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Stakeholder Involvement and Performance of Poverty Eradication Projects in Uganda: A study of NAADS Projects in Mukono District Presented at the 10 th.

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Presentation on theme: "Stakeholder Involvement and Performance of Poverty Eradication Projects in Uganda: A study of NAADS Projects in Mukono District Presented at the 10 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stakeholder Involvement and Performance of Poverty Eradication Projects in Uganda: A study of NAADS Projects in Mukono District Presented at the 10 th ORSEA Conference, University of Nairobi, October 16-18, 2014 By Hassan B., Kusemererwa C., Ssekakubo j., Ntayi J M. and Ngoma.M MUBS

2  Introduction  Conceptual frame work and objectives  Methods  Results  Conclusion and managerial implication

3 The government set up various projects to eradicate poverty in line with the MDGs ◦ Entandikwa sheme (small business startups) ◦ National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) ◦ Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF) ◦ Bona Bagaggawale (prosperity for all)  The projects have however registered 60% failure rate, with some projects in some districts registering 100% failure (Auditor general’s report of 2008 and 2012)

4  Consequently, the poverty level has remained high with over 31% of the population still living below a dollar a day.  Studies on NAADS projects are silent about stakeholder involvement  This study therefore bases on stakeholder theory to argue that low normative stakeholder involvement in NAADS projects could provide a better explanation to this phenomena.

5 Stakeholder Involvement Involvement by Role Involvement by Setting Project Centrality Project performance Scope Cost Project quality Project objectives

6 Cross sectional, positivistic and correlation designs. Using Bartlet (2001) table, a sample of 323 out of a population of 2,062 projects Multi-stage random sampling 356 Farmers and 14 project coordinators were selected Adapted existing validated instruments Pre-tested instrument Reliability tests were conducted for the instruments SPSS V16 was used for data analysis

7 ConstructMeasureReliability (Cronbach Alpha) Involvement by Role Kanungo (1982)0.915 Involvement by Setting Kanungo (1982)0.753 Project Centrality Kanungo (1982) 0.875 Project performance Dvir et al. (2006); Kerzner (2006); Bryde ( 2005) 0.845

8 MeanSD1234 Role(1) 4.2281 0.57251.00 Setting(2)3.73420.9092.394 ** 1.00 Centrality(3)3.86330.6532.441 **.341 ** 1.00 Performance of NAADS Projects (6) 3.67180.4669.413 **.464 **.441 ** 1.00 **Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

9 Variable Model1Model 2Model 3 Collinearity Statistics βββToleranceVIF (constant) 2.0791.9121.615Nana Age 0.0310.0230.030.921.087 Gender -0.026-0.023-0.0380.9091.1 Marital status -0.01-0.0080.0090.941.064 Number of years worked 0.076 0.0690.9331.071 education 0.0210.0160.0140.9721.029 Role 0.307**0.198**0.121**0.9471.056 Setting 0.18**0.154**0.841.19 Centrality 0.184**0.761.316 R 0.4440.5840.592Nana R square 0.1970.30.351Nana Adjusted R square 0.180.2830.332Nana F- statistics 11.42817.04918.707Nana Sign..000 Nana R square change 0.1030.05Nana F Change Statistic 46.76940.95321.512Nana Sig. F-Change.000 Nana

10 The correlation and regression models show that stakeholder involvement strongly and positively correlates with and predict performance of NAADS projects. At the policy level, there is need to increase project involvement by role, setting and project centrality of stakeholders of NAADS projects by ensuring that project coordinators consult and discuss with farmers the activities they can best carryon in order to build primary stakeholders interest and emotional attachment to NAADS projects

11  It was a cross sectional study  Concentrated on stakeholders of NAADS in Mukono district

12 Thank you

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