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Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Carol M. White Physical Education Program CFDA # 84.215 F.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Carol M. White Physical Education Program CFDA # 84.215 F."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Carol M. White Physical Education Program CFDA # 84.215 F

2 Agenda Overview of program’s purpose Outline application info Address selection criteria Provide grant-writing tips

3 Program Purpose Initiate, expand, or improve physical education programs in order to help students meet state standards In school programs After-school programs

4 Target Population Students enrolled in grades K-12 attending public, private, nonprofit schools as well as home-schooled children

5 Absolute Priority (1) Provide equipment and support to enable students to participate actively in physical education (2) Provide funds for staff and teacher training education, in order to make progress toward meeting state PE standards Only applicants meeting this priority will be considered for funding

6 Program Activities Fitness education and assessment Instruction to enhance physical, emotional, mental, and social development for students Promote life long healthy lifestyle for students Promote positive social skills/cooperation Instruction in proper eating habits & nutrition Professional development for teachers

7 Performance Measures Percentage of students served by the grant participating in PE activities will increase Percentage of students served by the grant who make progress towards meeting state PE standards will increase

8 Applicant Eligibility Local education agencies (LEAs) Faith-based and community organizations Important Note: All applicants must have a D-U-N-S number 1-800-333-0505\index.html

9 Novice Eligibility A novice applicant has… Never administered this grant program Not administered a federal grant in the last 5 years Checked block six on ED Form 424 Novice applicants will receive an additional five points to their score

10 Application Information Grants awarded early summer ’04 Project period: 36 months Estimated number of awards: 233 Award amounts: $100,000- $500,000

11 Application Package  Contains all essential information and required forms to complete application  Serves as your outline/guide for grant writing  Access electronically or request a hard copy be mailed to you: 1-877-433-7827 or (TDD) at 1-877-576-7734 from EDPUBS.

12 Submitting Proposals Mailing Address U.S. Department of Education Application Control Center Attention: CFDA #84.215F 7 th & D Streets, SW Room 3671 Washington, DC 20202-4725  Mail original plus 2 copies  Participate in e-application process  Not mandatory but is the trend in federal grant making  Not an email attachment  Must register with ED and submit through system  In your best interests to become familiar with the process

13  Voluntary—no bonus points awarded  Review User’s Guide  Contact GAPS hotline with questions, Monday- Friday: 8:00 AM –6:00 PM (DC time) at this number: 1-888-336-8930 Applying On-line Pilot Project e-Application

14 Proposal Format ED Form 424 Table of contents (1 page) Abstract (1 page) Narrative (25 page limit) Budget Information Form (ED Form 524) Budget Narrative Appendices Additional documents not encouraged

15 Contents of Appendices GEPA Statement Partnership agreement if applicable Certs/Assurances Non-construction Programs Lobbying, Debarment, Suspension, Drug-Free Workplace Lower-Tier covered transactions Disclosure of lobbying activities No narrative or budget information should be placed in appendices

16 Budget Guidance Allowable -- either permitted or not specifically prohibited Allocable -- necessary for project success Reasonable -- costs that would be incurred by “prudent” person Are the items or activities in my budget…

17 Matching Requirement  Year 1: Federal share may not exceed 90% of the total project budget  Year 2 and subsequent years: Federal share may not exceed 75% of the total project budget Applicant’s match may consist of cash or in-kind contributions such as facilities equipment, or other allowable expenditures

18 Matching Example Federal amount X Applicant’s share (%) of total cost project ____________________________________ Federal share of the total cost of project $100,000 X.10.90 = $900

19 Allowable Costs Athletic equipment Curriculum (health and nutritional guides) Training for staff development 5% Cap on administrative costs Salary of a project director—project funds NOT intended to be a source for hiring staff Budget for 2 mandatory project director meetings annually held in Washington, DC

20 Unallowable Costs Grant funds may not be spent on extracurricular activities such as sports teams and ROTC Grant funds may not be used for the construction of athletic facilities

21 Grant Writing Suggestions Clear, concise, and detailed Recipe: 2/3 planning & 1/3 writing Don’t repeat the selection criteria; Address the selection criteria Persuade through facts over rhetoric Utilize research and data Ambitious but attainable objectives

22 Selection Criteria Need for Project25 pts Significance25 pts Quality of Project25 pts Design Quality of Project25 pts Evaluation

23 Cite % of students failing to meet standards Identify gaps or weaknesses in meeting state standards for your target population Link specific state standards to gaps or weaknesses Review School Health Index at: htm Need for Project

24 Locating State Standards  For most states access this site:  For District of Columbia, Maryland, Ohio, and Puerto Rico see application for contact info Important Note: If your state does not have physical education standards, select standards from another state. National standards are not acceptable.

25 Significance Demonstrate that the project will: result in a change or improvement in the target population offer new strategies or build on existing proven ones produce outcomes of great importance

26 Quality of Project Design Link proposed activities to state standards Outline a coherent program Utilize up to date scientifically proven research to support program activities Include ambitious but attainable objectives that are specific and measurable annually Goals should meet the need of target population Goals should reflect the activities

27 Quality of Project Evaluation Evaluation tools address the objectives Measure the extent to which the grantees have attained the projected outcomes Ability of the evaluation to provide feedback on project performance Writing Strong Objectives

28 202-260-3954 Ann Weinheimer or Pat Rattker Understanding the Process Review FAQ included in application Visit program office’s homepage at: Contact program office with any questions:

29 Winning Reminders Identify your state’s PE standards Review application package thoroughly Register with e-application ASAP Take time to plan and budget wisely Implement reader comments Apply, Apply, Apply !

30 Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Carol M. White Physical Education Program CFDA # 84.215 F

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