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JOIN IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY. IEEE Society membership enhances the benefits of IEEE membership 39 Societies representing a full spectrum of technical.

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2 IEEE Society membership enhances the benefits of IEEE membership 39 Societies representing a full spectrum of technical interests Society Membership l Subscriptions and online content l Local technical chapters l Network w/ innovators, experts, and practitioners l Volunteering opportunities l Technical committees l Journal editors l Member-only rates on additional publications

3 21. Instrumentation & Measurement 22. Magnetics 23. Microwave Theory & Techniques 24. Nuclear & Plasma Sciences 25. Oceanic Engineering 26. Photonics (formerly Lasers & Electro-Optics) 27. Power Electronics 28. Power & Energy 29. Product Safety Engineering 30. Professional Communication 31. Reliability 32. Robotics & Automation 33. Signal Processing 34. Society on Social Implications of Technology 35. Solid-State Circuits 36. Systems, Man, & Cybernetics 37. Technology and Engineering Management Society 38. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, & Frequency Control 39. Vehicular Technology IEEE 39 Technical Societies 1. Aerospace & Electronic Systems 2. Antennas & Propagation 3. Broadcast Technology 4. Circuits & Systems 5. Communications 6. Components Packaging, & Manufacturing Technology 7. Computational Intelligence (formerly Neural Networks) 8. Computer 9. Consumer Electronics 10. Control Systems 11. Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation 12. Education 13. Electromagnetic Compatibility 14. Electron Devices 15. Engineering in Medicine & Biology 16. Geoscience & Remote Sensing 17. Industrial Electronics 18. Industry Applications 19. Information Theory 20. Intelligent Transportation Systems IEEE ComSoc

4 The Society embraces the science, engineering, technology and applications for transferring information by the use of signals: terminals, computers; systems and operations; transmission media; networks, layouts, protocols, and architectures IEEE Communication Society

5 IEEE Communications Society Membership makes you part of a community where you'll get: (for more details, please refer: Free Publications l IEEE Communications Magazine Subscription l ComSoc e-News l Global Communications Newsletter l A Brief History of Communications l ComSoc Community Directory l IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials Free professional training and resources l ComSoc Personal Email Alias l Free tutorials l Tech Focus l Keynote webcasts Opportunities to connect and contribute l Chapters l Technical Committees l Standards l Awards ComSoc Benefits

6 As an IEEE ComSoc member, you'll enjoy many opportunities to network with technical experts... l IEEE ComSoc conferences, workshops, and Technical Committees provide you with countless opportunities to work alongside the industry's top experts … l The Society supports more than 100 active chapters internationally … l IEEE ComSoc Regional Committees and Regional Offices, members anywhere in the world … l IEEE ComSoc technical committee …

7 IEEE Communication Society Membership …. l IEEE ComSoc Membership: From 1 January through 31 December l To become a new member: - Communication Society Membership - Both IEEE and Communication Society Membership - Communications Society Affiliate Membership Please visit : Join IEEE Communications Society

8 Introduction to XXX ComSoc Chapter

9 Local benefits for Members (if any) l You may insert a photo representing your Chapter l Give a brief history of your Chapter l The Structure l Insert some photos of past activities organized by the Chapter. l IEEE National Society Agreements (please refer to notes) Joint Awards Established with National Societies ml XXX ComSoc Chapter

10 ComSoc Chapter Sponsored / Co-sponsored Conferences XXX ComSoc Chapter

11 Seminars & Workshops l Past l Upcoming Social Networking Events XXX ComSoc Chapter

12 Local ComSoc Chapter Statistic / Chart XXX ComSoc Chapter

13 XXX ComSoc Membership

14 Contacts XXX ComSoc Chapter Chair: Email: Membership Development Coordinator: Email: XXX Chapter formed in XXXX date IEEE Asia-Pacific Limited: Fanny Su & Ewell Tan Email:

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