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For outcomes that matter From people you can trust Abilities you can see ITS TIME 2008 Annual Meeting.

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1 For outcomes that matter From people you can trust Abilities you can see ITS TIME 2008 Annual Meeting



4 Sponsorships Platinum Sponsors  Gresham Smith and Partners  Iteris  PBS&J  Serco  Utilicom  HNTB  Delcan Gold Sponsors  Atlas Traffic Management  Kimley-Horn  URS  Cohu  World Fiber  Arcadis Silver Sponsors  Cambridge Systematics  Daktronics  EIS  GCA  Grice  Quality Traffic Systems  Telvent Farradyne  Transcore  Vanus  Hepaco  GarrettCom  Street Smarts  Florence & Hutchinson  PDP Associates

5 Registrants Alexander, Angela Averitt, Robert Battle, Mark Bebee, Bob Birenbaum, Ingrid Blaylock, Paris Bolenbaugh, Dale Bowles, Steve Bowman, Micahel Bradford, Anthony Brooks, Junius Cameron, Robert Cannon, Craig Carnes, Clifford Carter, Bobby Clark, Requel Colton, Hugh Cook, Bill Corson, Dee Crawford, Sammy Cyra, Steve Day, Michael Dennard, Benecia Dennard, Brad Derico, Julius, III deVries, Henry Dooley, Mike Duke, James Dunn, Susie Elliott, Mike Evans, Sharon Faraon, Robert Fink, Kenn Fulton, Gwendolyn Fynan, Roger Garrett, Jassen Gordon, James Gossett, Jerry Graves, Eric Green, Shaun Gunter, Bryan Ham, Nita Hebbani, Lokesh Hendon, Mike Henry, Patrick Henry, Steve Hester, Daniel Hester, Kenneth Hibbard, John Hicks, Don Holmes, Carla Holt, Mike Howard, Lawton Howe, Kiersten Howe, Rory Hulbert, Keith Hunter, Mike Jaffar, Naveed Johnson, Thabit jones, robert Karnowski, John Keeter, Patrece Keller, Shane Kenna, Kenneth LaBatt, James Labatt, Jim Le, Xuewen Lou, James Luck, Monica Luh, John Macaulay, Christine Malek, Shahram Malone, Tim Manning, Bob Matt, Brendle McGinnis, Kevin McKinney, Carrie Mehring, Arthur Messer, Jeff Millirons, Earl Millsaps, Gary Mohler, Scott Moore, Claude Moskaluk, John Moss, Calvin Mulcay, Danny O'Laughlin, John Osborne, Terri Ouellette, Mike Pallard, Dain Pampolina, Dino Phlegar, Andy Poquette, Jeff Purvis, Brian Puster, Steve Redmond, Troy Reece, Angela Ringler, Jon Ritchie, David Sapp, Tim Schapiro, Beth Schimikowski, Clem Seabolt, Larry Seigler, Jan Singla, Diwan Sinha, Prasoon Skender, donald Smith, David Smith, Ted Spearman, Tom Stocker, Angie Strickland, Keith Stukes, Taylor H. Surgi, RJ Thigpen, Soffie Tilt, Doug Turner, Kristin Voorhies, Kenny Vulov, Valentin Wakhisi, Kofi Wallace, Charlie waters, chris Waters, Marion Weaver, John Weiner, Mike Welchel, Chris Wells, Bill Whitcomb, David Wilkerson, Danny Wilson, Barry Wilson, Robert Winter, Catherine Wittich, Marcus Zitomer, Andrew

6 Savannah ASavannah BSavannah C Savannah E Savannah D Savannah Ballroom FOYER Restrooms General McIntosh Business Center Boardroom BBoardroom A PREFUNCTION To Atrium Lobby Elevators Phones FIRST FLOOR Hotel Meeting Area ITS GA Registration

7 FOYER PREFUNCTION Hotel Meeting Area EXHIBITORS COHU Daktronics, Inc. Rugged Com Hepaco, Inc. EIS/ISS Canada, Ltd Control Technologies Southern Manufacturing Utilicom Supply Temple, Inc. American Signal Maxcell/Milliken & Co National Safety Council Serco Atlantic Scientific Corp. Garrettcom, Inc. ITS Sales, Inc. South Atlantic Traffic Co. The Whitlock Group Inmotion Technology Cortec Communications Transcore vacant Savannah E Savannah D 13579 24681011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

8 SUNDAY: October 19, 2008 ITS TIME Social Functions Registration Exhibits 16:0019:0007:0008:0009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0017:0018:00 Golf Outing (Unofficial) Registration Exhibits Social Gathering

9 Golf Outing  Completely un-offical and “on-your-own”  Clive Gilliam has volunteered to make tee-times  (678) 473-6400 Social  Vic’s on the River for Dinner  Easy walk from the Marriott  Entertainment tbd…  Drink tickets ITS TIME Social Functions Registration Exhibits Golf Outing (Unofficial) Registration Exhibits Social Gathering SUNDAY: October 19, 2008

