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What do all these numbers mean?.  Get your computers!

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Presentation on theme: "What do all these numbers mean?.  Get your computers!"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do all these numbers mean?

2  Get your computers!

3  Graph all 10 graphs for the Eye Tracker Sensor.  Is it easy to compare the trials in this format?

4 1. Which sensors do you think are the best at detecting annoyance? Why? 2. What are 3 similarities between the three graphs? 3 differences? 3. Identify 2-3 parts of each graph that is odd to you, or stands out as an anomaly.

5 It would be nice to analyze just the interval of this graph where the annoyance occurs. How could you do that in Excel? 4. What does it mean that some of the GSR users' data go from high to low at different amounts of time after the annoyance event? Does this mean that it's a bad sensor?

6 5. How do you explain how 'noisy' the accelerometer's data is? Could a noisy sensor still predict user annoyance? 6. What if one of the sensors only worked for some users? Would that mean it's a bad sensor?

7  Let’s relate this to our Science Writing Heuristic…

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