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ASTRONET Roadmap Status Mike Bode Mike Bode Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool JMU, UK (Leader, WP 3.1)

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Presentation on theme: "ASTRONET Roadmap Status Mike Bode Mike Bode Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool JMU, UK (Leader, WP 3.1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTRONET Roadmap Status Mike Bode Mike Bode Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool JMU, UK (Leader, WP 3.1)

2 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 Infrastructure Roadmap Objective: – –To assemble a plan for the development of the infrastructures that will enable European Astronomy to deliver the Science Vision - - Taking the Science Vision as the point of departure - - Covering both ground & space-based facilities - - Including AVO, (super)computing, theory, HR issues, outreach - - Incorporating existing ESO, ESA, ASPERA etc. plans as far as possible, and having global perspective [3.2 Develop an implementation plan with agencies, EU, OECD, Global Science Forum,...]

3 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 Background & Motivation What facilities/resources do we need to deliver the Science Vision? A comprehensive, but realistic, Plan is required Needs input and support of the Agencies and the Community Not an easy task (!), but if we do it well, it should lead not only to more effective and efficient planning, (including international links) but potentially more funds into our subject

4 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 Modus Operandi Similar structure to Science Vision Similar structure to Science Vision Panels in defined areas, typically 8-10 members Panels in defined areas, typically 8-10 members Report to Working Group comprising Panel Chairs, Co-chairs, Members at Large Report to Working Group comprising Panel Chairs, Co-chairs, Members at Large Community and Agency interaction (see below) Community and Agency interaction (see below)

5 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 Roadmap Working Group: Roadmap Working Group: Chair: Mike Bode (Liverpool JMU) Chair: Mike Bode (Liverpool JMU) Ex-Officio Members: Chairs and Co-chairs of 5 Panels Ex-Officio Members: Chairs and Co-chairs of 5 Panels Members at Large: Tim de Zeeuw (Leiden)/Catherine Turon (Observatoire de Paris ), Xavier Barcons (CSIC- UC), Phil Diamond (RadioNet), Gerry Gilmore (OPTICON),Thjis van der Hulst (Groningen), Guy Monnet (ESO), Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA), Ian Robson (ATC), Guy Wormser (CNRS/IN2P3) (+ESA person tbc) Members at Large: Tim de Zeeuw (Leiden)/Catherine Turon (Observatoire de Paris ), Xavier Barcons (CSIC- UC), Phil Diamond (RadioNet), Gerry Gilmore (OPTICON),Thjis van der Hulst (Groningen), Guy Monnet (ESO), Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA), Ian Robson (ATC), Guy Wormser (CNRS/IN2P3) (+ESA person tbc) (Panels can call on MaL for advice, will also have some responsibility for oversight of realism and consistency of timescales and costs for projects) (Panels can call on MaL for advice, will also have some responsibility for oversight of realism and consistency of timescales and costs for projects)

6 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 Roadmap Panels: A. high energy; astroparticle; gravitational waves Chair and Co-Chair: Guenther Hasinger (MPE), Giovanni Bignami* (Univ di Pavia) [Frank Molster] Chair and Co-Chair: Guenther Hasinger (MPE), Giovanni Bignami* (Univ di Pavia) [Frank Molster] B. UVOIR and radio/mm, including survey instruments Chair and Co-Chair: Michael Grewing (IRAM), Laurent Vigroux (IAP) [Maria Cruz] Chair and Co-Chair: Michael Grewing (IRAM), Laurent Vigroux (IAP) [Maria Cruz] C. solar telescopes; “in situ” (solar system) missions, laboratory studies Chair and Co-Chair: Michel Blanc (Observatoire Midi- Pyrénées), Mats Carlsson (Oslo) [Frank Molster] Chair and Co-Chair: Michel Blanc (Observatoire Midi- Pyrénées), Mats Carlsson (Oslo) [Frank Molster]

7 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 Roadmap Panels (cont.) D. theory, computing facilities and networks, Virtual Observatory Chair and Co-Chair: Francoise Combes (Observatoire de Paris), Paolo Padovani (ESO) [Maria Cruz] Chair and Co-Chair: Francoise Combes (Observatoire de Paris), Paolo Padovani (ESO) [Maria Cruz] E. education, recruitment and training, public outreach Chair and Co-Chair: Rosa Maria Ros (University of Catalunya), Bob Fosbury (ST-ECF) [Maria Cruz] Chair and Co-Chair: Rosa Maria Ros (University of Catalunya), Bob Fosbury (ST-ECF) [Maria Cruz]

