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Mid-State Mathematics Partnership Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Middle Schools Dovie Kimmins, Ed.D. E. Ray Phillips, Ph.D. Tennessee Mathematics,

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Presentation on theme: "Mid-State Mathematics Partnership Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Middle Schools Dovie Kimmins, Ed.D. E. Ray Phillips, Ph.D. Tennessee Mathematics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid-State Mathematics Partnership Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Middle Schools Dovie Kimmins, Ed.D. E. Ray Phillips, Ph.D. Tennessee Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Center

2 Project Directors Mary B. Martin, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Mary B. Martin, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics Dovie L. Kimmins, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics Dovie L. Kimmins, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics E. Ray Phillips, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Director of TMSTEC E. Ray Phillips, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Director of TMSTEC Middle Tennessee State University Project Funded by TN Department of Education (Scott Eddins, Ed.D., TN Mathematics Coordinator)

3 LEA Partners Partners: Grundy, Cannon, Coffee, Hamilton, Lebanon City, Marshall, Murfreesboro City, Tullahoma City, Rutherford, Williamson (180 teachers over 3 years) Partners: Grundy, Cannon, Coffee, Hamilton, Lebanon City, Marshall, Murfreesboro City, Tullahoma City, Rutherford, Williamson (180 teachers over 3 years)

4 Session Overview Project Development Project Development Project Implementation Project Implementation Project Evaluation Project Evaluation

5 Theoretical Design of PD Guided the development, implementation and evaluation of the pd

6 Theoretical Design of PD Enhanced math content knowledge Enhanced math content knowledge Enhanced skills in teaching math Enhanced skills in teaching math Enhanced confidence in the ability to teach math to all students Enhanced confidence in the ability to teach math to all students LEADS TO Enhanced instructional effectiveness Enhanced instructional effectiveness Enhanced student interest and motivation Enhanced student interest and motivation Enhanced student learning in mathematics Enhanced student learning in mathematics

7 Overriding Principle Overall PD content, specific objectives for each session, and the instructional strategies utilized were designed to give middle school teachers a more meaningful understanding of the mathematics they are teaching.

8 Format of the PD Intensive residential two week summer institute (one or two per summer) Intensive residential two week summer institute (one or two per summer) Integrated follow-up during the following academic year Integrated follow-up during the following academic year

9 Math Content Knowledge Rigorous content based upon: Rigorous content based upon: State and national standards State and national standards Praxis exam middle school math objectives Praxis exam middle school math objectives Needs assessment Needs assessment Research available Research available Integration of content and pedagogy Integration of content and pedagogy

10 MSP Summer Institute Instructional Strategies Based upon Adult learning theory (Knowles, 1984; Brookfield, 1986; Kidd, 1983) Adult learning theory (Knowles, 1984; Brookfield, 1986; Kidd, 1983) National Staff Development Standards (NSDC, 2001) National Staff Development Standards (NSDC, 2001) NCTM Professional Teaching and Curriculum Standards (NCTM 1991, 2000) NCTM Professional Teaching and Curriculum Standards (NCTM 1991, 2000) Research on best practices for prof dev (Loucks- Horsley, 2003; Mewborn, 2003; Yeager, 2002; Stein et al. 2000; Posamentier, 1998; Hilliard, 1997; Corcoran, 1995; Taylor, 1986) Research on best practices for prof dev (Loucks- Horsley, 2003; Mewborn, 2003; Yeager, 2002; Stein et al. 2000; Posamentier, 1998; Hilliard, 1997; Corcoran, 1995; Taylor, 1986)

11 Instructors…

12 Listen

13 Question

14 Demonstrate/illustrate

15 Communicate

16 Participate

17 Engage

18 Motivate

19 Support

20 Encourage

21 Observe

22 Clarify

23 Participants learn by engaging in…

24 Hands-on Activities

25 Doing

26 Questioning

27 Discovering

28 Applying

29 Collaborating

30 Modeling

31 Problem Solving

32 Investigating

33 Testing/Verifying

34 Clarifying Misconceptions

35 Support During and Following Institute Tutorial Tutorial Technology (and stipend) Technology (and stipend) Collaborative work sessions Collaborative work sessions Instructional materials & overhead graphing calculator Instructional materials & overhead graphing calculator Commitment from school districts Commitment from school districts E-membership to NCTM E-membership to NCTM Consultation from TMSTEC and MSP workshop leaders Consultation from TMSTEC and MSP workshop leaders Preparation for middle school mathematics Praxis exam Preparation for middle school mathematics Praxis exam Seminars on state curriculum & testing, using test results to enhance instruction, best practices for helping underrepresented groups to achieve their potential in mathematics Seminars on state curriculum & testing, using test results to enhance instruction, best practices for helping underrepresented groups to achieve their potential in mathematics

36 Evaluation of the PD

37 Research Questions Did participation in the program enhance teachers’ content knowledge?Did participation in the program enhance teachers’ content knowledge? Did participation in the program enhance teachers’ teaching skills?Did participation in the program enhance teachers’ teaching skills? Did teachers’ enhanced content knowledge and teaching skills result in enhanced learning of their students?Did teachers’ enhanced content knowledge and teaching skills result in enhanced learning of their students? Hypothesized Relationship Between PD and Student Learning

38 Enhanced Content Knowledge Utilized DTAMS (Diagnostic Teacher Assessments in Math and Science) Tests Utilized DTAMS (Diagnostic Teacher Assessments in Math and Science) Tests Developed and graded by the University of Louisville Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Teacher Development Developed and graded by the University of Louisville Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Teacher Development Results show statistically significant increases (alpha =.05) of overall test mean from pre to post for all four summer institutes in 2006 and 2007 including Results show statistically significant increases (alpha =.05) of overall test mean from pre to post for all four summer institutes in 2006 and 2007 including Statistically significant increases on the pedagogical content knowledge subscore. Statistically significant increases on the pedagogical content knowledge subscore.

39 Probability/Statistics Summer 2006 Institute DTAMS Middle School Probability and Statistics Test

40 Algebra Summer 2006 Institute DTAMS Middle School Algebraic Ideas Test

41 Geometry Summer 2007 Institute DTAMS Middle School Geometry and Measurement Test

42 Probability/Statistics Summer 2007 Institute DTAMS Middle School Probability and Statistics Test

43 Key: *NCEij = NCE of jth student in teacher i’s class * B NCE = NCE for students in teachers current classes before pd * B PNCE = the previous year’s NCE for these students * A NCE = NCE for students in teachers current classes after pd * A PNCE = the previous years NCE for these students Before PD After PD Measuring Effect of PD on Student Achievement

44 The instructional practices and assessments discussed or shown in this presentation is not intended as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education.

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