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Literacy- Std 1 O.N. Varma Associate Professor, Education Studies Dept Copyright: This material can be downloaded and freely distributed for use in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy- Std 1 O.N. Varma Associate Professor, Education Studies Dept Copyright: This material can be downloaded and freely distributed for use in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy- Std 1 O.N. Varma Associate Professor, Education Studies Dept Copyright: This material can be downloaded and freely distributed for use in the classroom by any teacher. It cannot be used for publication in any form or for any commercial purpose Recognition of alphabets

2 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 2 Learning outcome: Students Recognise some familiar alphabets in texts. Exercise to ensure that students are able to recognise alphabets Recognising alphabets

3 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 3 Literacy level 1 Activities Provide alphabets written on coloured cards Ask students to name the alphabets and place them in order Glue alphabets on a bristol sheet Teacher displays WORK OF EACH GROUP on wall with names of all children at the bottom written in their own handwriting.

4 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 4 Alphabet Bingo Teachers distribute alphabet bingo cards to each child- See slide 8 - 10 Provide a coloured flat circle/ or any other object to identify alphabet as it is called out (slide 11) Instructs children to callout ‘bingo’ as soon as all the alphabets on the sheet are identified Teacher carries out the game until each child has completed his/her card and called out ‘bingo’.

5 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 5 Specimen of Bingo Card BEF GHIK NP SUWX Z

6 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 6 Specimen of Bingo card ACF HJKL OQR SVX Z

7 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 7 Specimen of Bingo card ACEF IJK MNPR TUWX Z

8 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 8 Specimen of Bingo card CE GIL MOPR STV YZ

9 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 9 Specimen of Bingo card ACF GHJL MOQR TVX Z

10 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 10 Specimen of Bingo card ADF HIKL MO UWX Z

11 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 11 Specimen of Bingo card ADE HIJL MOQR STV

12 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 12 Chips for word bingo.

13 MIE- Education Studies Department- ONV 13 Alternatively, the bingo sheets are glued on a card and laminated children are provided with a whiteboard marker Children tick alphabet as it is called The sheet can be used several times over again.

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