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SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Level 2 Ocean Salinity PM #19 4-5 November 2010 ARGANS & L2OS LOCEAN, Paris.

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Presentation on theme: "SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Level 2 Ocean Salinity PM #19 4-5 November 2010 ARGANS & L2OS LOCEAN, Paris."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Level 2 Ocean Salinity PM #19 4-5 November 2010 ARGANS & L2OS ESL @ LOCEAN, Paris

2 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity L2OS status L2OS 0317 delivery 22 November, QWG 1-2 December, FAT 6 December 0317 delta from 0316 – Corrected calculation of relative wind direction (phiRelatWind) – AUX_BULL_B (IERS Bulletin B) instead of MPL_ORBSCT (orbit selection bug fixed too) – New roughness models 2 & 3 – New quality index (Dg_quality_SSS) algorithm & flagging Outstanding tasks before delivery – new roughness models: Update ATBD & TGRD Update unit tests Cross-verify roughness model 3 with BEC results (Ifremer done) – review Product Performance Status Report – write Product Performance Evaluation Plan

3 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Relative wind direction 03170316 Lower cross-track bias in retrieved SSS1 with corrected phiRelatWind Faster convergence (roughness model 1)

4 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Sun glint

5 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Dg_quality_SSS

6 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Quality flags

7 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Roughness model 2 03160317

8 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Roughness model 3 03160317

9 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Roughness model 2 verification Cross-verification with Ifremer breadboard (right)

10 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity OTTs for new roughness models 2 & 3 OTT2FOTT3F

11 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity TEC & Faraday rotation AUX_FARA Faraday rotation angle delta +-0.5 degree, -3+2 tecu (L1c TEC = AUX_FARA single predicted )

12 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Faraday rotation angle verification Faraday rotation target-to-spacecraft is not the same (or opposite in sign) as Faraday rotation spacecraft-to-target using SO-TN-ESA-GS-5873 Computation of faraday rotation target-to-spacecraft gives the rotation at the earth’s surface, not after the radiation is propagated to the spacecraft Computation of Faraday rotation target-to-spacecraft with altitude = SMOS altitude (796 km) gives the same Faraday rotation as L1c (which is spacecraft-to-target) L2OS attitude & angle calculations have been successfully cross-verified with those from L1c and independently using Matlab code from Montse 0317 continues to use EECFI spacecraft-to-target (same as L1c & 0316)

13 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Faraday rotation angle verification Test case 1: SM_OPER_MIR_SCSF1C_20100802T153816_20100802T163215_344_001_1 (ascending orbit), GP ID 5178770, measurement #1, snapshot ID 39365165 L1c Faraday rotation angle 0.401 AUX_FARA: Single_P 0.40Precise_P 0.41 Single_R 0.53Precise_R 0.48 Single_C 0.49 Precise_C 0.46 L2OS (all results agree with Matlab formulae from Montse) spacecraft-to-target 0.4009 (0316 & 0317) target-to-spacecraft (spherical earth): 0.148 (at target, altitude 0 km) 0.311 (at altitude 400 km) 0.4009 (at SMOS altitude 796 km)

14 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Galactic Noise Dg_sky (top), Fg_ctrl_gal_noise (bottom) Tm_high_gal_noise = 4 (left), 2.8 (right) SM_TEST_MIR_OSUDP2_20100802T153816_20100802T163215_317_001_0, latitude 14-16

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