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PPT Templates Improving the world through engineering Institution of Name.

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Presentation on theme: "PPT Templates Improving the world through engineering Institution of Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 PPT Templates Improving the world through engineering Institution of Name

2 Vision and Purpose Vision Improving the world through engineering Setting the agenda Developing professional engineers Inspiring the next generation Purpose To lead and promote professional engineering

3 Values The IMechE expects all its members and employees to commit to the Vision and the Values of: Professionalism Integrity High ethical standards Respect for people and the environment Innovation

4 IMechE Overview >One of the most influential and prestigious engineering institutions in the world >Founded in 1847 by George Stephenson >Promotes the status of Professional Engineers >Registering Chartered Engineers, Incorporated Engineers and Engineering Technicians >A force in the industry for change >A united voice for the profession >80,000 members worldwide

5 IMechE and your University >Support throughout your studies >IMechE contact at your university >Young Member Panels >Final year presentations

6 Information & Library Services >Technical information - for assignments >Extensive Books & Journals library - for loan >Careers Information - company research & advice >Business information - markets, suppliers & trends >The most comprehensive mechanical engineering library in the world. Dealing with over 10,000 enquiries per annum

7 Publications >FREE Professional Engineering Magazine online >Free Engineering Opportunities >mechs – four times a year >Technical Papers >Books & journals

8 Awards >Environmental Issues Award >Overseas Study awards >Student Hardship awards >Overseas voluntary work or project work >Additional support available for Postgraduate study

9 Competitions & Prizes >Whittle Reactionaries prize >Speak Out For Engineering >Formula Student >Annual IMechE Best Student >Annual IMechE Best Project

10 Benefits of Professional Registration >Recognition of professional competence worldwide >Lifelong professional development >Increased employment opportunities >CEng or IEng designation allows you to deal on an equal footing with other professionals >Higher earning potential

11 Academic Benchmarks MEng Professional Development CEng BEng (Hons) + Further Learning Professional Development

12 Recording your development >Keep a record of any placement activity >Join an MPDS scheme if available >MPDS is a 4 year QA Route to becoming a Professional Engineer >Can claim up to 18 months back after graduation >Get records signed off by your supervisor >Build up a portfolio of evidence >Invest in your development now; so a company will invest in you?

13 What next? >Join as an affiliate today for FREE! >Complete the affiliate application from >Claim your FREE Data Book!


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