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Theme: Product cost analyses. Plan: 1.Cost concepts and classifications. 2.Money cost and Real cost. 3.Meaning of Fixed and Variable costs.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme: Product cost analyses. Plan: 1.Cost concepts and classifications. 2.Money cost and Real cost. 3.Meaning of Fixed and Variable costs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme: Product cost analyses. Plan: 1.Cost concepts and classifications. 2.Money cost and Real cost. 3.Meaning of Fixed and Variable costs.

2 Theme: Production cost The term ‘cost of production’ means expenses incurred in the production of a commodity. This refers to the total amount of money spent on the production of a commodity. The determinants of cost of production are: the size of plant, the level of production, the nature of technology used, the quantity of inputs used, managerial and labour efficiency.

3 The cost of production of a commodity is the aggregate of prices paid for the factors of production used in producing a commodity.

4 Cost function The cost function expresses a functional relationship between costs and output that determine it. The cost function is C = f (Q) where C = Cost Q = Output Expresses-выражает Output - выпуск

5 Cost classifications: Money cost Money cost Opportunity Cost Opportunity Cost Accounting Cost Accounting Cost Economic cost Economic cost Fixed cost Fixed cost Variable cost Variable cost Total cost Total cost

6 2. Money cost. Money cost or nominal cost is the total money expenses incurred by a firm in producing a commodity. It includes Cost of raw materials Cost of raw materials Wages and salaries of labour Wages and salaries of labour Expenditure on machinery and equipment Expenditure on machinery and equipment Depreciation on machines, buildings and such other capital goods Depreciation on machines, buildings and such other capital goods Interest on capital Interest on capital Other expenses like advertisement, insurance premium and taxes Other expenses like advertisement, insurance premium and taxes Normal profit of the entrepreneur. Normal profit of the entrepreneur.

7 Accounting Cost and Economic cost Accounting costs or explicit costs are the payments made by the entrepreneur to the suppliers of various productive factors. The accounting costs are only those costs, which are directly paid out or accounted for by the producer i.e. wages to the labourers employed, prices for the raw materials purchased, fuel and power used, rent for the building hired for the production work, the rate of interest on the borrowed capital and the taxes paid.

8 The economic cost includes not only the explicit cost but also the implicit cost. The money rewards for the own services of the entrepreneur and the factors owned by himself and employed in production are known as implicit costs or imputed costs. The normal return on money capital invested by the entrepreneur, the wages or salary for his own services and rent of the land and buildings belonging to him and used in production constitute implicit cost. The economic cost includes not only the explicit cost but also the implicit cost. The money rewards for the own services of the entrepreneur and the factors owned by himself and employed in production are known as implicit costs or imputed costs. The normal return on money capital invested by the entrepreneur, the wages or salary for his own services and rent of the land and buildings belonging to him and used in production constitute implicit cost. Explicit-явный.выдимый Implicit-неявный,невыдимый Economic cost = Explicit cost + Implicit cost. Economic cost = Explicit cost + Implicit cost.

9 Fixed costs are those which are independent of output, that is, they do not change with changes in output. Independent-независимо

10 Variable costs are those costs, which are incurred on the employment of variable factors of production. The total variable costs change with the level of output. (wages of labour employed, prices of raw materials) Variable costs are those costs, which are incurred on the employment of variable factors of production. The total variable costs change with the level of output. (wages of labour employed, prices of raw materials)

11 Total cost Total cost is the sum of total fixed cost and total variable cost. TC = TFC + TVC where TC = Total cost TFC = Total Fixed cost TVC = Total variable cost

12 Average Fixed Cost (AFC): Is just the fixed cost involved in producing a unit of a product. AFC = FC / Q. AFC = FC / Q.

13 Average Total Cost or Average Cost (ATC): Is just the cost of producing a unit of a product. Let Q be the quantity supplied or produced. As its name suggest, it is calculated as ATC = TC/Q = (FC + VC) / Q. ATC = TC/Q = (FC + VC) / Q.

14 Marginal product(предельный продукт), which means the additional output that will result from an additional input (say labor), holding the level of other inputs constant. Average product, which means Average product, which means the output per worker. A the output per worker. A

15 Number of Workers(L)TotalOutput Calculat ion forMPL Margina l Product(MPL) Calculat ion forAPLAverageProduct(APL) 188-088/18 22020-81220/210

16 Numbe r of Worker s (L)Total Outpu t Calculat ion forMPL Margi nal Produ ct (MPL) Calculati on forAPL Averag e Produc t (APL) 1160 1265 1377 1486 1590 1695

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