8 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 Panels reporting to Working Group Panels A – D will (as appropriate): Assemble information on priorities identified by relevant external bodies (e.g. ASPERA, ESO, ESA etc.) Assemble information on priorities identified by relevant external bodies (e.g. ASPERA, ESO, ESA etc.) Assess which facilities, or part thereof, would be capable of delivering aspects of the Science Vision Assess which facilities, or part thereof, would be capable of delivering aspects of the Science Vision Assemble an overview of such facilities including, where possible, timelines, costs (including operational costs) and technological readiness Assemble an overview of such facilities including, where possible, timelines, costs (including operational costs) and technological readiness Provide a prioritised list (possibly in broad categories of prioritisation) of facilities and other infrastructures identified in their area, for transmission to the Working Group Provide a prioritised list (possibly in broad categories of prioritisation) of facilities and other infrastructures identified in their area, for transmission to the Working Group Assess the Human Resource needs of their area Assess the Human Resource needs of their area Highlight any areas of Industrial Relevance Highlight any areas of Industrial Relevance

9 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 Panels reporting to Working Group Panel E will: Assemble information on initiatives to utilise astronomy and astrophysics to enhance school-age education and assess their impact Assemble information on initiatives to utilise astronomy and astrophysics to enhance school-age education and assess their impact Assemble information on postgraduate recruitment and training in Europe, including numbers of students in different areas (both science and technology development if possible) Assemble information on postgraduate recruitment and training in Europe, including numbers of students in different areas (both science and technology development if possible) Assemble information on primary sources of publicity for our subject area and assess their impact (via international comparison if appropriate) Assemble information on primary sources of publicity for our subject area and assess their impact (via international comparison if appropriate) Assess where greater co-operation, additional resources (including human resources) and/or better practise would significantly enhance the above areas in Europe Assess where greater co-operation, additional resources (including human resources) and/or better practise would significantly enhance the above areas in Europe Highlight any areas of Industrial Relevance (particularly in training aspects) Highlight any areas of Industrial Relevance (particularly in training aspects) Compile a report, and any other relevant background information, to be passed to the Working Group Compile a report, and any other relevant background information, to be passed to the Working Group

10 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 Working Group will then: Assemble information on priorities identified by national Funding Agencies and also on the likely funding envelopes available Assemble information on priorities identified by national Funding Agencies and also on the likely funding envelopes available Receive and synthesise the priority lists of the Panels to optimise delivery of the Science Vision. This would include consideration of the overall human resource needs Receive and synthesise the priority lists of the Panels to optimise delivery of the Science Vision. This would include consideration of the overall human resource needs Identify areas of synergy and areas where technological development and industrial involvement/relevance needed or appropriate Identify areas of synergy and areas where technological development and industrial involvement/relevance needed or appropriate Discuss the draft priority list with the Funding Agencies at an intermediate stage Workshop Discuss the draft priority list with the Funding Agencies at an intermediate stage Workshop Refine the list following the Workshop to provide a publicly available draft document Refine the list following the Workshop to provide a publicly available draft document Organise a Roadmap Symposium for the community to have their input Organise a Roadmap Symposium for the community to have their input Undertake further refinement, in conjunction with the Agencies, in order to produce the final version for passing to Workpackage 3.2 Undertake further refinement, in conjunction with the Agencies, in order to produce the final version for passing to Workpackage 3.2

11 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 Outline Timetable Appointment of Panel (Co-)Chairs and constitution of Working GroupJan 2007 Appointment of Panel (Co-)Chairs and constitution of Working GroupJan 2007 Appointment of Panel Members and schedule first Panel meetingsMar 2007 Appointment of Panel Members and schedule first Panel meetingsMar 2007 First Draft Panel ReportsSep 2007 First Draft Panel ReportsSep 2007 First Draft Working Group ReportNov 2007 First Draft Working Group ReportNov 2007 Workshop with AgenciesJan 2008 Workshop with AgenciesJan 2008 Public Draft Roadmap releasedMar 2008 Public Draft Roadmap releasedMar 2008 Roadmap SymposiumJun 2008 Roadmap SymposiumJun 2008 Final Roadmap Document producedSep 2008 Final Roadmap Document producedSep 2008

12 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 And Finally… Why should anyone take note? European participation in the largest, global, European participation in the largest, global, astronomy projects in the future will be facilitated astronomy projects in the future will be facilitated by long-term planning and coordination, backed by long-term planning and coordination, backed by the agencies. by the agencies. If we do this correctly, overall funding for new If we do this correctly, overall funding for new European infrastructures might increase European infrastructures might increase & dreams come true (earlier). & dreams come true (earlier).

13 RadioNet Grenoble April 11 th 2007 Contacts etc. Mike Bode, (Leader, WP 3.1), Liverpool JMU: Mike Bode, (Leader, WP 3.1), Liverpool JMU: Maria Cruz (ASTRONET Roadmap Project Assistant), Liverpool JMU: Maria Cruz (ASTRONET Roadmap Project Assistant), Liverpool JMU: Individual Panel Chairs (contacts to be posted on ASTRONET web pages) Individual Panel Chairs (contacts to be posted on ASTRONET web pages) See also (as ever) the ASTRONET website for updates See also (as ever) the ASTRONET website for updates

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