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NEBS & ETSI Vibration 2U24 Black Box w/ 2-Post Rack Mount Kit Brenden Rust Eddy Larson Charlie Morris 10/26/09.

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Presentation on theme: "NEBS & ETSI Vibration 2U24 Black Box w/ 2-Post Rack Mount Kit Brenden Rust Eddy Larson Charlie Morris 10/26/09."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEBS & ETSI Vibration 2U24 Black Box w/ 2-Post Rack Mount Kit Brenden Rust Eddy Larson Charlie Morris 10/26/09

2 10/26/2009DHS Confidential2 OBJECTIVE: Provide declaration of conformance to the NEBS & ETSI dynamic requirements for the 2U-24 Black Box RAID system & a newly designed 2 post rack mounting kit. CONCLUSION  All test results were positive. There was no loss of functionality or significant performance degradation during or after exposure to the following vibration tests in any axis, X, Y, or Z.  NEBS earthquake, zone 4  NEBS office vibration (swept sine) – 0.1g, 5-100Hz, two sweeps @ 0.1 oct/minute.  ETSI random vibration – 5-10 Hz +12dB/oct, 10-50Hz @ 0.02 m 2 /s 3, 50-100Hz - 12dB/oct  ETSI swept sine vibration – 5-62 Hz w/ velocity @ 5mm/s, 62-200Hz w/ accel @ 2m/sec 2, 10 sweeps @ 1.0 octave/minute SYSTEM CONFIGURATION UNDER TEST  Prototype “soft tooled” two post rack mount kit  2U-24 Black Box RAID system  Mercury 4 port SAS controller (Provide model number; 2532?)  (2) 3Y AC power supplies  (24) Fujitsu disk drives  Model #MBD2300RC 300GB capacity  SAS interface  Firmware 0102

3 10/26/2009DHS Confidential3 A 2U-24 RAID system configured as described earlier in this report was mounted in a rigid fixture to the applicable shaker table. The fixture provided a mounting configuration duplicating that of a 2 post rack conforming to EIA310E specifications. The rack kit can accommodate rack depths ranging from 3” to 7” and can be installed in either a front-mount or center-mount (CoG) configuration. For this testing, the rack mount’s depth was set at 3” and installed in a center mount configuration. Test Setup Photo shows system installed on Z-axis shaker

4 10/26/2009DHS Confidential4 A triaxial accelerometer was mounted on the chassis immediately behind the left-hand mounting ear as shown below. The chassis responses shown on the curves within this report are all with the sensor in this position. Test Setup Triaxial accelerometer

5 10/26/2009DHS Confidential5 IOMeter was used to monitor system performance during each test. I/O setting was 67/33% Read/Write with a block size of 4Kb. At both the start and end of the testing gauntlet a baseline was run with no induced vibration. The I/O degradation chart in this report compares I/O throughput during vibration to the initial baseline. Test Setup Photo shows LH side, front mounting details

6 10/26/2009DHS Confidential6 Test Setup Photo shows LH side, rear mounting details

7 10/26/2009DHS Confidential7 Drive Degradation Note: This chart is for reference only. The tests performed do not specify degradation limits. Percentages shown are relative to the initial baseline Tests plotted in chronological order 

8 10/26/2009DHS Confidential8 Reference Slides Follow

9 10/26/2009DHS Confidential9 X Axis, NEBS Quake

10 10/26/2009DHS Confidential10 Y Axis, NEBS Quake

11 10/26/2009DHS Confidential11 Z Axis, NEBS Quake

12 10/26/2009DHS Confidential12 X Axis, NEBS Office Vibe

13 10/26/2009DHS Confidential13 Y Axis, NEBS Office Vibe

14 10/26/2009DHS Confidential14 Z Axis, NEBS Office Vibe

15 10/26/2009DHS Confidential15 X Axis, ETSI Swept Sine

16 10/26/2009DHS Confidential16 Y Axis, ETSI Swept Sine

17 10/26/2009DHS Confidential17 Z Axis, ETSI Swept Sine

18 10/26/2009DHS Confidential18 X Axis, ETSI Random Vibe

19 10/26/2009DHS Confidential19 Y Axis, ETSI Random Vibe

20 10/26/2009DHS Confidential20 Z Axis, ETSI Random Vibe

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