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1 Dioxins, Furans and HCBs inventory for CEPA Jan 1999 Federal provincial task force & Environment Canada.

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1 1 Dioxins, Furans and HCBs inventory for CEPA Jan 1999 Federal provincial task force & Environment Canada

2 2 Caveats: letters were sent to the sectors identified to request release of information Voluntary reporting by industry and public agencies required reporting from pulp and paper industry, cement industry and some incinerators estimated data initial compilation of date, not exhaustive or complete

3 3 Figure 1 - PCDDs/PCDFs Releases in grams TEQ/y in Canada to all Media (1999: projections) (Soil data are incomplete)

4 4

5 5

6 6 “Effluents” Definition: WATER (not air, soil)

7 7 Figure - 5 Atmospheric releases of PCDDs/PCDFs in grams TEQ/y

8 8

9 9 Atmospheric releases 43% reduction captured in stacks and sent to Soil releases??

10 10 Water releases 99% reduction result of regulation changes in pulp and paper industry captured and sent to Soil releases??

11 11 Soil releases Pesticides: PCDDs/PCDFs are released to all media due to the use of pesticides. Inservice treated wood(utility poles,RR ties) No mention of pulp and paper effluent such as black liquor, e.g. Domtar Dombind) sewage sludge on agricultural land what about incinerator fly/bottom ash??

12 12 Municipal Waste Incineration (151.7 gram TEQ/y - 50.8% of total) Largest sources of dioxin and furan existing incinerators (9 large, many small, and as well back yard barrell burning future incinerators

13 13 Ontario municipal waste incinerators Oshawa GM EFWfacility Hamilton SWARU solid waste reduction unit London Victoria Hospital EFW Brampton Peel EFW resource recovery unit

14 14 Federal Incinerators All Types (0.6 gram TEQ/year) Before 1990: 241 federal incinerators in operation in Canada releasing an estimated 1.3g TEQ/y. 1997, approximately 93 federal incinerators, releasing 0.6 gm TEQ/y. burn municipal or biomedical waste, etc.

15 15 Residential wood burning 12% of chlorinated dioxin/furan input How can this be so? Burning treated wood? Burning pvc plastics? Back yard barrell burners?

16 16 Figure 2 - Expected PCDDs/PCDFs Atmospheric Releases in 1999 (200 grams TEQ/y) Canada, all provinces total

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18 18 1995 TSMP In 1995, the Federal Government adopted the Toxic Substances Management Policy (TSMP). The policy has two key management objectives:  virtual elimination from the environment of toxic substances that result predominantly from human activity, and that are persistent and bioaccumulative (Track 1 substances); and …….

19 19 1997, Track 1 In 1997, Environment Canada indicated its intention to manage PCDDs/PCDFs and Hexachlorobenzene as Track 1 substances and published the Scientific Justification for PCDDs/PCDFs - Candidate Substances for Management under Track 1

20 20 Hospital incinerators, 1995 219 incinerators burning biomedical waste in Canada. Testing for dioxins/furans has been completed at 6 typical Ontario incinerators and the results of these tests extrapolated to all facilities in Canada based on the quantity of material burned. The estimated PCDDs/PCDFs emissions from hospital incinerators in Canada was 8.3 grams TEQ /y. in 1995.

21 21 Hospital incinerators,II Since 1995, a number of hospital incinerators has been shut down, thus reducing the total number of hospital incinerators to 160 and the total PCDDs/PCDFs releases to 2.5 g TEQ/y. All Hospital Incinerators in B.C. are expected to shut down by December 1998. This would further reduce the release from this sector.

22 22 Hospital incinerators, III No mention of or accounting for: fly/bottom ash, accounting for 1/3 the original volume landfilled in the US : hazardous waste maybe no dioxin/furan in Ash? Old units: no air emission controls at all

23 23 Hazardous waste incinerators in Canada 1.3 gram TEQ/y 4 facilities, 5 incinerators Emissions testing for dioxins/ furans has been performed at all 4 facilities Swan Hills, AB (2) (one closed Feb98) Sarnia, ON (1) Bruce Nuclear Power, ON (1) Mercier, QUE (1)

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