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The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France P. M. Grant, (Electric Power Research.

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Presentation on theme: "The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France P. M. Grant, (Electric Power Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France P. M. Grant, (Electric Power Research Institute) The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen

2 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France P.M. Grant, The Industrial Physicist, Feb/March Issue, 2002 Supermarket School Home Family Car Nuclear plant H2H2 H2H2 HTSC/MgB 2 SuperCity

3 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France SuperGrid “Continential SuperGrid Workshop,” UIUC/Rockefeller U., Palo Alto, Nov. 2002 /

4 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France North American 21st Century Energy SuperGrid H2H2 e–e– H2H2 e–e– H2H2 e–e– H2H2 e–e– Commercial Residential BMW Z9 Heavy Industry Energy Storage Solar Roofs Urban Biomass HTGCR Nuclear Plant

5 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France Interstate 80 The 20th Century Diesel Grid

6 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France Architecture  SuperGrid – A superconducting, H 2 - cooled interstate “backbone” connecting regions coast to coast.  RegionGrid – Two grid operators (East and West) with upgraded high capacity lines to transmit power regionally.  CityGrid – Local mini- and micro-grids with distributed intelligence, energy resources, and demand response Integrated systems architecture enables NationalGrid operations across all dimensions. Three Dimensions HT S

7 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France Garwin-Matisoo (IBM, 1967) Nb 3 Sn Wire T C = 9 K LHe liquid-vapor cooled LN 2 heat shield 100 GW dc, 1000 km ! “Superconducting Lines for the Transmission of Large Amounts of Electric Power over Great Distances,” R. L. Garwin and J. Matisoo, Proc. IEEE 55, 538 (1967)

8 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France 1986: A Big Surprise! Bednorz and Mueller IBM Zuerich, 1986 19802000 High-T C 164 K La-214 Hg-1223 V 3 Si 190019201940 1960 0 50 100 150 200 Temperature, T C (K) Year Low-T C Hg Onset T C = 40 K ! La-Ba-Cu-O

9 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France 1987: “The Prize!”

10 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France Electricity Pipe P.M. Grant, S. Schoenung, W. Hassenzahl, EPRI Report 8065-12, 1997 Initial EPRI study on long distance (1000 km) HTSC dc cable cooled by liquid nitrogen -- 1997 --

11 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France SuperCables +v I -v I H2H2 H2H2 Circuit #1 +v I -v I H2H2 H2H2 Circuit #2 Multiple circuits can be laid in single trench

12 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France SuperCable HV Insulation “Super- Insulation” Superconductor Hydrogen DODO DH2DH2 t sc

13 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France Power Flows P SC = 2|V|IA SC, where P SC = Electric power flow V = Voltage to neutral (ground) I = Supercurrent A SC = Cross-sectional area of superconducting annulus Electricity P H2 = 2(QρvA) H2, where P H2 = Chemical power flow Q = Gibbs H 2 oxidation energy (2.46 eV per mol H 2 ) ρ = H 2 Density v = H 2 Flow Rate A = Cross-sectional area of H 2 cryotube Hydrogen

14 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France Electric & H 2 Power 0.12525,000100,000+/- 50001000 Annular Wall Thickness (cm) Critical Current Density (A/cm 2 ) Current (A)Voltage (V)Power (MW) Electricity 3183.8110500 “Equivalent” Current Density (A/cm 2 ) H 2 Flow Rate (m/sec) Inner Pipe Diameter, D H2 (cm) Power (MW) Hydrogen (LH 2, 20 K)

15 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France Thermal Losses W R = 0.5εσ (T 4 amb – T 4 SC ), where W R = Power radiated in as watts/unit area σ = 5.67×10 -12 W/cm 2 K 4 T amb = 300 K T SC = 20 K ε = 0.05 per inner and outer tube surface D SC = 10 cm W R = 3.6 W/m Radiation Losses Superinsulation: W R f = W R /(n-1), where n = number of layers Target: W R f = 0.5 W/m requires ~10 layers Other addenda (convection, conduction): W A = 0.5 W/m W T = W R f + W A = 1.0 W/m

16 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France Heat Removal dT/dx = W T /(ρvC P A) H2, where dT/dx = Temp rise along cable, K/m W T = Thermal in-leak per unit Length ρ = H 2 Density v = H 2 Flow Rate C P = H 2 Heat Capacity A = Cross-sectional area of H 2 cryotube Take W T = 1.0 W/m, then dT/dx = 1.89  10 -5 K/m, Or, 0.2 K over a 10 km distance

17 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France Remaining Issues Current stabilization via voltage control Cryogenic power electronics Hydrogen gas cooling and transport Hydrogen storage Prototyping Costs (!) Initial Demonstration Site

18 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France Where there is no vision, the people perish… Proverbs 29:18

19 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France “You can’t always get what you want…”

20 The SuperGrid: Combined Delivery and Storage of Electricity and Hydrogen Paul M. Grant 26 Juin 2003 Meudon, France “…you get what you need!”

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