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PUBLIC POLICY TAKING ACTION Nancy Mion NYS Public Policy Director.

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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC POLICY TAKING ACTION Nancy Mion NYS Public Policy Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUBLIC POLICY TAKING ACTION Nancy Mion NYS Public Policy Director

2 AAUW PUBLIC POLICY Excellent Coverage of Issues –Woman-to-Woman Manual –Congressional Voting Record –Resource Kits –20 Position Papers



5 2 MINUTE ACTIVIST one minute to read about the latest AAUW issue in Congress. one minute to email your member of Congress a personalized message.

6 NYS PUBLIC POLICY Is determined by  AAUW Public Policy Program  NYS Biennial Action Priorities  Resolutions passed at NYS Conventions

7 21 ST CENTURY PUBLIC POLICY TAKING ACTION AWARD  Pay Equity Outreach  Branch Public Policy Programs  Calling/Visiting Legislators  Voter Education  Articles about AAUW issues

8 HEALTH CARE REFORM oAAUW & AAUW NYS support quality affordable health care oNational Women’s Law Center has similar recommendations oImpasse resolved in NYS Senate but action indefinite

9 NYS U.S. SENATORS Senator Schumer, heading the Senate Finance Committee’s look at Public Health Care and Senator Gillibrand are in favor of a Public Plan

10 PUBLIC PLAN WOULD Function like Medicare Need to be self-supporting Have 30% lower premiums Need risk adjustment funds


12 43% of babies and toddlers in the United States live in low income families

13 Disparities in Early Vocabulary Growth 16 mos.24 mos.36 mos. Cumulative Vocabulary (Words) College Educated Parents Working Class Parents Welfare Parents Child’s Age (Months) 200 600 1200 Source: Hart & Risley (1995)

14 Dr. James Heckman University of Chicago 0 Age Rate of return to investment in human capital Preschool programs Schooling Job training 0-34-5 Preschool School Post-school Programs targeted towards the earliest years Rates of Return to Human Capital Investment: Return to an Extra Dollar at Various Ages

15 (cost-benefit in dollars returned for every dollar invested) High-Quality Early Childhood Programs Have Documented Benefits for Children and for Society


17 WOMEN IN GOVERNMENT  NYS is 23rd in women in government  Senate 10 of 62 seats  Assembly 42 of 150 seats  Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Committee Campaign School how to run for office  Eleanor said-“its up to the women”


19 EQUAL PAY DAY April 20, 2010  Branch Awareness Activities  NYS $ 15 Reimbursement of cost of Pay Day candy bars

20 NYS FAIR PAY BILL  Passed the Assembly  Supported by 27 Senators  Impact on Employers

21 AAUW NYS FAMILY FRIENDLY WORKPLACE AWARD Acknowledges businesses/not-for- profit organizations that provide a Family Friendly Workplace for their employees

22 What Creates a Family Friendly Workplace JJob Title Pay Equity DDependant Care LLeave time PPaid Sick Leave PPaid Family Leave  Family Medical Leave Act FFlextime HHealth Care

23 JOB TITLE PAY EQUITY More descriptive title for equal pay for equal worth Occurs when a company uses the same job evaluation to compare male, female and minority job titles and pays them accordingly.

24 WHAT CAN YOU DO? Contact businesses/non-profits Ask the questions & fill out the form with them Send the form to me Present the Award and gain visibility for AAUW

25 YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE  Be Aware of AAUW issues-join Action Network and NYS Public Policy E-group  Contact you Legislators/Elected Officials  Award Family Friendly Workplaces

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