FocusedEmergent BoundedUnbounded IncrementalComplex

13 First & Second Order Change First Order of ChangeSecond Order of Change LinearNon Linear MarginalA disturbance to every element in the system Implemented with existing knowledge and Skills Requires new knowledge and skills to implement Problem and Solution Oriented Neither Problem nor Solution Oriented Implemented by ExpertsImplemented by Stakeholders

14 Knowledge Taxonomy Experiential Knowledge Declarative Knowledge Procedural Knowledge Contextual Knowledge Knowing why this is important Knowing what to do Knowing how to do it Knowing when to do it

15 Activity Directions 1. Think about your Professional Development Event in the context of the Order of Change 2. For each domain, highlight the Order of Change that best reflects the objectives of your Professional Development event.

16 The Implementation Dip

17 Reflections Reflect for a moment on what we have covered in the Research/Best Practice module Jot down three things learned that you wish to apply to your work

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