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ASHRAE GAME Plan Ideas for Greening ASHRAE Meetings & Events.

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Presentation on theme: "ASHRAE GAME Plan Ideas for Greening ASHRAE Meetings & Events."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASHRAE GAME Plan Ideas for Greening ASHRAE Meetings & Events

2 GAME Goals Reduce the environmental impact of doing ASHRAE business Support Society’s efforts to reduce its carbon footprint And, chapters can earn PAOE points while taking action to achieve these goals!

3 Education Hold meetings and events that have sustainability themes Participate in educational and public outreach Participate in ASHRAE e-learning opportunities and satellite broadcasts

4 Meeting Facilities Conduct meetings and events in facilities designed and operated to have less environmental impact Select meeting and event sites that employ sustainable business practices Encourage current facilities to green their operations

5 Transportation Select centrally located facilities to minimize travel Use alternate transportation Encourage carpooling through lunch or registration discount Coordinate regional Distinguished Lecturer visits to minimize travel Calculate emissions footprint as a benchmark to reduce emissions of future meetings

6 Energy Reduction Perform energy audits; provide recommendations for reducing energy consumption Compare monthly energy and water utility bills to track conservation efforts Become active in local utility energy efficiency programs

7 Resource Use Use electronic distribution to reduce paper Use paper containing recycled content and distribute double-sided documents Reduce water use Use bio-based disposable service items Select menu items that minimize resources to prepare, store and serve meals Implement recycling programs

8 Individual Efforts Matter! Incorporate a green mindset into your daily activities Do a life-cycle cost analysis of energy- consuming systems on professional projects “If you think you’re too small to be effective, you’ve never spent the night in a tent with a mosquito.” —Betty Reese

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