10 Monday: October 20, 2008 ITS TIME Social Functions Registration Exhibits 16:0019:0007:0008:0009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0017:0018:00 Network Social Session 1 Lessons Learned Break Lunch (Election announcements) Session 2B Current ITS Events Session 2A Responder Safety Session 3 Poster Session Opening Session Break Exhibits Banquet/ Awards Breakfast Registration

11 ITS TIME Social Functions Registration Exhibits Network Social Session 1 Lessons Learned Break Lunch Session 2A Responder Safety Session 2B Current ITS Events Session 3 Poster Session Opening Session Break Exhibits Banquet/ Awards Breakfast Registration Opening Session  Anthony Bradford: TMC Manager  Gary Millsaps: HERO Manager  Tom Kern: Executive VP ITS America  Jeff Lindley: Associate Administrator FHWA Session 1: ITS TIME Lessons Learned  Pat Moore: Inspector, Scotland Yard The London Bombing  Joe Wolff: Lieutenant, NYPD 9/11/2001  Keith Hulbert: VP Surface Transportation, Serco Public Private Partnerships  Charlie Dawson: GEMA Atlanta Tornado Session 2A: Responder Safety  Claude Moore Safe Incident Management Work Zones  Rory Howe Emergency Light Discipline  Steve Cyra Traffic Incident Management and Emergency Traffic Operations - The Wisconsin Experience  John O’Laughlin Safety of Emergency response Personnel- a national perspective Monday: October 20, 2008

12 ITS TIME Social Functions Registration Exhibits Network Social Session 1 Lessons Learned Break Lunch Session 2A Responder Safety Session 2B Current ITS Events Session 3 Poster Session Opening Session Break Exhibits Banquet/ Awards Breakfast Registration Session 2B: Current ITS Events  Andy Phlegar Strategic Deployment Plan  Scott Mohler SR 9 Multi-jurisdictional ATMS Project  Kristin Turner Ramp Metering  Jon Ringler ITS Performance/Benefits Dashboards Session 3: ITS TIME Poster Session Vendors, consultants and agencies are invited to present and demonstrate their latest products, innovations, and learnings. This is an opportunity to maximize vendor and consultant participation and sponsorship by providing an audience to present and discuss innovations in the industry Networking Social  Traffic Jam Banquet & Awards  Captain Sophie Thigpen  Carla Holmes  Larry Seabolt Monday: October 20, 2008

13 Tuesday: October 21, 2008 ITS TIME Social Functions Registration Exhibits 16:0019:0007:0008:0009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0017:0018:00 Session 5A Incident Communications Closing Remarks Coffee Session 4B Greener Roads Session 4A Quick Clearance Brunch and ITS Trivia Exhibits Session 5B ITS Delivery Models

14 ITS TIME Social Functions Registration Exhibits Session 5B ITS Delivery Models Closing Remarks Coffee Session 4A Quick Clearance Session 4B Greener Roads Brunch and ITS Trivia Exhibits Session 5A Incident Communications Session 4A: Safe Quick Clearance  Brian Purvis North Carolina Initiative  Sophie Thigpen Crash Investigations  Ted Smith TRIP – Towing Recovery Incentive Program  Patrick Vu Managed Lanes Session 4B: Greener Roads  Beth Schapiro Return on Investment  Rod McPhail Green Cities in Toronto  Kay Wolfe Incident Timeline Improvements  Adam Goldfein Advancements in Green Technology for Cars Tuesday: October 21, 2008

15 ITS TIME Social Functions Registration Exhibits Session 5B ITS Delivery Models Closing Remarks Coffee Session 4A Quick Clearance Session 4B Greener Roads Brunch and ITS Trivia Exhibits Session 5A Incident Communications Session 5A: Prompt Reliable Incident Communications  Kevin McGinnis Public Safety Integration  Art Mehring Using Media Outlets to our Advantage  Henry Devries I-95 Corridor Coalition - STIX  Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Aty Viability of Real Time Prediction and Prevention of Traffic Crashes Session 5B: ITS Delivery Models  Emiliano Lopez Public Safety Integration  Scott White National Traffic Control Centre  Rick Schumann INRIX  Cy Smith Airsage  Angela Alexander GDOT Project Prioritization Process Tuesday: October 21, 2008

16 Alternate Hotels Option 1: Mulberry Inn 601 East Bay Street Savannah, Georgia 31401 1-877-468-1200  Brittany at the Mulberry Inn in Savannah. This was suggested as an alternate hotel to use for conference attendees. They will honor the rate of $152 and they have rooms available. It is within walking distance to the Marriott Savannah Riverfront Hotel. When calling just tell them you are attending a conference at the Marriott Savannah Riverfront hotel and the rooms are sold out. Option 2: Holiday Inn Express SAVANNAH-HISTORIC DISTRICT 199 East Bay Street Savannah, Georgia 31401 1-912-2319000  I also spoke with another Brittany at the Holiday Inn Express in Historic Savannah. They have a rate of $129 available and they also have plenty of rooms. They too are within walking distance.

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